

"You are both quite right," said he; so they begged him to walk in, that is to come as far as he could under the broken piece of earthenware.

"Now you shall also see my little earwigs," said a third and a fourth mother, "they are lovely little things, and highly amusing.

They are never ill-behaved, except when they are uncomfortable in their inside, which unfortunately often happens at their age."

Thus each mother spoke of her baby, and their babies talked after their own fashion, and made use of the little nippers they have in their tails to nip the beard of the beetle.

"They are always busy about something, the little rogues," said the mother, beaming with maternal pride; but the beetle felt it a bore, and he therefore inquired the way to the nearest dung-heap.

"That is quite out in the great world, on the other side of the ditch," answered an earwig, "I hope none of my children will ever go so far, it would be the death of me."

"But I shall try to get so far," said the beetle, and he walked off without taking any formal leave, which is considered a polite thing to do.

When he arrived at the ditch, he met several friends, all them beetles; "We live here," they said, "and we are very comfortable.

May we ask you to step down into this rich mud, you must be fatigued after your journey."

"Certainly," said the beetle, "I shall be most happy; I have been exposed to the rain, and have had to lie upon linen, and cleanliness is a thing that greatly exhausts me; I have also pains in one of my wings from standing in the draught under a piece of broken crockery. It is really quite refreshing to be with one's own kindred again."

"Perhaps you came from a dung-heap," observed the oldest of them.

"No, indeed, I came from a much grander place," replied the beetle; "I came from the emperor's stable, where I was born, with golden shoes on my feet. I am travelling on a secret embassy, but you must not ask me any questions, for I cannot betray my secret."

Then the beetle stepped down into the rich mud, where sat three young-lady beetles, who tittered, because they did not know what to say.

"None of them are engaged yet," said their mother, and the beetle maidens tittered again, this time quite in confusion.

"I have never seen greater beauties, even in the royal stables," exclaimed the beetle, who was now resting himself.

"Don't spoil my girls," said the mother; "and don't talk to them, pray, unless you have serious intentions."

But of course the beetle's intentions were serious, and after a while our friend was engaged. The mother gave them her blessing, and all the other beetles cried "hurrah."

Immediately after the betrothal came the marriage, for there was no reason to delay. The following day passed very pleasantly, and the next was tolerably comfortable; but on the third it became necessary for him to think of getting food for his wife, and, perhaps, for children.

"I have allowed myself to be taken in," said our beetle to himself, "and now there's nothing to be done but to take them in, in return."

No sooner said than done. Away he went, and stayed away all day and all night, and his wife remained behind a forsaken widow.

"Oh," said the other beetles, "this fellow that we have received into our family is nothing but a complete vagabond. He has gone away and left his wife a burden upon our hands."

"Well, she can be unmarried again, and remain here with my other daughters," said the mother. "Fie on the villain that forsook her!"

In the mean time the beetle, who had sailed across the ditch on a cabbage leaf, had been journeying on the other side. In the morning two persons came up to the ditch. When they saw him they took him up and turned him over and over, looking very learned all the time, especially one, who was a boy. "Allah sees the black beetle in the black stone, and the black rock. Is not that written in the

Koran?" he asked.

  • 围炉夜话


  • 与文征明书


  • Black Rock

    Black Rock

  • 胜军化世百瑜伽他经


  • 古今医统大全


  • 冷王的冲喜嫡妃


  • 盛妆


  • 随缘的人生自在多


  • 大悲启请


  • 杂着


  • 春不负度


  • 情系小青梅:竹马撩上瘾


    他,冷漠高傲,少言少语,唯独她的出现使他腹黑男附体,壁咚床咚沙发咚。使得学校的花痴被卧槽刷屏。片段一:“顾简兮,凭什么墨泽哥那么喜欢你,你到底哪里比我好。”“我哪里都不比你好,可他就是那里都喜欢。你要是有看我不顺眼的地方,早点跟我说,反正我也不会改,但你别把自己憋坏了。”“你…” “我?呵,我这个人说话从来不带刺,如果哪句话伤到你了,别误会,我就是故意的。” 片段二:“简兮,我可是个正常的男人,你…是在考验我的自制力吗?”“我才没有要考验你,要上就别墨迹。”说完顾简兮便吻上他的唇。夜墨泽呼吸有些急促,问道:“不后悔?”“不后悔。”当冰山男遇上傲娇女,二人会擦出怎样的火花呢?
  • 突围集


  • 枕上豪门:老公太爱撩


  • 品质与修养

