

"That I will readily do," said Mareschal, "for never word escaped my lips that my hand was not ready to guarantee.- So, speak up, my pretty cousin, and tell me if it be your free will and unbiassed resolution to accept of this gallant knight for your lord and husband; for if you have the tenth part of a scruple upon the subject, fall back, fall edge, he shall not have you.""Are you mad, Mr.Mareschal?" said Ellieslaw, who, having been this young man's guardian during his minority, often employed a tone of authority to him."Do you suppose I would drag my daughter to the foot of the altar, were it not her own choice?""Tut, Ellieslaw," retorted the young gentleman, "never tell me of the contrary; her eyes are full of tears, and her cheeks are whiter than her white dress.I must insist, in the name of common humanity, that the ceremony be adjourned till to-morrow.""She shall tell you herself, thou incorrigible intermeddler in what concerns thee not, that it is her wish the ceremony should go on--Is it not, Isabella, my dear?""It is," said Isabella, half fainting--"since there is no help, either in God or man."The first word alone was distinctly audible.Mareschal shrugged up his shoulders and stepped back.Ellieslaw led, or rather supported, his daughter to the altar.Sir Frederick moved forward and placed himself byher side.The clergyman opened his prayer-book, and looked to Mr.Vere for the signal to commence the service.

"Proceed," said the latter.

But a voice, as if issuing from the tomb of his deceased wife, called, in such loud and harsh accents as awakened every echo in the vaulted chapel, "Forbear!"All were mute and motionless, till a distant rustle, and the clash of swords, or something resembling it, was heard from the remote apartments.It ceased almost instantly.

"What new device is this?" said Sir Frederick, fiercely, eyeing Ellieslaw and Mareschal with a glance of malignant suspicion.

"It can be but the frolic of some intemperate guest," said Ellieslaw, though greatly confounded; "we must make large allowances for the excess of this evening's festivity.Proceed with the service."Before the clergyman could obey, the same prohibition which they had before heard, was repeated from the same spot.The female attendants screamed, and fled from the chapel; the gentlemen laid their hands on their swords.Ere the first moment of surprise had passed by, the Dwarf stepped from behind the monument, and placed himself full in front of Mr.Vere.The effect of so strange and hideous an apparition in such a place and in such circumstances, appalled all present, but seemed to annihilate the Laird of Ellieslaw, who, dropping his daughter's arm, staggered against the nearest pillar, and, clasping it with his hands as if for support, laid his brow against the column.

"Who is this fellow?" said Sir Frederick; "and what does he mean by this intrusion?""It is one who comes to tell you," said the Dwarf, with the peculiar acrimony which usually marked his manner, "that, in marrying that young lady, you wed neither the heiress of Ellieslaw, nor of Mauley Hall, nor of Polverton, nor of one furrow of land, unless she marries with MY consent; and to thee that consent shall never be given.Down--down on thy knees, and thank Heaven that thou art prevented from wedding qualities with which thou hast no concern--portionless truth, virtue, and innocence--thou, base ingrate," he continued, addressing himself to Ellieslaw, "what is thywretched subterfuge now? Thou, who wouldst sell thy daughter to relieve thee from danger, as in famine thou wouldst have slain and devoured her to preserve thy own vile life!--Ay, hide thy face with thy hands; well mayst thou blush to look on him whose body thou didst consign to chains, his hand to guilt, and his soul to misery.Saved once more by the virtue of her who calls thee father, go hence, and may the pardon and benefits I confer on thee prove literal coals of fire, till thy brain is seared and scorched like mine!"Ellieslaw left the chapel with a gesture of mute despair.

"Follow him, Hubert Ratcliffe," said the Dwarf, "and inform him of his destiny.He will rejoice--for to breathe air and to handle gold is to him happiness,""I understand nothing of all this," said Sir Frederick Langley; "but we are here a body of gentlemen in arms and authority for King James; and whether you really, sir, be that Sir Edward Mauley, who has been so long supposed dead in confinement, or whether you be an impostor assuming his name and title, we will use the freedom of detaining you, till your appearance here, at this moment, is better accounted for; we will have no spies among us--Seize on him, my friends."But the domestics shrunk back in doubt and alarm.Sir Frederick himself stepped forward towards the Recluse, as if to lay hands on his person, when his progress was suddenly stopped by the glittering point of a partisan, which the sturdy hand of Hobbie Elliot presented against his bosom.

  • The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont

    The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont

  • 朱子语类


  • 宣和书谱


  • 闽都记


  • 文殊师利发愿经


  • 别说你懂写网文


  • 摩根传


  • 三枚子弹


  • 绵阳市游仙区中小学校信义教育读本


  • 中日战辑选录


  • 1996年的盛夏


  • The Unusual Suspects (Sisters Grimm #2)
  • 做人与修身知识(全集)


    犹太家庭的孩子,成长过程中几乎都要回答这样一个问题:“假如有一天你的房子被烧毁,你将带着什么东西逃跑呢?”如果孩子回答是钱或钻石,母亲将进一步:“有一种没有性质、没有色、没有气味的宝贝,你知道是什么吗?”要是孩子答不出来,母亲就会说:“孩子,你要带走的不是钱,也不是钻石,而是智慧。智慧是任何人都抢不走的。” 做是种智慧,修身是智慧的升华。本书从做人和修身两方面帮大家不断完善自己,成为一个在道德上完美、做人上成功的人。
  • P计划


  • 活在地狱之2012战火洗礼

