

It was about the date of my sixth birthday that I did something very naughty, some act of direct disobedience, for which my Father, after a solemn sermon, chastised me, sacrificially, by giving me several cuts with a cane. This action was justified, as everything he did was justified, by reference to Scripture 'Spare the rod and spoil the child'. I suppose that there are some children, of a sullen and lymphatic temperament, who are smartened up and made more wide-awake by a whipping. It is largely a matter of convention, the exercise being endured (I am told) with pride by the infants of our aristocracy, but not tolerated by the lower classes. I am afraid that I proved my inherent vulgarity by being made, not contrite or humble, but furiously angry by this caning. I cannot account for the flame of rage which it awakened in my bosom. My dear, excellent Father had beaten me, not very severely, without ill-temper, and with the most genuine desire to improve me. But he was not well-advised especially so far as the 'dedication to the Lord's service' was concerned. This same 'dedication' had ministered to my vanity, and there are some natures which are not improved by being humiliated. I have to confess with shame that I went about the house for some days with a murderous hatred of my Father locked within my bosom. He did not suspect that the chastisement had not been wholly efficacious, and he bore me no malice; so that after a while, I forgot and thus forgave him. But I do not regard physical punishment as a wise element in the education of proud and sensitive children.

My theological misdeeds culminated, however, in an act so puerile and preposterous that I should not venture to record it if it did not throw some glimmering of light on the subject which I have proposed to myself in writing these pages. My mind continued to dwell on the mysterious question of prayer. It puzzled me greatly to know why, if we were God's children, and if he was watching over us by night and day, we might not supplicate for toys and sweets and smart clothes as well as for the conversion of the heathen. Just at this juncture, we had a special service at the Room, at which our attention was particularly called to what we always spoke of as 'the field of missionary labour'. The East was represented among 'the saints' by an excellent Irish peer, who had, in his early youth, converted and married a lady of colour;this Asiatic shared in our Sunday morning meetings, and was an object of helpless terror to me; I shrank from her amiable caresses, and vaguely identified her with a personage much spoken of in our family circle, the 'Personal Devil'.

All these matters drew my thoughts to the subject of idolatry, which was severely censured at the missionary meeting. I cross-examined my Father very closely as to the nature of this sin, and pinned him down to the categorical statement that idolatry consisted in praying to anyone or anything but God himself. Wood and stone, in the words of the hymn, were peculiarly liable to be bowed down to by the heathen in their blindness. I pressed my Father further on this subject, and he assured me that God would be very angry, and would signify His anger, if anyone, in a Christian country, bowed down to wood and stone. I cannot recall why I was so pertinacious on this subject, but I remember that my Father became a little restive under my cross-examination. Idetermined, however, to test the matter for myself, and one morning, when both my parents were safely out of the house, Iprepared for the great act of heresy. I was in the morning-room on the ground-floor, where, with much labour, I hoisted a small chair on to the table close to the window. My heart was now beating as if it would leap out of my side, but I pursued my experiment. I knelt down on the carpet in front of the table and looking up I said my daily prayer in a loud voice, only substituting the address 'Oh Chair!' for the habitual one.

Having carried this act of idolatry safely through, I waited to see what would happen. It was a fine day, and I gazed up at the slip of white sky above the houses opposite, and expected something to appear in it. God would certainly exhibit his anger in some terrible form, and would chastise my impious and willful action. I was very much alarmed, but still more excited; Ibreathed the high, sharp air of defiance. But nothing happened;there was not a cloud in the sky, not an unusual sound in the street. Presently, I was quite sure that nothing would happen. Ihad committed idolatry, flagrantly and deliberately, and God did not care.

The result of this ridiculous act was not to make me question the existence and power of God; those were forces which I did not dream of ignoring. But what it did was to lessen still further my confidence in my Father's knowledge of the Divine mind. My Father had said, positively, that if I worshipped a thing made of wood, God would manifest his anger. I had then worshipped a chair, made (or partly made) of wood, and God had made no sign whatever. My Father, therefore, was not really acquainted with the Divine practice in cases of idolatry. And with that, dismissing the subject, I dived again into the unplumbed depths of the Penny Cyclopaedia.

  • 不可刹那无此君


  • 古画品录


  • 西升经


  • 得无垢女经


  • Historic Girls

    Historic Girls

  • 冥想,是放松的开始


    忙碌的节奏成为生活的主旋律,我们的肩头承受重压,心里紧绷了弦,因身心的疲惫苦不堪言。紧张而浮躁的世界,怎样有效地让思想和情绪安宁下来,给心灵一个休憩的时空?越来越多的人希望能够找到对策。跟我一起冥想吧, 给疲惫的身心一条放松的路,沿着它,我们能找到心中的桃花源。据医学研究显示,养生关键在于放松。本书为忙碌的现代陀螺们,找到创造生命幸福的解决之道!每天20分钟冥想可以增强身体免疫力,预防感冒,抗老化,重整脑细胞,打通脑内阻塞的的通路,改善神经协调,缓和情绪、提高快乐能量,让内分泌循环处于更深层次,增强同理心;改善血液循环,降低血压预防癌症及慢性病,减少身体耗氧量、瘦身及治疗不孕,是身体放松的开始。
  • 张家生死簿


    【耽美/修仙历险/剧情大于感情】 兰阳张氏第一代家主张千诚书写了生死簿,得而掌控轮回生死。而天母却因不满绝对权威被平分,降下了足以毁灭一切的石板意图重塑人间。张千诚在石板即将摧毁一切的时候,毅然决然举起了自己的双手,万钧之重,三魂尽散,而肉体却独独撑住了这块石板。自此,他沉默了三千年。三千年光阴,三千年人世繁华,熙熙攘攘车水马龙,皆与他无关。他在苦撑,也有人在苦等。故事从三千年后张千诚的转世——张忱翊诞生,开始讲起。
  • 风筝


  • 皇粮


  • 南齐书


  • 深情不及玖伴


  • 外国名人故事荟萃(下)


  • The Golden Asse

    The Golden Asse

  • 子时司机


  • 叛逃通缉令

