

It is with a certain bitterness that one must admit to oneself that the late S.S. Titanic had a "good press." It is perhaps because Ihave no great practice of daily newspapers (I have never seen so many of them together lying about my room) that the white spaces and the big lettering of the headlines have an incongruously festive air to my eyes, a disagreeable effect of a feverish exploitation of a sensational God-send. And if ever a loss at sea fell under the definition, in the terms of a bill of lading, of Act of God, this one does, in its magnitude, suddenness and severity;1

confidence of mankind.

I say this with all the seriousness the occasion demands, though Ihave neither the competence nor the wish to take a theological view of this great misfortune, sending so many souls to their last account. It is but a natural REFLECTION. Another one flowing also from the phraseology of bills of lading (a bill of lading is a shipping document limiting in certain of its clauses the liability of the carrier) is that the "King's Enemies" of a more or less overt sort are not altogether sorry that this fatal mishap should strike the prestige of the greatest Merchant Service of the world.

I believe that not a thousand miles from these shores certain public prints have betrayed in gothic letters their satisfaction--to speak plainly--by rather ill-natured comments.

In what light one is to look at the action of the American Senate is more difficult to say. From a certain point of view the sight of the august senators of a great Power rushing to New York and beginning to bully and badger the luckless "Yamsi"--on the very quay-side so to speak--seems to furnish the Shakespearian touch of the comic to the real tragedy of the fatuous drowning of all these people who to the last moment put their trust in mere bigness, in the reckless affirmations of commercial men and mere technicians and in the irresponsible paragraphs of the newspapers booming these ships! Yes, a grim touch of comedy. One asks oneself what these men are after, with this very provincial display of authority. Ibeg my friends in the United States pardon for calling these zealous senators men. I don't wish to be disrespectful. They may be of the stature of demi-gods for all I know, but at that great distance from the shores of effete Europe and in the presence of so many guileless dead, their size seems diminished from this side.

What are they after? What is there for them to find out? We know what had happened. The ship scraped her side against a piece of ice, and sank after floating for two hours and a half, taking a lot of people down with her. What more can they find out from the unfair badgering of the unhappy "Yamsi," or the ruffianly abuse of the same.

"Yamsi," I should explain, is a mere code address, and I use it here symbolically. I have seen commerce pretty close. I know what it is worth, and I have no particular regard for commercial magnates, but one must protest against these Bumble-like proceedings. Is it indignation at the loss of so many lives which is at work here? Well, the American railroads kill very many people during one single year, I dare say. Then why don't these dignitaries come down on the presidents of their own railroads, of which one can't say whether they are mere means of transportation or a sort of gambling game for the use of American plutocrats. Is it only an ardent and, upon the whole, praiseworthy desire for information? But the reports of the inquiry tell us that the august senators, though raising a lot of questions testifying to the complete innocence and even blankness of their minds, are unable to understand what the second officer is saying to them. We are so informed by the press from the other side. Even such a simple expression as that one of the look-out men was stationed in the "eyes of the ship" was too much for the senators of the land of graphic expression. What it must have been in the more recondite matters I won't even try to think, because I have no mind for smiles just now. They were greatly exercised about the sound of explosions heard when half the ship was under water already. Was there one? Were there two? They seemed to be smelling a rat there! Has not some charitable soul told them (what even schoolboys who read sea stories know) that when a ship sinks from a leak like this, a deck or two is always blown up; and that when a steamship goes down by the head, the boilers may, and often do break adrift with a sound which resembles the sound of an explosion? And they may, indeed, explode, for all I know. In the only case I have seen of a steamship sinking there was such a sound, but I didn't dive down after her to investigate. She was not of 45,000 tons and declared unsinkable, but the sight was impressive enough. I shall never forget the muffled, mysterious detonation, the sudden agitation of the sea round the slowly raised stern, and to this day I have in my eye the propeller, seen perfectly still in its frame against a clear evening sky.

  • 十洲记


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  • 太上升玄消灾护命妙经注


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  • 商战


  • 生活的门


    罗伟章, 1967年生于四川宣汉县,毕业于重庆师范大学中文系、上海作家研究生班。曾获人民文学奖、小说选刊奖、中篇小说选刊奖、小说月报百花奖、四川文学奖等,巴金文学院签约作家,被有关专家称为“活跃的同辈当中分量最重、最突出、最值得关注的作家之一”。中国作家协会会员,现居成都。
  • 凰谋之暴走世子妃


  • 鬼话大明


  • 异世图鉴


  • 极品红颜


    她,是积善人家的千金小姐,是国破家亡的前朝遗孤,还是万人之上的尊贵公主?她,拥有傲人之貌,绝世之姿,一笑倾人城,再笑倾人国……淡然,是她的保护色……她只求平平淡淡……何奈,树欲静而风不止……复杂的身份,一次又一次,卷起重重的风波狂潮……吞噬了她,吞噬了她爱的人,吞噬了爱她的人。她始终无法,抽身事外……他,商场上的“玉面阎罗”,冷静自若,笑容下,眼眸流转间,掩盖了一切机关算尽。可自从遇见她,开始失控……情到深处,“即使你为男子,我亦无悔!”他,侠义为道,复国为业。邪魅的外表,不羁的行为,本以为能潇洒远离情根。可只消一眼,便万了年……爱到浓时,“恩恨情仇,任你一笑置之!”他,出生在帝王之家,看透那宫墙内的冷暖,于是狠戾,于是张狂。可那朵笑容,那魅惑之颜,却让他疑惑起江山美人……恨到锥心,“征服天下,征服你,我此生所求!”他,本为商人之子,却迷恋诗词歌赋。他的青梅竹马,他的痴心情深,因一场灭门血灾而颠覆。本该是自己的新娘子,披上了嫁裳,踏上了别人的殿堂……痛到刻骨,“纵使无心,你的人,我亦不愿放手!”她,穿越而来,以为带不走情,留不下心。可痛彻心扉后,刻骨铭心了,原来,心早已遗失……千言万语只剩一句“如有你相伴,不羡鸳鸯不羡仙”一曲《红颜劫》,劫了谁的红颜?一首《问情》,问了谁的情根?一舞《霓裳恨》,恨了谁的痴心?此文比较慢热,别太着急哦!有些东西是要慢慢品味滴!前面为江湖篇,情感牵扯较多,比较缠绵悱恻。后面为宫廷篇,阴谋诡计全显,情节跌宕起伏。*×××××××××××××××××××××××××隆重推荐依依新文《窃香》啦!!收藏咯!!忽忽 ̄依依开新坑啦……有米有人支持?走过的,路过的,蹲坑的,掉陷阱的:收藏,票票,留言……三部曲,华丽丽滴哦……(*^__^*)嘻嘻……记得留下脚印,给依依提些意见哦!!!依依有群滴说:70968471话说空位很多,想躺,想坐,想站,想摔跤,皆可……进来玩玩涅!呃……敲门砖:依依话说,最近群里在征召角色扮演哦!!嘻嘻
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