

The spectators, waiting around the square, as well as Feofar-Khan's body-guard, to whom this execution was only one of the attractions, were eagerly expecting it. Then, their curiosity satisfied, they would rush off to enjoy the pleasures of intoxication.

The Emir made a sign. Michael was thrust forward by his guards to the foot of the terrace, and Feofar said to him, "You came to see our goings out and comings in, Russian spy.

You have seen for the last time. In an instant your eyes will be forever shut to the day."Michael's fate was to be not death, but blindness;loss of sight, more terrible perhaps than loss of life.

The unhappy man was condemned to be blinded.

However, on hearing the Emir's sentence Michael's heart did not grow faint. He remained unmoved, his eyes wide open, as though he wished to concentrate his whole life into one last look.

To entreat pity from these savage men would be useless, besides, it would be unworthy of him. He did not even think of it.

His thoughts were condensed on his mission, which had apparently so completely failed; on his mother, on Nadia, whom he should never more see! But he let no sign appear of the emotion he felt.

Then, a feeling of vengeance to be accomplished came over him.

"Ivan," said he, in a stern voice, "Ivan the Traitor, the last menace of my eyes shall be for you!"Ivan Ogareff shrugged his shoulders.

But Michael was not to be looking at Ivan when his eyes were put out.

Marfa Strogoff stood before him.

"My mother!" cried he. "Yes! yes! my last glance shall be for you, and not for this wretch! Stay there, before me!

Now I see once more your well-beloved face! Now shall my eyes close as they rest upon it . . . !"The old woman, without uttering a word, advanced.

"Take that woman away!" said Ivan.

Two soldiers were about to seize her, but she stepped back and remained standing a few paces from Michael.

The executioner appeared. This time, he held his saber bare in his hand, and this saber he had just drawn from the chafing-dish, where he had brought it to a white heat.

Michael was going to be blinded in the Tartar fashion, with a hot blade passed before his eyes!

Michael did not attempt to resist. Nothing existed before his eyes but his mother, whom his eyes seemed to devour.

All his life was in that last look.

Marfa Strogoff, her eyes open wide, her arms extended towards where he stood, was gazing at him. The incandescent blade passed before Michael's eyes.

A despairing cry was heard. His aged mother fell senseless to the ground. Michael Strogoff was blind.

His orders executed, the Emir retired with his train.

There remained in the square only Ivan Ogareff and the torch bearers.

Did the wretch intend to insult his victim yet further, and yet to give him a parting blow?

Ivan Ogareff slowly approached Michael, who, feeling him coming, drew himself up. Ivan drew from his pocket the Imperial letter, he opened it, and with supreme irony he held it up before the sightless eyes of the Czar's courier, saying, "Read, now, Michael Strogoff, read, and go and repeat at Irkutsk what you have read.

The true Courier of the Czar is Ivan Ogareff."This said, the traitor thrust the letter into his breast.

Then, without looking round he left the square, followed by the torch-bearers.

Michael was left alone, at a few paces from his mother, lying lifeless, perhaps dead. He heard in the distance cries and songs, the varied noises of a wild debauch. Tomsk, illuminated, glittered and gleamed.

Michael listened. The square was silent and deserted. He went, groping his way, towards the place where his mother had fallen.

He found her with his hand, he bent over her, he put his face close to hers, he listened for the beating of her heart.

Then he murmured a few words.

Did Marfa still live, and did she hear her son's words?

Whether she did so or not, she made not the slightest movement.

Michael kissed her forehead and her white locks. He then raised himself, and, groping with his foot, trying to stretch out his hand to guide himself, he walked by degrees to the edge of the square.

Suddenly Nadia appeared. She walked straight to her companion.

A knife in her hand cut the cords which bound Michael's arms.

The blind man knew not who had freed him, for Nadia had not spoken a word.

But this done: "Brother!" said she.

"Nadia!" murmured Michael, "Nadia!"

"Come, brother," replied Nadia, "use my eyes whilst yours sleep.

I will lead you to Irkutsk."

  • 藏海诗话


  • 痴绝道冲禅师语录


  • 周易郑康成注


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  • 图兰朵


    《图兰朵》的原始作品,源于阿拉伯民间故事集《一千零一夜》中名为《杜兰铎的三个谜》(即《卡拉夫和中国公主的故事》)的短篇故事。意大利著名作曲家贾科莫·普契尼于1924年作曲的同名歌剧,成为最著名的改编版本,剧中《今夜无人入眠》、《茉莉花》等经典曲目早已风靡全球。 本书是对歌剧《图兰朵》的全新演绎,以江南古都为背景,图兰朵公主下令猜谜招亲,若有男人猜对,她会嫁给他;若猜错,便处死。一个接一个的失败者被秘密处决,一个又一个“谜”相扣衔接,图兰朵究竟是专横霸道、冷酷无情的魔鬼,还是高贵聪慧、美丽善良的天使?
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