

"Thank you, mother," Vincent said joyfully; for ho had often wished that Dan belonged to him, as he would then be able to prevent any interference with him by the overseer or any one else, and could, if he liked, give him his freedom-although this would, he knew, be of very doubtful advantage to the lad as long as he remained in the South.

The next morning the necessary papers were drawn up, and the ownership of Dan was formally transferred to Vincent.Dan was wild with delight when he heard that Vincent was now his master, and that he was to accompany him to the war.It had been known two days before that Vincent was going, and it seemed quite shocking to the negroes that the young master should go as a private soldier, and have to do everything for himself-"just," as they said, "like de poor white trash;" for the slaves were proud to belong to an old family, and looked down with almost contempt upon the poorer class of whites, regarding their own position as infinitely superior.

Four days later Vincent received an official letter saying that the corps would be mustered in two days' time.The next day was spent in a long round of farewell visits, and then Vincent mounted Wildfire, and, with Dan trotting behind, rode off from the Orangery amid a chorus of blessings and good wishes from all the slaves who could op any pretext get away from their duties, and who had assembled in front of the house to see him start.

The place of meeting for the regiment was at Hanover Courthouse-a station on the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railway, close to the Pamunky River, about eighteen miles from the city.

The Orangery was a mile from the village of Gaines, which lay to the northeast of Richmond, and was some twelve miles from Hanover Courthouse.

A month was spent in drill, and at the end of that time the corps wore able to execute any simple maneuver.More than this Major Ashley did not care about their learning.The work in which they were about to engage was that of scouts rather than that of regular cavalry, and the requirements were vigilance and attention to orders, good shooting and a quick eye.Off duty there was but little discipline.Almost the whole of the men were in a good position in life, and many of them very wealthy; and while strict discipline and obedience were expected while on duty, at all other times something like equality existed between officers and men, and all were free to live as they chose.

The rations served out were simple and often scanty, for at present the various departments were not properly organized, and such numbers of men were flocking to the standards that the authorities were at their wit's end to provide them with even the simplest food.This mattered but little, however, to the regiment;, whose members were all ready and willing to pay for everything they wanted, and the country people round found a ready market for all their chickens, eggs, fruit, and vegetables at Hanover Courthouse, for here there were also several infantry regiments, and the normally quiet; little village was a scene of bustle and confusion.

The arms of the cavalry were of a very varied description.Not;more than a dozen had swords; the rest were armed with rifles or shot-guns, with the barrels cut short to enable them to be carried as carbines.Many of them were armed with revolvers, and some carried pistols so antiquated that they might have been used in the revolutionary war.A certain number of tents had been issued for the use of the corps.These, however, were altogether insufficient for the numbers, and most of the men preferred to sleep in shelters composed of canvas, carpets, blankets, Qr any other material that came to hand, or in arbors constructed of the boughs of trees, for it was now April and warm enough to sleep in the open air.

In the third week in May the order came that the corps was to march at once for Harper's Ferry-an important position at; the point where the Shenandoah River runs into the Potomac, at; the mouth of the Shenandoah Valley.The order was received with the greatest satisfaction.The Federal forces were gathering rapidly upon the northern banks of the Potomac, and it was believed that, while the main army would march down from Washington through Manassas Junction direct upon Richmond, another would enter by the Shenandoah Valley, and, crossing the Blue Ridge Mountains, come down on the rear of the Confederate army, facing the main force at; Manassas.The cavalry marched by road, while the infantry were despatched by rail as far as Manassas Junction, whence they marched to Harper's Ferry.The black servants accompanied the infantry.

The cavalry march was a pleasant one.At every village through which they passed the people flocked out; with offerings of milk and fruit.The days were hot, but the mornings and evenings delightful; and as the troops always halted in the shade of a wood for three or four hours in the middle of the day, the marches, although long were not fatiguing.At Harper's Ferry General Johnston had just superseded Colonel Jackson in command.The force there consisted of 11 battalions of infantry, 16 guns, arid after Ashley's force arrived, 300 cavalry.Among the regiments there Vincent found many friends, and learned what was going on.

He learned that Colonel Jackson had been keeping them hard at work.Some of Vincent's friends had been at the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, where Jackson was professor of natural philosophy and instructor of artillery.

  • Studies of Lowell

    Studies of Lowell

  • Another Study of Woman

    Another Study of Woman

  • 路岐重赋


  • 文殊师利耶曼德迦咒法


  • Volume Three

    Volume Three

  • 周易举正


  • 前妻


  • 错咬吸血鬼


  • 健康成长的力量(启迪学生思考人生的故事全集)


  • 论如何杀掉快老死的作者


  • 傲娇总裁宠妻狂


  • 逆天重生,狂女嫡小姐


  • 锅巴


  • 夫君是太监总管


  • 契诃夫短篇小说选

