

"I have often wondered if Uncle John dreamed of what possibly might happen.I know I had no thought of it myself, that day I rode across and joined the Princess at Mana.Never was there such festal time.You know the grand way the old Parkers had of entertaining.The pig- sticking and wild-cattle-shooting, the horse-breaking and the branding.The servants' quarters overflowing.Parker cowboys in from everywhere.And all the girls from Waimea up, and the girls from Waipio, and Honokaa,and Paauilo--I can see them yet, sitting in long rows on top the stone walls of the breaking pen and making leis" (flower garlands) "for their cowboy lovers.And the nights, the perfumed nights, the chanting of the meles and the dancing of the hulas, and the big Mana grounds with lovers everywhere strolling two by two under the trees.

"And the Prince..." Bella paused, and for a long minute her small fine teeth, still perfect, showed deep in her underlip as she sought and won control and sent her gaze vacantly out across the far blue horizon.As she relaxed, her eyes came back to her sister.

"He was a prince, Martha.You saw him at Kilohana before...after you came home from seminary.He filled the eyes of any woman, yes, and of any man.Twenty-five he was, in all-glorious ripeness of man, great and princely in body as he was great and princely in spirit.No matter how wild the fun, how reckless mad the sport, he never seemed to forget that he was royal, and that all his forebears had been high chiefs even to that first one they sang in the genealogies, who had navigated his double-canoes to Tahiti and Raiatea and back again.He was gracious, sweet, kindly comradely, all friendliness--and severe, and stern, and harsh, if he were crossed too grievously.It is hard to express what I mean.He was all man, man, man, and he was all prince, with a strain of the merry boy in him, and the iron in him that would have made him a good and strong king of Hawaii had he come to the throne.

"I can see him yet, as I saw him that first day and touched his hand and talked with him...few words and bashful, and anything but a year-long married woman to a grey haole at grey Nahala.Half a century ago it was, that meeting--you remember how our young men then dressed in white shoes and trousers, white silk shirts, with slashed around the middle the gorgeously colourful Spanish sashes-- and for half a century that picture of him has not faded in my heart.He was the centre of a group on the lawn, and I was being brought by Ella Higginsworth to be presented.The Princess Lihue had just called some teasing chaff to her which had made her halt to respond and left me halted a pace in front of her.

"His glance chanced to light on me, alone there, perturbed, embarrassed.Oh, how I see him!--his head thrown back a little, with thathigh, bright, imperious, and utterly care-free poise that was so usual of him.Our eyes met.His head bent forward, or straightened to me, I don't know what happened.Did he command? Did I obey? I do not know.I know only that I was good to look upon, crowned with fragrant maile, clad in Princess Naomi's wonderful holoku loaned me by Uncle John from his taboo room; and I know that I advanced alone to him across the Mana lawn, and that he stepped forth from those about him to meet me half-way.We came to each other across the grass, unattended, as if we were coming to each other across our lives.

"--Was I very beautiful, Sister Martha, when I was young? I do not know.I don't know.But in that moment, with all his beauty and truly royal-manness crossing to me and penetrating to the heart of me, I felt a sudden sense of beauty in myself--how shall I say? as if in him and from him perfection were engendered and conjured within myself.

"No word was spoken.But, oh, I know I raised my face in frank answer to the thunder and trumpets of the message unspoken, and that, had it been death for that one look and that one moment I could not have refrained from the gift of myself that must have been in my face and eyes, in the very body of me that breathed so high.

"Was I beautiful, very beautiful, Martha, when I was nineteen, just turning into twenty?"And Martha, three-score and four, looked upon Bella, three-score and eight, and nodded genuine affirmation, and to herself added the appreciation of the instant in what she beheld--Bella's neck, still full and shapely, longer than the ordinary Hawaiian woman's neck, a pillar that carried regally her high-cheeked, high-browed, high chiefess face and head; Bella's hair, high-piled, intact, sparkling the silver of the years, ringleted still and contrasting definitely and sharply with her clean, slim, black brows and deep brown eyes.And Martha's glance, in modest overwhelming of modesty by what she saw, dropped down the splendid breast of her and generously true lines of body to the feet, silken clad, high-heeled-slippered, small, plump, with an almost Spanish arch and faultlessness of instep.

"When one is young, the one young time!" Bella laughed."Lilolilowas a prince.I came to know his every feature and their every phase...afterward, in our wonder days and nights by the singing waters, by the slumber-drowsy surfs, and on the mountain ways.I knew his fine, brave eyes, with their straight, black brows, the nose of him that was assuredly a Kamehameha nose, and the last, least, lovable curve of his mouth.There is no mouth more beautiful than the Hawaiian, Martha.

"And his body.He was a king of athletes, from his wicked, wayward hair to his ankles of bronzed steel.Just the other day I heard one of the Wilder grandsons referred to as 'The Prince of Harvard.' Mercy! What would they, what could they have called my Lilolilo could they have matched him against this Wilder lad and all his team at Harvard!"Bella ceased and breathed deeply, the while she clasped her fine small hands in her ample silken lap.But her pink fairness blushed faintly through her skin and warmed her eyes as she relived her prince-days.

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