

Earlescourt was full of bustle and activity. The young heir was leaving suddenly; boxes and trunks had to be packed. He did not say where he was going; indeed those who helped him said afterward that his face was fixed and pale, and that he moved about like one in a dream.

Everything was arranged for Ronald's departure by the night mail from Greenfield, the nearest station to Earlescourt. He took with him neither horses nor servants; even his valet, Morton, was left behind. "My lady" was ill, and shut up in her room all day.

Valentine Charteris sat alone in the drawing room when Ronald came in to bid her farewell. She was amazed at the unhappy termination of the interview. She would have gone instantly to Lord Earle, but Ronald told her it was useless--no prayers, no pleadings could change his determination.

As Ronald stood here, looking into Valentine's beautiful face, he remembered his mother's words, that she cared for him as she cared for no other. Could it be possible that this magnificent girl, with her serene, queenly dignity, loved him? She looked distressed by his sorrow. When he spoke of his mother, and she saw the quivering lips he vainly tried to still, tears filled her eyes.

"Where shall you go," she asked, "and what shall you do?"

"I shall go to my wife at once," he replied, "and take her abroad. Do not look so pained and grieved for me, Miss Charteris I must do the best I can. If my income will not support me, I must work; a few months' study will make me a tolerable artist.

Do not forget my mother, Valentine, and bid me 'Godspeed.'"

Her heart yearned for him--so young, so simple, so brave. She longed to tell him how much she admired him--how she wanted to help him, and would be his friend while she lived. But Miss Charteris rarely yielded to any emotion; she had laid her hand in his and said:

"Goodbye, Ronald--God bless you! Be brave; it is not one great deed that makes a hero. The man who bears trouble well is the greatest hero of all."

As he left his home in that quiet starlit night, Ronald little thought that, while his mother lay weeping as though her heart would break, a beautiful face, wet with bitter tears, watched him from one of the upper windows, and his father, shut up alone, listened to every sound, and heard the door closed behind his son as he would have heard his own death knell.

The next day Lady Charteris and her daughter left Earlescourt.

Lord Earle gave no sign of the heavy blow which had struck him.

He was their attentive host while they remained; he escorted them to their carriage, and parted from them with smiling words. Then he went back to the house, where he was never more to hear the sound of the voice he loved best on earth.

As the days and months passed, and the young heir did not return, wonder and surprise reigned at Earlescourt. Lord Earle never mentioned his son's name. People said he had gone abroad, and was living somewhere in Italy. To Lord Earl it seemed that his life was ended; he had no further plans, ambition died away; the grand purpose of his life would never be fulfilled.

Lady Earle said nothing of the trouble that had fallen upon her.

She hoped against hope that the time would come when her husband would pardon their only son. Valentine Charteris bore her disappointment well. She never forgot the simple, chivalrous man who had clung to her friendship and relied so vainly upon her influence.

Many lovers sighed round Valentine. One after another she dismissed them. She was waiting until she saw some one like Ronald Earle--like him in all things save the weakness which had so fatally shadowed his life.

  • 地持义记卷第四


  • 岭南逸史


  • 关中奏议


  • 北轩笔记


  • 棟亭書目


  • 年少无悔的青春


  • 惊世医后


  • PK:成长的双刃剑


    PK,是Penalty Kick的缩写,指足球比赛里的12码罚球,是守门员和射手的一对一抗衡。由于只有一方能赢,后来又引申为对决、击败、干掉、淘汰……PK,这个竞争的代名词,现在已成了青少年最热衷的口头禅之一。学习成绩要PK,运动竞技要PK,穿着打扮也要PK,至于电视里播放的各类选秀活动,更是把PK演绎得如火如荼。一时间,PK大行其道,覆盖了青少年们生活的方方面面。究其热衷的原因,既是青少年争强好胜天性使然,也与充满了压力的竞争环境有关,同时,家长、老师、朋辈们更在有意无意之间为这种PK的氛围推波助澜。
  • 每天都会用到的生活经济学


  • 生活中挣扎的男人


  • 与古人一起吟诵古文(快乐校园精品读物丛书)


  • 本草乘雅半偈


  • 在土耳其合唱


  • 拿破仑(下)


  • 第二次初恋

