


Henry lay fully an hour in the bushes.He had forgotten about the dogs that he dreaded, but evidently he was right in his surmise that the camp contained none.Nothing disturbed him while he stared at what was passing by the firelight.There could be no doubt that the meeting of Timmendiquas and Thayendanegea portended great things, but he would not be stirred from his task of rescuing his comrades or discovering their fate.

They two, great chiefs, sat long in close converse.Others-older men, chiefs, also-came at times and talked with them.But these two, proud, dominating, both singularly handsome men of the Indian type, were always there.Henry was almost ready to steal away when he saw a new figure approaching the two chiefs.The walk and bearing of the stranger were familiar, and HENRY knew him even before his face was lighted tip by the fire.It was Braxton Wyatt, the renegade, who had escaped the great battles on both the Ohio and the Mississippi, and who was here with the Iroquois, ready to do to his own race all the evil that he could.

Henry felt a shudder of repulsion, deeper than any Indian could inspire in him.They fought for their own land and their own people, but Braxton Wyatt had violated everything that an honest man should hold sacred.

Henry, on the whole, was not surprised to see him.Such a chance was sure to draw Braxton Wyatt.Moreover, the war, so far as it pertained to the border, seemed to be sweeping toward the northeast, and it bore many stormy petrels upon its crest.

He watched Wyatt as he walked toward one of the fires.There the renegade sat down and talked with the warriors, apparently on the best of terms.He was presently joined by two more renegades, whom Henry recognized as Blackstaffe and Quarles.Timmendiquas and Thayendanegea rose after a while, and walked toward the center of the camp, where several of the bark shelters had been enclosed entirely.Henry judged that one had been set apart for each, but they were lost from his view when they passed within the circling ring of warriors.

Henry believed that the Iroquois and Wyandots would form a fortified camp here, a place from which they would make sudden and terrible forays upon the settlements.He based his opinion upon the good location and the great number of saplings that had been cut down already.They would build strong lodges and then a palisade around them with the saplings.He was speedily confirmed in this opinion when he saw warriors come to the forest with hatchets and begin to cut down more saplings.He knew then that it was time to go, as a wood chopper might blunder upon him at any time.

He slipped from his covert and was quickly gone in the forest.

His limbs were somewhat stiff from lying so long in one position, but that soon wore away, and he was comparatively fresh when he came once more to the islet in the swamp.A good moon was now shining, tipping the forest with a fine silvery gray, and Henry purveyed with the greatest satisfaction the simple little shelter that he had found so opportunely.It was a good house, too, good to such a son of the deepest forest as was Henry.It was made of nothing but bark and poles, but it had kept out all that long, penetrating rain of the last three or four days, and when he lifted the big stone aside and opened the door it seemed as snug a place as he could have wished.

He left the door open a little, lighted a small fire on the flat stones, having no fear that it would be seen through the dense curtain that shut him in, and broiled big bear steaks on the coals.When he had eaten and the fire had died he went out and sat beside the hut.He was well satisfied with the day's work, and he wished now to think with all the concentration that one must put upon a great task if he expects to achieve it.He intended to invade the Indian camp, and he knew full well that it was the most perilous enterprise that he had ever attempted.Yet scouts and hunters had done such things and had escaped with their lives.He must not shrink from the path that others had trodden.

He made up his mind firmly, and partly thought out his plan of operations.Then he rested, and so sanguine was his temperament that he began to regard the deed itself as almost achieved.

Decision is always soothing after doubt, and he fell into a pleasant dreamy state.A gentle wind was blowing, the forest was dry and the leaves rustled with the low note that is like the softest chord of a violin.It became penetrating, thrillingly sweet, and hark! it spoke to him in a voice that he knew.It was the same voice that he had heard on the Ohio, mystic, but telling him to be of heart and courage.He would triumph over hardships and dangers, and he would see his friends again.

Henry started up from his vision.The song was gone, and he heard only the wind softly moving the leaves.It had been vague and shadowy as gossamer, light as the substance of a dream, but it was real to him, nevertheless, and the deep glow of certain triumph permeated his being, body and mind.It was not strange that he had in his nature something of the Indian mysticism that personified the winds and the trees and everything about him.

The Manitou of the red man and the ancient Aieroski of the Iroquois were the same as his own God.He could not doubt that he had a message.Down on the Ohio he had had the same message more than once, and it had always come true.

He heard a slight rustling among the bushes, and, sitting perfectly still, he saw a black bear emerge into the open.It had gained the islet in some manner, probably floundering through the black mire, and the thought occurred to him that it was the mate of the one he had slain, drawn perhaps by instinct on the trail of a lost comrade.He could have shot the bear as he sat-and he would need fresh supplies of food soon-but he did not have the heart to do it.

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