

A faint blush passed over Emily's countenance; pride and anxiety struggled in her breast; and, till she recollected, that appearances did, in some degree, justify her aunt's suspicions, she could not resolve to humble herself so far as to enter into the defence of a conduct, which had been so innocent and undesigning on her part.She mentioned the manner of Valancourt's introduction to her father; the circumstances of his receiving the pistol-shot, and of their afterwards travelling together; with the accidental way, in which she had met him, on the preceding evening.She owned he had declared a partiality for her, and that he had asked permission to address her family.

'And who is this young adventurer, pray?' said Madame Cheron, 'and what are his pretensions?' 'These he must himself explain, madam,'

replied Emily.'Of his family my father was not ignorant, and Ibelieve it is unexceptionable.' She then proceeded to mention what she knew concerning it.

'Oh, then, this it seems is a younger brother,' exclaimed her aunt, 'and of course a beggar.A very fine tale indeed! And so my brother took a fancy to this young man after only a few days acquaintance!--but that was so like him! In his youth he was always taking these likes and dislikes, when no other person saw any reason for them at all; nay, indeed, I have often thought the people he disapproved were much more agreeable than those he admired;--but there is no accounting for tastes.He was always so much influenced by people's countenances; now I, for my part, have no notion of this, it is all ridiculous enthusiasm.What has a man's face to do with his character? Can a man of good character help having a disagreeable face?'--which last sentence Madame Cheron delivered with the decisive air of a person who congratulates herself on having made a grand discovery, and believes the question to be unanswerably settled.

Emily, desirous of concluding the conversation, enquired if her aunt would accept some refreshment, and Madame Cheron accompanied her to the chateau, but without desisting from a topic, which she discussed with so much complacency to herself, and severity to her niece.

'I am sorry to perceive, niece,' said she, in allusion to somewhat that Emily had said, concerning physiognomy, 'that you have a great many of your father's prejudices, and among them those sudden predilections for people from their looks.I can perceive, that you imagine yourself to be violently in love with this young adventurer, after an acquaintance of only a few days.There was something, too, so charmingly romantic in the manner of your meeting!'

Emily checked the tears, that trembled in her eyes, while she said, 'When my conduct shall deserve this severity, madam, you will do well to exercise it; till then justice, if not tenderness, should surely restrain it.I have never willingly offended you; now I have lost my parents, you are the only person to whom I can look for kindness.

Let me not lament more than ever the loss of such parents.' The last words were almost stifled by her emotions, and she burst into tears.

Remembering the delicacy and the tenderness of St.Aubert, the happy, happy days she had passed in these scenes, and contrasting them with the coarse and unfeeling behaviour of Madame Cheron, and from the future hours of mortification she must submit to in her presence--a degree of grief seized her, that almost reached despair.Madame Cheron, more offended by the reproof which Emily's words conveyed, than touched by the sorrow they expressed, said nothing, that might soften her grief; but, notwithstanding an apparent reluctance to receive her niece, she desired her company.The love of sway was her ruling passion, and she knew it would be highly gratified by taking into her house a young orphan, who had no appeal from her decisions, and on whom she could exercise without controul the capricious humour of the moment.

On entering the chateau, Madame Cheron expressed a desire, that she would put up what she thought necessary to take to Tholouse, as she meant to set off immediately.Emily now tried to persuade her to defer the journey, at least till the next day, and, at length, with much difficulty, prevailed.

The day passed in the exercise of petty tyranny on the part of Madame Cheron, and in mournful regret and melancholy anticipation on that of Emily, who, when her aunt retired to her apartment for the night, went to take leave of every other room in this her dear native home, which she was now quitting for she knew not how long, and for a world, to which she was wholly a stranger.She could not conquer a presentiment, which frequently occurred to her, this night--that she should never more return to La Vallee.Having passed a considerable time in what had been her father's study, having selected some of his favourite authors, to put up with her clothes, and shed many tears, as she wiped the dust from their covers, she seated herself in his chair before the reading desk, and sat lost in melancholy reflection, till Theresa opened the door to examine, as was her custom before she went to bed, if was all safe.She started, on observing her young lady, who bade her come in, and then gave her some directions for keeping the chateau in readiness for her reception at all times.

'Alas-a-day! that you should leave it!' said Theresa, 'I think you would be happier here than where you are going, if one may judge.'

  • 佛说观自在菩萨母陀罗尼经


  • 大广方总持宝光明经


  • 佛说越难经


  • 杂纂新续


  • 千佛因缘经


  • 绝世神通


  • 内经博议


  • 祸国宠妃:毒后养成


  • 文学概论通用教程:文学概论教程作家论


  • 国际艺术品贸易


  • 此界修真不正常


  • 送皇甫冉往安宜


  • 邪恶之城


  • 戏精总裁的养成方法


  • 联对佳话

