

Phil Stark made an effort to get away, but the officer was too quick for him.

In a trice he was handcuffed.

"What is the meaning of this outrage?" demanded Stark, boldly.

"I have already explained," said the manufacturer, quietly.

"You are quite on the wrong tack," continued Stark, brazenly. "Mr. Gibbon was just informing me that the safe had been opened and robbed. It is the first I knew of it."

Julius Gibbon seemed quite prostrated by his arrest.

He felt it necessary to say something, and followed the lead of his companion.

"You will bear me witness, Mr. Jennings," he said, "that I was the first to inform you of the robbery. If I had really committed the burglary, I should have taken care to escape during the night."

"I should be glad to believe in your innocence," rejoined the manufacturer. "but I know more about this matter than you suppose."

"I won't answer for Mr. Gibbon," said Stark, who cared nothing for his confederate, if he could contrive to effect his own escape.

"Of course he had opportunities, as bookkeeper, which an outsider could not have."

Gibbon eyed his companion in crime distrustfully.

He saw that Stark was intending to throw him over.

"I am entirely willing to have my room at the hotel searched," continued Stark, gathering confidence. "If you find any traces of the stolen property there, you are welcome to make the most of them. I have no doubt Mr. Gibbon will make you the same offer in regard to his house."

Gibbon saw at once the trap which had been so craftily prepared for him. He knew that any search of his premises would result in the discovery of the tin box, and had no doubt that Stark would he ready to testify to any falsehood likely to fasten the guilt upon him.

His anger was roused and he forgot his prudence.

"You--scoundrel!" he hissed between his closed teeth.

"You seem excited," sneered Stark. "Is it possible that you object to the search?"

"If the missing box is found on my premises," said Gibbon, in a white heat, "it is because you have concealed it there."

Phil Stark shrugged his shoulders.

"I think, gentlemen," he said, "that settles it.

I am afraid Mr Gibbon is guilty. I shall be glad to assist you to recover the stolen property.

Did the box contain much that was of value?"

"I must caution you both against saying anything that will compromise you," said one of the officers.

"I have nothing to conceal," went on Stark, brazenly. "I am obliged to believe that this man committed the burglary. It is against me that I have been his companion for the last week or two, but I used to know him, and that will account for it."

The unhappy bookkeeper saw the coils closing around him.

"I hope you will see your way to release me," said Stark, addressing himself to Mr. Jennings.

"I have just received information that my poor mother is lying dangerously sick in Cleveland, and I am anxious to start for her bedside to-day."

"Why did you come round here this morning?" asked Mr. Jennings.

"To ask Mr. Gibbon to repay me ten dollars which he borrowed of me the other day," returned Stark, glibly.

"You--liar!" exclaimed Gibbon, angrily.

"I am prepared for this man's abuse," said Stark.

"I don't mind admitting now that a few days since he invited me to join him in the robbery of the safe.

I threatened to inform you of his plan, and he promised to give it up. I supposed he had done so, but it is clear to me now that he carried out his infamous scheme."

Mr. Jennings looked amused. He admired Stark's brazen effrontery.

"What have you to say to this charge, Mr. Gibbon?" he asked.

"Only this, sir, that I was concerned in the burglary."

"He admits it!" said Stark, triumphantly.

"But this man forced me to it. He threatened to write you some particulars of my past history which would probably have lost me my position if I did not agree to join him in the conspiracy. I was weak, and yielded. Now he is ready to betray me to save himself."

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