

"Of course you are very young, Vincent; but no one thinks there will be any serious fighting.Now that Virginia and the other four States have cast in their lot with the seven that have seceded, the North can never hope to force the solid South back into the Union.

Still it is right you should join.I certainly should not; like an old Virginian family like ours to be unrepresented; but I should prefer your joining one of the mounted corps.

"In the first; place it will be much less fatiguing than carrying a heavy rifle and knapsack; and in the second place, the cavalry will for the most; part be gentlemen.I was speaking only yesterday when I went into Richmond to Mr.Ashley, who is raising a corps.

He is one of the best riders in the country, and a splendid specimen of a Virginian gentleman.lie tells me that he has already received a large number of applications from young volunteers, and that he thinks he shall be able without any difficulty to get as many as he wants.I said that I had a son who would probably enroll himself, and that I should like to have him in his corps.

"He said that he would be glad to put down your name, and that he had had many applications from lads no older than yourself.He considered that for cavalry work, scouting, and that sort; of thing age mattered little, and that; a lad who was at once a light weight, a good rider, and a good shot was of as much good as a man.""Thank you, mother.I will ride into Richmond to-morrow morning and see Ashley.I have often met him at one house or another, and should like to serve under him very much.I should certainly prefer being in the cavalry to the infantry."Rosie and Annie, who were of course enthusiastic for the South, were almost as pleased as was Vincent when they heard that their mother had consented to his enrolling himself.So many of the girls of their acquaintance had brothers or cousins who were joining the army, that they would have felt it; as something like a slur upon the family name had Vincent remained behind.

On the following morning Vincent rode over and saw Mr.Ashley, who had just; received his commission as major.He was cordially received.

Mrs.Wingfield was speaking to me about you, and I shall be glad to have you with me-the more so as you are a capital rider and a good shot.I shall have a good many in my ranks no older than you are.Did I not hear a few mouths since that you bought; Wildfire? Ithought when I heard it; that you would be lucky if you did not get your neck broken in the course of a week.Peters, who owns the next estate to mine, had the horse for about three weeks, and was glad enough to get; rid of it for half what he had given for it.He told me the horse was the most savage brute he ever saw.Isuppose you did not keep it many days?""I have got it still, and mean to ride it with you.The horse was not really savage.It was hot-tempered, and had, I think, been badly treated by its first owner.Who-ever it had belonged to, I found no difficulty with it;.It only wanted kindness and a little patience;and as soon as it found that it could not get rid of me, and that Ihad no intention of ill-treating it;, it settled down quietly, after running away a few times and giving me some little trouble at starting.And now 1 would not change it for any horse in the State.""You must he a first-rate rider," Major Ashley said, "to be able to tame Wildfire.I never saw the horse, for I was away when Peters had her; but; from his description it was a perfect savage.""Are we allowed to bring a servant with us" Vincent asked.

"Yes, if you like.I know that a good many are going to do so, but you must not make up your mind that you will get much benefit from one.We shall move rapidly, and each man must; shift for himself, but at the same time we shall of course often be stationary; and then servants will be useful.At any rate I can see no objection to men having them.We must be prepared to rough it to any extent when it is necessary, but I see no reason why at other times a man should not; make himself comfortable.I expect the order to-morrow or next; day to begin formally to enroll volunteers.As I have now put down your name there will be no occasion for you to come in then.You will receive a communication telling you when to report yourself.

"I shall not trouble much about uniform at first.High boots and breeches, a thick felt hat that will turn the edge of a sword, and a loose coat-jacket of dark-gray cloth.That is the name of the tailor who has got the pattern, and will make them.So I should advise you to go to him at once, for lie will be so busy soon that; there is no saying when the whole troop will get their uniforms."Upon his return home Vincent related to his mother and sisters the conversation that he had had with Major Ashley.

"Certainly you had better take a servant with you," his mother said.

"I suppose when you are riding about; you will have to clean your horse, and cook your dinner, and do everything for yourself; but when you are in a town you should have these things done for you.

Who would you like to take?

"I should like to take Dan, mother, if you have no objection.He is very strong and active, and I think would generally be able to keep up with us; besides, I know he would always stick to me.""You shall have hun certainly, Vincent; I will make him over formally to you."

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