You remember, Madam, that I had orders to collect the contribution for the war most strictly in cash in all the districts in your neighbourhood. I wished to forego this severity, and advanced the money that was deficient myself.
I remember it well. I loved you for that deed before I had seen you.
The government gave me their bill, and I wished, at the signing of the peace, to have the sum entered amongst the debts to be repaid by them.
The bill was acknowledged as good, but my ownership of the same was disputed. People looked incredulous, when I declared that I had myself advanced the amount in cash. It was considered as bribery, as a douceur from the government, because I at once agreed to take the smallest sum with which I could have been satisfied in a case of the greatest exigency. Thus the bill went from my possession, and if it be paid, will certainly not be paid to me. Hence, Madam, I consider my honour to be suspected! not on account of my discharge, which, if Ihad not received, I should have applied for. You look serious, Madam!
Why do you not laugh? Ha! ha! ha! I am laughing.
Oh! stifle that laugh, Tellheim, I implore you! It is the terrible laugh of misanthropy. No, you are not the man to repent of a good deed, because it may have had a bad result for yourself. Nor can these consequences possibly be of long duration. The truth must come to light. The testimony of my uncle, of our government--MAJ. T.
Of your uncle! Of your government! Ha! ha! ha!
That laugh will kill me, Tellheim. If you believe in virtue and Providence, Tellheim, do not laugh so! I never heard a curse more terrible than that laugh! But, viewing the matter in the worst light, if they are determined to mistake your character here, with us you will not be misunderstood. No, we cannot, we will not, misunderstand you, Tellheim. And if our government has the least sentiment of honour, I know what it must do. But I am foolish; what would that matter? Imagine, Tellheim, that you have lost the two thousand pistoles on some gay evening. The king was an unfortunate card for you: the queen (pointing to herself)will be so much the more favourable. Providence, believe me, always indemnifies a man of honour--often even beforehand. The action which was to cost you two thousand pistoles, gained you me. Without that action, I never should have been desirous of making your acquaintance.
You know I went uninvited to the first party where I thought I should meet you. I went entirely on your account. I went with a fixed determination to love you--I loved you already! with the fixed determination to make you mine, if I should find you as dark and ugly as the Moor of Venice. So dark and ugly you are not; nor will you be so jealous. But, Tellheim, Tellheim, you are yet very like him! Oh!
the unmanageable, stubborn man, who always keeps his eye fixed upon the phantom of honour, and becomes hardened against every other sentiment! Your eyes this way! Upon me,--me, Tellheim!
(He remains thoughtful and immovable, with his eyes fixed on one spot.)Of what are you thinking? Do you not hear me?
MAJ. T. (absent).
Oh, yes; but tell me, how came the Moor into the service of Venice?
Had the Moor no country of his own? Why did he hire his arm and his blood to a foreign land?
MIN. (alarmed).
Of what are you thinking, Tellheim? It is time to break off. Come!
(taking him by the hand).
Franziska, let the carriage be brought round.
MAJ. T. (disengaging his hand, and following Franziska).
No, Franziska; I cannot have the honour of accompanying your mistress.