

"And I was only nineteen when Uncle Robert decided on the marriage.How was I to know? Uncle Robert talked to me.He pointed out how the wealth and property of Hawaii was already beginning to pass into the hands of the haoles" (Whites)."The Hawaiian chiefs let their possessions slip away from them.The Hawaiian chiefesses, who married haoles, had their possessions, under the management of their haole husbands, increase prodigiously.He pointed back to the original Grandfather Roger Wilton, who had taken Grandmother Wilton's poor mauka lands and added to them and built up about them the Kilohana Ranch--""Even then it was second only to the Parker Ranch," Martha interrupted proudly.

"And he told me that had our father, before he died, been as far- seeing as grandfather, half the then Parker holdings would have been added to Kilohana, making Kilohana first.And he said that never, for ever and ever, would beef be cheaper.And he said that the big future of Hawaii would be in sugar.That was fifty years ago, and he has been more than proved right.And he said that the young haole, George Castner, saw far, and would go far, and that there were many girls of us, and that theKilohana lands ought by rights to go to the boys, and that if I married George my future was assured in the biggest way.

"I was only nineteen.Just back from the Royal Chief School--that was before our girls went to the States for their education.You were among the first, Sister Martha, who got their education on the mainland.And what did I know of love and lovers, much less of marriage? All women married.It was their business in life.Mother and grandmother, all the way back they had married.It was my business in life to marry George Castner.Uncle Robert said so in his wisdom, and I knew he was very wise.And I went to live with my husband in the grey house at Nahala.

"You remember it.No trees, only the rolling grass lands, the high mountains behind, the sea beneath, and the wind!--the Waimea and Nahala winds, we got them both, and the kona wind as well.Yet little would I have minded them, any more than we minded them at Kilohana, or than they minded them at Mana, had not Nahala itself been so grey, and husband George so grey.We were alone.He was managing Nahala for the Glenns, who had gone back to Scotland.Eighteen hundred a year, plus beef, horses, cowboy service, and the ranch house, was what he received-- ""It was a high salary in those days," Martha said.

"And for George Castner, and the service he gave, it was very cheap," Bella defended."I lived with him for three years.There was never a morning that he was out of his bed later than half-past four.He was the soul of devotion to his employers.Honest to a penny in his accounts, he gave them full measure and more of his time and energy.Perhaps that was what helped make our life so grey.But listen, Martha.Out of his eighteen hundred, he laid aside sixteen hundred each year.Think of it! The two of us lived on two hundred a year.Luckily he did not drink or smoke.Also, we dressed out of it as well.I made my own dresses.You can imagine them.Outside of the cowboys who chored the firewood, I did the work.I cooked, and baked, and scrubbed--""You who had never known anything but servants from the time you were born!" Martha pitied."Never less than a regiment of them atKilohana."

"Oh, but it was the bare, naked, pinching meagreness of it!" Bella cried out."How far I was compelled to make a pound of coffee go! A broom worn down to nothing before a new one was bought! And beef! Fresh beef and jerky, morning, noon, and night! And porridge! Never since have I eaten porridge or any breakfast food."She arose suddenly and walked a dozen steps away to gaze a moment with unseeing eyes at the colour-lavish reef while she composed herself.And she returned to her seat with the splendid, sure, gracious, high- breasted, noble-headed port of which no out-breeding can ever rob the Hawaiian woman.Very haole was Bella Castner, fair-skinned, fine- textured.Yet, as she returned, the high pose of head, the level-lidded gaze of her long brown eyes under royal arches of eyebrows, the softly set lines of her small mouth that fairly sang sweetness of kisses after sixty- eight years--all made her the very picture of a chiefess of old Hawaii full- bursting through her ampleness of haole blood.Taller she was than her sister Martha, if anything more queenly.

"You know we were notorious as poor feeders," Bella laughed lightly enough."It was many a mile on either side from Nahala to the next roof.Belated travellers, or storm-bound ones, would, on occasion, stop with us overnight.And you know the lavishness of the big ranches, then and now.How we were the laughing-stock!'What do we care!' George would say.'They live to-day and now.Twenty years from now will be our turn, Bella.They will be where they are now, and they will eat out of our hand.We will be compelled to feed them, they will need to be fed, and we will feed them well; for we will be rich, Bella, so rich that I am afraid to tell you.But I know what I know, and you must have faith in me.' "George was right.Twenty years afterward, though he did not live to see it, my income was a thousand a month.Goodness!I do not know what it is to-day.But I was only nineteen, and I would say to George: 'Now! now!We live now.We may not be alive twenty years from now.I do want a new broom.And there is a third-rate coffee that is only two cents a pound more than the awful stuff we are using.Why couldn't I fry eggs in butter--now?I should dearly love at least one new tablecloth.

Our linen!I'm ashamed to put a guest between the sheets, though heaven knows they dare come seldom enough.'

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