

But no one doubted on the whole, that she Was what her dress bespoke, a damsel fair, And fresh, and 'beautiful exceedingly,'

Who with the brightest Georgians might compare:

They wonder'd how Gulbeyaz, too, could be So silly as to buy slaves who might share (If that his Highness wearied of his bride)

Her throne and power, and every thing beside.

But what was strangest in this virgin crew, Although her beauty was enough to vex, After the first investigating view, They all found out as few, or fewer, specks In the fair form of their companion new, Than is the custom of the gentle sex, When they survey, with Christian eyes or Heathen, In a new face 'the ugliest creature breathing.'

And yet they had their little jealousies, Like all the rest; but upon this occasion, Whether there are such things as sympathies Without our knowledge or our approbation, Although they could not see through his disguise, All felt a soft kind of concatenation, Like magnetism, or devilism, or what You please- we will not quarrel about that:

But certain 't is they all felt for their new Companion something newer still, as 't were A sentimental friendship through and through, Extremely pure, which made them all concur In wishing her their sister, save a few Who wish'd they had a brother just like her, Whom, if they were at home in sweet Circassia, They would prefer to Padisha or Pacha.

Of those who had most genius for this sort Of sentimental friendship, there were three, Lolah, Katinka, and Dudu; in short (To save description), fair as fair can be Were they, according to the best report, Though differing in stature and degree, And clime and time, and country and complexion;

They all alike admired their new connection.

Lolah was dusk as India and as warm;

Katinka was a Georgian, white and red, With great blue eyes, a lovely hand and arm, And feet so small they scarce seem'd made to tread, But rather skim the earth; while Dudu's form Look'd more adapted to be put to bed, Being somewhat large, and languishing, and lazy, Yet of a beauty that would drive you crazy.

A kind of sleepy Venus seem'd Dudu, Yet very fit to 'murder sleep' in those Who gazed upon her cheek's transcendent hue, Her Attic forehead, and her Phidian nose:

Few angles were there in her form, 't is true, Thinner she might have been, and yet scarce lose;

Yet, after all, 't would puzzle to say where It would not spoil some separate charm to pare.

She was not violently lively, but Stole on your spirit like a May-day breaking;

Her eyes were not too sparkling, yet, half-shut, They put beholders in a tender taking;

She look'd (this simile 's quite new) just cut From marble, like Pygmalion's statue waking, The mortal and the marble still at strife, And timidly expanding into life.

Lolah demanded the new damsel's name-'Juanna.'- Well, a pretty name enough.

Katinka ask'd her also whence she came-'From Spain.'- 'But where is Spain?'- 'Don't ask such stuff, Nor show your Georgian ignorance- for shame!'

Said Lolah, with an accent rather rough, To poor Katinka: 'Spain 's an island near Morocco, betwixt Egypt and Tangier.'

Dudu said nothing, but sat down beside Juanna, playing with her veil or hair;

And looking at her steadfastly, she sigh'd, As if she pitied her for being there, A pretty stranger without friend or guide, And all abash'd, too, at the general stare Which welcomes hapless strangers in all places, With kind remarks upon their mien and faces.

But here the Mother of the Maids drew near, With, 'Ladies, it is time to go to rest.

I 'm puzzled what to do with you, my dear,'

She added to Juanna, their new guest:

'Your coming has been unexpected here, And every couch is occupied; you had best Partake of mine; but by to-morrow early We will have all things settled for you fairly.'

Here Lolah interposed- 'Mamma, you know You don't sleep soundly, and I cannot bear That anybody should disturb you so;

I 'll take Juanna; we 're a slenderer pair Than you would make the half of;- don't say no;

And I of your young charge will take due care.'

But here Katinka interfered, and said, 'She also had compassion and a bed.

'Besides, I hate to sleep alone,' quoth she.

The matron frown'd: 'Why so?'- 'For fear of ghosts,'

Replied Katinka; 'I am sure I see A phantom upon each of the four posts;

And then I have the worst dreams that can be, Of Guebres, Giaours, and Ginns, and Gouls in hosts.'

The dame replied, 'Between your dreams and you, I fear Juanna's dreams would be but few.

'You, Lolah, must continue still to lie Alone, for reasons which don't matter; you The same, Katinka, until by and by;

And I shall place Juanna with Dudu, Who 's quiet, inoffensive, silent, shy, And will not toss and chatter the night through.

What say you, child?'- Dudu said nothing, as Her talents were of the more silent class;

But she rose up, and kiss'd the matron's brow Between the eyes, and Lolah on both cheeks, Katinka, too; and with a gentle bow (Curt'sies are neither used by Turks nor Greeks)

She took Juanna by the hand to show Their place of rest, and left to both their piques, The others pouting at the matron's preference Of Dudu, though they held their tongues from deference.

It was a spacious chamber (Oda is The Turkish title), and ranged round the wall Were couches, toilets- and much more than this I might describe, as I have seen it all, But it suffices- little was amiss;

'T was on the whole a nobly furnish'd hall, With all things ladies want, save one or two, And even those were nearer than they knew.

Dudu, as has been said, was a sweet creature, Not very dashing, but extremely winning, With the most regulated charms of feature, Which painters cannot catch like faces sinning Against proportion- the wild strokes of nature Which they hit off at once in the beginning, Full of expression, right or wrong, that strike, And pleasing or unpleasing, still are like.

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