
第95章 The Colony Of Cats(2)

'Go home,' he said, 'and see your mother and sisters; but take care if you hear the cock crow to turn towards it; if on the contrary the ass brays, you must look the other way.'

The little maid, having gratefully kissed the white paw of the old cat, set off for home; but just as she got near her mother's house the cock crowed, and quickly she turned towards it.Immediately a beautiful golden star appeared on her forehead, crowning her glossy black hair.At the same time the ass began to bray, but Lizina took care not to look over the fence into the field where the donkey was feeding.Her mother and sister, who were in front of their house, uttered cries of admiration and astonishment when they saw her, and their cries became still louder when Lizina, taking her handkerchief from her pocket, drew out also a handful of gold.

For some days the mother and her two daughters lived very happily together, for Lizina had given them everything she had brought away except her golden clothing, for that would not come off, in spite of all the efforts of her sister, who was madly jealous of her good fortune.The golden star, too, could not be removed from her forehead.But all the gold pieces she drew from her pockets had found their way to her mother and sister.

'I will go now and see what I can get out of the pussies,' said Peppina, the elder girl, one morning, as she took Lizina's basket and fastened her pockets into her own skirt.'I should like some of the cats' gold for myself,' she thought, as she left her mother's house before the sun rose.

The cat colony had not yet taken another servant, for they knew they could never get one to replace Lizina, whose loss they had not yet ceased to mourn.When they heard that Peppina was her sister, they all ran to meet her.'She is not the least like her,' the kittens whispered among themselves.

'Hush, be quiet!' the older cats said; 'all servants cannot be pretty.'

No, decidedly she was not at all like Lizina.Even the most reasonable and large-minded of the cats soon acknowledged that.

The very first day she shut the kitchen door in the face of the tom-cats who used to enjoy watching Lizina at her work, and a young and mischievous cat who jumped in by the open kitchen window and alighted on the table got such a blow with the rolling-pin that he squalled for an hour.

With every day that passed the household became more and more aware of its misfortune.

The work was as badly done as the servant was surly and disagreeable; in the corners of the rooms there were collected heaps of dust; spiders' webs hung from the ceilings and in front of the window-panes; the beds were hardly ever made, and the feather beds, so beloved by the old and feeble cats, had never once been shaken since Lizina left the house.At Father Gatto's next visit he found the whole colony in a state of uproar.

'Caesar has one paw so badly swollen that it looks as if it were broken,' said one.'Peppina kicked him with her great wooden shoes on.Hector has an abscess in his back where a wooden chair was flung at him; and Agrippina's three little kittens have died of hunger beside their mother, because Peppina forgot them in their basket up in the attic.There is no putting up with the creature--do send her away, Father Gatto! Lizina herself would not be angry with us; she must know very well what her sister is like.'

'Come here,' said Father Gatto, in his most severe tones to Peppina.

And he took her down into the cellar and showed her the same two great jars that he had showed Lizina.'In which of these shall I dip you?' he asked; and she made haste to answer: 'In the liquid gold,'

for she was no more modest than she was good and kind.



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    中国千古第一奇相大传,全票获得第六届茅盾文学奖、首届姚雪垠长篇历史小说奖、中宣部五个一工程奖,被誉为中国新时期长篇小说的里程碑!已被改编成电视剧《万历首辅张居正》,由唐国强、梅婷、冯远征、智一桐、巫刚等一众老戏骨主演。张居正是一位个性不凡的改革家,是彪炳史册的传奇人物。他登上首辅之位后,理政十年:整顿吏治,刷新颓风;整治教育,延揽济世之才;革新税赋,梳理财政。拯朱明王朝将倾之厦,使万历时期成为大明王朝*为富庶的时代。 在风云际会之中,张居正思想深邃,刚毅深沉,多谋善断,声势显赫,无与伦比。然而,他一朝大权在握,却又独断专行,偏信阿谀奉承,引得附势者趋之若骛。权势欲促使他步入人生高峰,也引发身后祸起萧墙。隆葬归天之际,即是遭人非议之时,结果家产尽抄,爵封皆夺,祸连八旬老母,罪及子孙。作为一名政治家,张居正是中国历史上卓有成效的人;可是作为一个人,他却是一个失败者。“生前显耀,死后悲凉”是对他一生*好的概括。他生前死后毁誉之悬殊,除个人原因之外,也可见政治险恶、世态炎凉。而且,张居正的命运也客观揭示了悲剧产生的历史背景与人物的性格缺陷,为今天的读者反思提供了形象的文学读本。
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    罗伟章, 1967年生于四川宣汉县,毕业于重庆师范大学中文系、上海作家研究生班。曾获人民文学奖、小说选刊奖、中篇小说选刊奖、小说月报百花奖、四川文学奖等,巴金文学院签约作家,被有关专家称为“活跃的同辈当中分量最重、最突出、最值得关注的作家之一”。中国作家协会会员,现居成都。