

"I--I don't know what to say. I can't agree to anything till I have spoken with Mrs. Crawford.

Did you say that Carl had but thirty seven cents?"

"Yes, sir; I presume you don't want him to starve?"

"No, of course not. He is my son, though he has behaved badly. Here, give him that!" and Dr. Crawford drew a ten-dollar bill from his wallet, and handed it to Gilbert "Thank you, sir. This money will be very useful. Besides, it will show Carl that his father is not wholly indifferent to him."

"Of course not. Who says that I am a bad father?" asked Dr. Crawford, peevishly.

"I don't think, sir, there would be any difficulty between you and Carl if you had not married again."

"Carl has no right to vex Mrs. Crawford.

Besides, he can't agree with Peter."

"Is that his fault or Peter's?" asked Gilbert, significantly.

"I am not acquainted with the circumstances, but Mrs. Crawford says that Carl is always bullying Peter."

"He never bullied anyone at school."

"Is there anything, else you want?"

"Yes, sir; Carl only took away a little underclothing in a gripsack. He would like his woolen clothes put in his trunk, and to have it sent----"


"Perhaps it had better be sent to my house.

There are one or two things in his room also that he asked me to get."

"Why didn't he come himself?"

"Because he thought it would be unpleasant for him to meet Mrs. Crawford. They would be sure to quarrel."

"Well, perhaps he is right," said Dr.

Crawford, with an air of relief. "About the allowance, I shall have to consult my wife. Will you come with me to the house?"

"Yes, sir; I should like to have the matter settled to-day, so that Carl will know what to depend upon."

Gilbert rather dreaded the interview he was likely to have with Mrs. Crawford; but he was acting for Carl, and his feelings of friendship were strong.

So he walked beside Dr. Crawford till they reached the tasteful dwelling occupied as a residence by Carl and his father.

"How happy Carl could he here, if he had a stepmother like mine," Gilbert thought.

They went up to the front door, which was opened for them by a servant.

"Jane, is Mrs. Crawford in?" asked the doctor.

"No, sir; not just now. She went to the village to do some shopping."

"Is Peter in?"

"No, sir."

"Then you will have to wait till they return."

"Can't I go up to Carl's room and be packing his things?"

"Yes, I think you may. I don't think Mrs.

Crawford would object."

"Good heavens! Hasn't the man a mind of his own?" thought Gilbert.

"Jane, you may show this young gentleman up to Master Carl's room, and give him the key of his trunk. He is going to pack his clothes."

"When is Master Carl coming back?" asked Jane.

"I--I don't know. I think he will be away for a time."

"I wish it was Peter instead of him," said Jane, in a low voice, only audible to Gilbert.

She showed Gilbert the way upstairs, while the doctor went to his study.

"Are you a friend of Master Carl's?" asked Jane, as soon as they were alone.

"Yes, Jane."

"And where is he?"

"At my house."

"Is he goin' to stay there?"

"For a short time. He wants to go out into the world and make his own living."

"And no wonder--poor boy! It's hard times he had here."

"Didn't Mrs. Crawford treat him well?" asked Gilbert, with curiosity "Is it trate him well? She was a-jawin' an' a-jawin' him from mornin' till night. Ugh, but she's an ugly cr'atur'!"

"How about Peter?"

"He's just as bad--the m'anest bye I iver set eyes on. It would do me good to see him flogged."

She chatted a little longer with Gilbert, helping him to find Carl's clothes, when suddenly a shrill voice was heard calling her from below.

"Shure, it's the madam!" said Jane, shrugging her shoulders. "I expect she's in a temper;" and she rose from her knees and hurried downstairs.

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