

"Oh, not at all.He even talked of having ground-glass put in all these windows, only it would make the light bad."Herbert felt very embarrassed.If the mysterious missile came from these objectionable young persons, it was evidently because they thought they had detected a more accessible and sympathizing individual in the stranger who now occupied the room.He concluded he had better not say anything about it.

Miss Brooks's golden eyelashes were bent towards the floor."Do you play sacred music, Mr.Bly?" she said, without raising them.

"I am afraid not."

"Perhaps you know only negro-minstrel songs?" "I am afraid--yes.""I know one." The dimples faintly came back again."It's called 'The Ham-fat Man.'Some day when mother isn't in I'll play it for you."Then the dimples fled again, and she immediately looked so distressed that Herbert came to her assistance.

"I suppose your brother taught you that too?""Oh dear, no!" she returned, with her frightened glance; "I only heard him say some people preferred that kind of thing to sacred music, and one day I saw a copy of it in a music-store window in Clay Street, and bought it. Oh no! Tappington didn't teach it to me."In the pleasant discovery that she was at times independent of her brother's perfections, Herbert smiled, and sympathetically drew a step nearer to her.She rose at once, somewhat primly holding back the sides of her skirt, school-girl fashion, with thumb and finger, and her eyes cast down.

"Good afternoon, Mr.Bly."

"Must you go?Good afternoon."

She walked directly to the open door, looking very tall and stately as she did so, but without turning towards him.When she reached it shelifted her eyes; there was the slightest suggestion of a return of her dimples in the relaxation of her grave little mouth.Then she said, "good- bye, Mr.Bly," and departed.

The skirt of her dress rustled for an instant in the passage.Herbert looked after her."I wonder if she skipped then--she looks like a girl that might skip at such a time," he said to himself."How very odd she is--and how simple! But I must pull her up in that slang when I know her better.Fancy her brother telling her THAT! What a pair they must be!" Nevertheless, when he turned back into the room again he forbore going to the window to indulge further curiosity in regard to his wicked neighbors.A certain new feeling of respect to his late companion--and possibly to himself-- held him in check.Much as he resented Tappington's perfections, he resented quite as warmly the presumption that he was not quite as perfect, which was implied in that mysterious overture.He glanced at the stool on which she had been sitting with a half- brotherly smile, and put it reverently on one side with a very vivid recollection of her shy maidenly figure.In some mysterious way too the room seemed to have lost its formal strangeness; perhaps it was the touch of individuality--HERS--that had been wanting? He began thoughtfully to dress himself for his regular dinner at the Poodle Dog Restaurant, and when he left the room he turned back to look once more at the stool where she had sat.Even on his way to that fast and famous cafe of the period he felt, for the first time in his thoughtless but lonely life, the gentle security of the home he had left behind him.

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