

There was an awkward pause.He still continued to hold the door open.Suddenly she moved forward with a school-girl stride, entered the room, and going to the harmonium, sat down upon the music-stool beside it, slightly bending forward, with one long, slim, white hand on top of the other, resting over her crossed knees.

Herbert was a little puzzled.It was the awkward and brusque act of a very young person, and yet nothing now could be more gentle and self- composed than her figure and attitude.

"Yes," he continued, smilingly; "I am only afraid that I may not be able to live quite up to the neatness and regularity of the example I find here everywhere.You know I am dreadfully careless and not at all orderly.I shudder to think what may happen; but you and your mother, Miss Brooks, I trust, will make up your minds to overlook and forgive a good deal.Ishall do my best to be worthy of Mr.Tap--of my predecessor--but even then I am afraid you'll find me a great bother."She raised her shy eyelids.The faintest ghost of a long-buried dimple came into her pale cheek as she said softly, to his utter consternation:


Had she uttered an oath he could not have been more startled than he was by this choice gem of Western saloon-slang from the pure lips of this Evangeline-like figure before him.He sat gazing at her with a wild hysteric desire to laugh.She lifted her eyes again, swept him with a slightly terrified glance, and said:

"Tap says you all say that when any one makes-believe politeness to you.""Oh, your BROTHER says that, does he?" said Herbert, laughing."Yes, and sometimes 'Old rats.'But," she continued hurriedly, "HEdoesn't say it; he says YOU all do.My brother is very particular, and very good.Doctor Stout loves him.He is thought very much of in all Christian circles.That book-mark was given to him by one of his classes."Every trace of her dimples had vanished.She looked so sweetly grave, and withal so maidenly, sitting there slightly smoothing the lengths of her pink fingers, that Herbert was somewhat embarrassed.

"But I assure you, Miss Brooks, I was not making-believe.I am really very careless, and everything is so proper--I mean so neat and pretty--here, that I"--he stopped, and, observing the same backward wandering of her eye as of a filly about to shy, quickly changed the subject."You have, or are about to have, neighbors?" he said, glancing towards the windows as he recalled the incident of a moment before.

"Yes; and they're not at all nice people.They are from Pike County, and very queer.They came across the plains in '50.They say 'Stranger'; the men are vulgar, and the girls very forward.Tap forbids my ever going to the window and looking at them.They're quite what you would call 'off color.'"Herbert, who did not dare to say that he never would have dreamed ofusing such an expression in any young girl's presence, was plunged in silent consternation.

"Then your brother doesn't approve of them?" he said, at last, awkwardly.

  • 二十几岁决定男人的一生


    男人,二十几岁时最怕别人说自己没长大?三十岁以后最怕别人说自己没出息?你二十几岁,染色体决定了你的生存方式是战斗! 男人在二十几岁怎样做,决定他三十岁以后怎样活!男人想在三十岁以后得到,就得在二十几岁做到!二十几岁敢要,三十岁以后得到。二十几岁敢赌,三十岁以后能赢。这就是《二十几岁,决定男人的一生》
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    对于很多青年朋友来说,读一读关于历史事件的宏大叙事——“正史 ”很重要,但也不妨多了解一点常常在细微处见出历史真精神的“史屑” ,知道一些掌故轶闻,这样既补充了正史之不足,也能培养自己对于历史 的兴趣。本书是在尊重历史的前提下,精选与时代精神结合紧密、具有现实意义的历史故事 ,并根据内容对每个故事都进行了深刻、精当的经验要诀分析,以期对怀有不同心理需求的读者以精神上的享受和人生的启迪。
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