

Some die, some fly, some languish on the Continent, Because the times have hardly left them one tenant.

Some who once set their caps at cautious dukes, Have taken up at length with younger brothers:

Some heiresses have bit at sharpers' hooks:

Some maids have been made wives, some merely mothers;

Others have lost their fresh and fairy looks:

In short, the list of alterations bothers.

There 's little strange in this, but something strange is The unusual quickness of these common changes.

Talk not of seventy years as age; in seven I have seen more changes, down from monarchs to The humblest individual under heaven, Than might suffice a moderate century through.

I knew that nought was lasting, but now even Change grows too changeable, without being new:

Nought 's permanent among the human race, Except the Whigs not getting into place.

I have seen Napoleon, who seem'd quite a Jupiter, Shrink to a Saturn. I have seen a Duke (No matter which) turn politician stupider, If that can well be, than his wooden look.

But it is time that I should hoist my 'blue Peter,'

And sail for a new theme:- I have seen- and shook To see it- the king hiss'd, and then caress'd;

But don't pretend to settle which was best.

I have seen the Landholders without a rap-I have seen Joanna Southcote- I have seen-The House of Commons turn'd to a tax-trap-I have seen that sad affair of the late Queen-I have seen crowns worn instead of a fool's cap-I have seen a Congress doing all that 's mean-I have seen some nations like o'erloaded asses Kick off their burthens, meaning the high classes.

I have seen small poets, and great prosers, and Interminable- not eternal- speakers-I have seen the funds at war with house and land-I have seen the country gentlemen turn squeakers-I have seen the people ridden o'er like sand By slaves on horseback- I have seen malt liquors Exchanged for 'thin potations' by John Bull-I have seen john half detect himself a fool.-But 'carpe diem,' Juan, 'carpe, carpe!'

To-morrow sees another race as gay And transient, and devour'd by the same harpy.

'Life 's a poor player,'- then 'play out the play, Ye villains!' above all keep a sharp eye Much less on what you do than what you say:

Be hypocritical, be cautious, be Not what you seem, but always what you see.

But how shall I relate in other cantos Of what befell our hero in the land, Which 't is the common cry and lie to vaunt as A moral country? But I hold my hand-For I disdain to write an Atalantis;

But 't is as well at once to understand, You are not a moral people, and you know it Without the aid of too sincere a poet.

What Juan saw and underwent shall be My topic, with of course the due restriction Which is required by proper courtesy;

And recollect the work is only fiction, And that I sing of neither mine nor me, Though every scribe, in some slight turn of diction, Will hint allusions never meant. Ne'er doubt This- when I speak, I don't hint, but speak out.

Whether he married with the third or fourth Offspring of some sage husband-hunting countess, Or whether with some virgin of more worth (I mean in Fortune's matrimonial bounties)

He took to regularly peopling Earth, Of which your lawful awful wedlock fount is,-Or whether he was taken in for damages, For being too excursive in his homages,-Is yet within the unread events of time.

Thus far, go forth, thou lay, which I will back Against the same given quantity of rhyme, For being as much the subject of attack As ever yet was any work sublime, By those who love to say that white is black.

So much the better!- I may stand alone, But would not change my free thoughts for a throne.

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  • 嫡女复仇攻略


  • 女人趁早要知道3:做有心计的优雅女人


    女人学点心计学,不是为了有意去欺骗别人、耍弄别人,而是为了看清世事、看清人性,从而更好地了解人情世故、了解人心,做到防患于未然,避免上当受骗。为什么女人有必要学点心计学 如果女人不了解人情世故,不懂得运用心计,与人打交道时就可能举步维艰,处处碰壁。因此,女人有必要在拥有美德的基础上,进一步掌握人情世故心计学,做一个处世高手。 职场如战场,它就像一场没有硝烟的战争,在这些看不见却真实存在的战争中,女人一定要懂一点心计学,看清办公室政治,管住自己的嘴巴,学会明哲保身。这样才能游刃于职场,和同事们和平共处。
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