This then is a statement, as far as I can make it clear, of the method by which, with the proper state organisation, every Athenian may be supplied with ample maintenance at the public expense. Possibly some of you may be calculating that the capital requisite will be enormous. They may doubt if a sufficient sum will ever be subscribed to meet all the needs. All I can say is, even so, do not dispond. It is not as if it were necessary that every feature of the scheme should be carried out at once, or else there is to be no advantage in it at all. On the contrary, whatever number of houses are erected, or ships are built, or slaves purchased, etc., these portions will begin to pay at once. In fact, the bit-by-bit method of proceeding will be more advantageous than a simultaneous carrying into effect of the whole plan, to this extent: if we set about erecting buildings wholesale we shall make a more expensive and worse job of it than if we finish them off gradually. Again, if we set about bidding for hundreds of slaves at once we shall be forced to purchase an inferior type at a higher cost. Whereas, if we proceed tentatively, as we find ourselves able, we can complete any well-devised attempt at our leisure, and, in case of any obvious failure, take warning and not repeat it. Again, if everything were to be carried out at once, it is we, sirs, who must make the whole provision at ourexpense. Whereas, if part were proceeded with and part stood over, the portion of revenue in hand will help to furnish what is necessary to go on with. But to come now to what every one probably will regard as a really grave danger, lest the state may become possessed of an over large number of slaves, with the result that the works will be overstocked. That again is an apprehension which we may escape if we are careful not to put into the works more hands from year to year than the works themselves demand. Thus I am persuaded that the easiest method of carrying out this scheme, as a whole, is also the best. If, however, you are persuaded that, owing to the extraordinary property taxes to which you have been subjected during the present war, you will not be equal to any further contributions at present, what you should do is this: during the current year resolve to carry on the financial administration of the state within the limits of a sum equivalent to that which your dues realised before the peace. That done, you are at liberty to take any surplus sum, whether directly traceable to the peace itself, or to the more courteous treatment of our resident aliens and traders, or to the growth of the imports and exports, coincident with the collecting together of larger masses of human beings, or to an augmentation of harbour and market dues: this surplus, I say, however derived, you should take and invest so as to bring in the greatest revenue.
Or, "sinking fund."
{athrooi}--"in a body." It is a military phrase, I think. In close order, as it were, not in detachments.
"According to our ability," a favourite Socratic phrase.
{authis}. See for this corrupt passage Zurborg, "Comm." p. 31. He would insert, "and a little delay will not be prejudicial to our interests, but rather the contrary," or to that effect, thus: {kai authis an emin oiometha} "vel simile aliquid." Or, "it is we who must bear the whole burthen of the outlay." {outos}, "so far, unless I am mistaken, the easiest method is the best." Or, "heavy contributions, subscriptions incidental to," but theword {eisphoras} is technical. For the exhaustion of the treasurysee Dem. "Lept." 464; Grote, "H. G."xi. 326.
Or, "you will not be able to subscribe a single penny more." {umeis de}, you are masters of the situation. It lies with you to carry on, etc.; {dioikeite} is of course imperative.
Or, "taxes."