The Standard Household-Effect Company
萧亦柔从来没想到自己有一天会死在口口声声说爱自己的狗男人手里!???更没想到狗男人还跟她亲妹妹萧晴有一腿!???渣男贱女合谋害死她的孩子,侵占她的家产,害死她的爸爸,逼疯她的妈妈!??就连她都因为刺激过度小产而死,万万没想到的是她居然重生了!还成了狗男人的后妈!更刺激的是成了贱女人萧晴的准婆婆!?原本以为会是把一手好牌打的稀烂的富家千金没脑女,摇身一变华丽归来后重新洗牌居然成了王炸!??Desert Solitaire
First published in 1968, Desert Solitaire is one of Edward Abbey's most critically acclaimed works and marks his first foray into the world of nonfiction writing. Written while Abbey was working as a ranger at Arches National Park outside of Moab, Utah, Desert Solitaire is a rare view of one man's quest to experience nature in its purest form.Through prose that is by turns passionate and poetic, Abbey reflects on the condition of our remaining wilderness and the future of a civilization that cannot reconcile itself to living in the natural world as well as his own internal struggle with morality. As the world continues its rapid development, Abbey's cry to maintain the natural beauty of the West remains just as relevant today as when this book was written.胜局:点击中国14大成功企业(修订版)