

27.On the same principle it should be judged what centuries deserve the preference for human prosperity.Those in which letters and arts have flourished have been too much admired, because the hidden object of their culture has not been fathomed, and their fatal effects not taken into account."ldque apud imperitos humanitas vocabatur, cum pars servitutis esset." (Fools called "humanity" what was a part of slavery, Tacitus, Agricola , 31.) Shall we never see in the maxims books lay down the vulgar interest that makes their writers speak? No, whatever they may say, when, despite its renown, a country is depopulated, it is not true that all is well, and it is not enough that a poet should have an income of 100,000 francs to make his age the best of all.Less attention should be paid to the apparent repose and tranquillity of the rulers than to the well-being of their nations as wholes, and above all of the most numerous States.A hail-storm lays several cantons waste, but it rarely makes a famine.Outbreaks and civil wars give rulers rude shocks, but they are not the real ills of peoples, who may even get a respite, while there is a dispute as to who shall tyrannise over them.Their true prosperity and calamities come from their permanent condition: it is when the whole remains crushed beneath the yoke, that decay sets in, and that the rulers destroy them at will, and "ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant." (Where they create solitude, they call it peace, Tacitus, Agricola , 31.) When the bickerings of the great disturbed the kingdom of France, and the Coadjutor of Paris took a dagger in his pocket to the Parliament, these things did not prevent the people of France from prospering and multiplying in dignity, ease and freedom.Long ago Greece flourished in the midst of the most savage wars; blood ran in torrents, and yet the whole country was covered with inhabitants.It appeared, says Machiavelli, that in the midst of murder, proscription and civil war, our republic only throve: the virtue, morality and independence of the citizens did more to strengthen it than all their dissensions had done to enfeeble it.Alittle disturbance gives the soul elasticity; what makes the race truly prosperous is not so much peace as liberty.

28.The slow formation and the progress of the Republic of Venice in its lagoons are a notable instance of this sequence; and it is most astonishing that, after more than twelve hundred years' existence, the Venetians seem to be still at the second stage, which they reached with the Serrar di Consiglio in 1198.As for the ancient Dukes who are brought up against them, it is proved, whatever the Squittinio della libertà veneta may say of them, that they were in no sense sovereigns.

A case certain to be cited against my view is that of the Roman Republic, which, it will be said, followed exactly the opposite course, and passed from monarchy to aristocracy and from aristocracy to democracy.I by no means take this view of it.

What Romulus first set up was a mixed government, which soon deteriorated into despotism.From special causes, the State died an untimely death, as new-born children sometimes perish without reaching manhood.The expulsion of the Tarquins was the real period of the birth of the Republic.But at first it took on no constant form, because, by not abolishing the patriciate, it left half its work undone.For, by this means, hereditary aristocracy, the worst of all legitimate forms of administration, remained in conflict with democracy, and the form of the government, as Machiavelli has proved, was only fixed on the establishment of the tribunate:

only then was there a true government and a veritable democracy.In fact, the people was then not only Sovereign, but also magistrate and judge;the senate was only a subordinate tribunal, to temper and concentrate the government, and the consuls themselves, though they were patricians, first magistrates, and absolute generals in war, were in Rome itself no more than presidents of the people.

From that point, the government followed its natural tendency, and inclined strongly to aristocracy.The patriciate, we may say, abolished itself, and the aristocracy was found no longer in the body of patricians as at Venice and Genoa, but in the body of the senate, which was composed of patricians and plebeians, and even in the body of tribunes when they began to usurp an active function: for names do not affect facts, and, when the people has rulers who govern for it, whatever name they bear, the government is an aristocracy.

The abuse of aristocracy led to the civil wars and the triumvirate.Sulla, Julius Caesar and Augustus became in fact real monarchs;and finally, under the despotism of Tiberius, the State was dissolved.

Roman history then confirms, instead of invalidating, the principle I have laid down.

29."Omnes enim et habentur et dicuntur tyranni, qui potestate utuntur perpetua in ea civitate quæ libertate usa est" (Cornelius Nepos, Life of Miltiades).(For all those are called and considered tyrants, who hold perpetual power in a State that has known liberty.) It is true that Aristotle ( Ethics , Book viii, chapter x) distinguishes the tyrant from the king by the fact that the former governs in his own interest, and the latter only for the good of his subjects; but not only did all Greek authors in general use the word tyrant in a different sense, as appears most clearly in Xenophon's Hiero , but also it would follow from Aristotle's distinction that, from the very beginning of the world, there has not yet been a single king.

30.In nearly the same sense as this word has in the English Parliament.The similarity of these functions would have brought the consuls and the tribunes into conflict, even had all jurisdiction been suspended.

31.To adopt in cold countries the luxury and effeminacy of the East is to desire to submit to its chains; it is indeed to bow to them far more inevitably in our case than in theirs.

32.I had intended to do this in the sequel to this work, when in dealing with external relations I came to the subject of confederations.The subject is quite new, and its principles have still to be laid down.

33.Provided, of course, he does not leave to escape his obligations and avoid having to serve his country in the hour of need.Flight in such a case would be criminal and punishable, and would be, not withdrawal, but desertion.

Editor's Notes: E1.Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws , III:3E2.Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws , XIV

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