

"I have no objection, I am sure," responded Cook, indifferently. "Did she marry well?"

"She married a man in good circumstances."

"She would take good care of that."

"Then you don't intend to reclaim her?"

"How can I? She obtained a divorce, though by false representations. I am glad to be rid of her, but I want her to restore the two thousand dollars of which she robbed me.

I left my property in her hands, but when she ceased to be my wife she had no right to take possession of it. I ought not to be surprised, however. It wasn't the first theft she had committed."

"Can this be true?" asked Carl, excited.

"Yes, I married her without knowing much of her antecedents. Two years after marriage I ascertained that she had served a year's term of imprisonment for a theft of jewelry from a lady with whom she was living as housekeeper."

"Are you sure of this?"

"Certainly. She was recognized by a friend of mine, who had been an official at the prison.

When taxed with it by me she admitted it, but claimed that she was innocent. I succeeded in finding a narrative of the trial in an old file of papers, and came to the conclusion that she was justly convicted."

"What did you do?"

"I proposed separation, but she begged me to keep the thing secret, and let ourselves remain the same as before. I agreed out of consideration for her, but had occasion to regret it. My business becoming slack, I decided to go to California in the hope of acquiring a competence. I was not fortunate there, and was barely able, after a year, to get home. I found that my wife had procured a divorce, and appropriated the little money I had left.

Where she had gone, or where she had conveyed our son, I could not learn. You say you know where she is."

"I do."

"Will you tell me?"

"Mr. Cook," said Carl, after a pause for reflection, "I will tell you, but not just at present.

I am on my way to Chicago on business.

On my return I will stop here, and take you with me to the present home of your former wife. You will understand my interest in the matter when I tell you that she is now married to a relative of my own."

"I pity him whoever he is," said Cook.

"Yes, I think he is to be pitied," said Carl, gravely; "but the revelation you will be able to make will enable him to insist upon a separation."

"The best thing he can do! How long before you return to Albany?"

"A week or ten days."

"I don't know how I am to live in the meantime," said Cook, anxiously. "I am penniless, but for the money you have just given me."

"At what price can you obtain board?"

"I know of a decent house where I can obtain board and a small room for five dollars a week."

"Here are twelve dollars. This will pay for two weeks' board, and give you a small sum besides.

What is the address?"

Cook mentioned a number on a street by the river.

Carl took it down in a notebook with which he had provided himself.

"When I return to Albany," he said, "I will call there at once."

"You won't forget me?"

"No; I shall be even more anxious to meet you than you will be to meet me. The one to whom your former wife is married is very near and dear to me, and I cannot bear to think that he has been so wronged and imposed upon!"

"Very well, sir! I shall wait for you with confidence. If I can get back from my former wife the money she robbed me of, I can get on my feet again, and take a respectable position in society. It is very hard for a man dressed as I am to obtain any employment."

Looking at his shabby and ragged suit, Carl could readily believe this statement. If he had wished to employ anyone he would hardly have been tempted to engage a man so discreditable in appearance. "Be of good courage, Mr. Cook," he said, kindly. "If your story is correct, and I believe it is, there are better days in store for you."

"Thank you for those words," said Cook, earnestly.

"They give me new hope."

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  • 海天诗话


  • 黄帝阴符经注


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    The Lost Princess of Oz

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  • 宠你到世界尽头


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