

"Well--you have guessed?" Bella said, with defiant shrug of shoulders and a straight gaze into her sister's eyes."We rode out from gay Mana and continued the gay progress--down the lava trails to Kiholo to the swimming and the fishing and the feasting and the sleeping in the warm sand under the palms; and up to Puuwaawaa, and more pig-sticking, and roping and driving, and wild mutton from the upper pasture-lands; and on through Kona, now mauka" (mountainward), "now down to the King's palace at Kailua, and to the swimming at Keauhou, and to Kealakekua Bay, and Napoopoo and Honaunau.And everywhere the people turning out, in their hands gifts of flowers, and fruit, and fish, and pig, in their hearts love and song, their heads bowed in obeisance to the royal ones while their lips ejaculated exclamations of amazement or chanted meles of old and unforgotten days.

"What would you, Sister Martha? You know what we Hawaiians are.You know what we were half a hundred years ago.Lilolilo was wonderful.I was reckless.Lilolilo of himself could make any woman reckless.I was twice reckless, for I had cold, grey Nahala to spur me on.I knew.I had never a doubt.Never a hope.Divorces in those days were undreamed.The wife of George Castner could never be queen of Hawaii, even if Uncle Robert's prophesied revolutions were delayed, andif Lilolilo himself became king.But I never thought of the throne.What I wanted would have been the queendom of being Lilolilo's wife and mate.But I made no mistake.What was impossible was impossible, and I dreamed no false dream.

"It was the very atmosphere of love.And Lilolilo was a lover.I was for ever crowned with leis by him, and he had his runners bring me leis all the way from the rose-gardens of Mana--you remember them; fifty miles across the lava and the ranges, dewy fresh as the moment they were plucked, in their jewel-cases of banana bark; yard-long they were, the tiny pink buds like threaded beads of Neapolitan coral.And at the luaus" (feasts) the for ever never- ending luaus, I must be seated on Lilolilo's Makaloa mat, the Prince's mat, his alone and taboo to any lesser mortal save by his own condescension and desire.And I must dip my fingers into his own pa wai holoi" (finger-bowl) "where scented flower petals floated in the warm water.Yes, and careless that all should see his extended favour, I must dip into his pa paakai for my pinches of red salt, and limu, and kukui nut and chili pepper; and into his ipu kai" (fish sauce dish) "of kou wood that the great Kamehameha himself had eaten from on many a similar progress.And it was the same for special delicacies that were for Lilolilo and the Princess alone--for his nelu, and the ake, and the palu, and the alaala.And his kahilis were waved over me, and his attendants were mine, and he was mine; and from my flower-crowned hair to my happy feet I was a woman loved."Once again Bella's small teeth pressed into her underlip, as she gazed vacantly seaward and won control of herself and her memories.

"It was on, and on, through all Kona, and all Kau, from Hoopuloa and Kapua to Honuapo and Punaluu, a life-time of living compressed into two short weeks.A flower blooms but once.That was my time of bloom-- Lilolilo beside me, myself on my wonderful Hilo, a queen, not of Hawaii, but of Lilolilo and Love.He said I was a bubble of colour and beauty on the black back of Leviathan; that I was a fragile dewdrop on the smoking crest of a lava flow; that I was a rainbow riding the thunder cloud..."Bella paused for a moment.

"I shall tell you no more of what he said to me," she declared gravely;"save that the things he said were fire of love and essence of beauty, and that he composed hulas to me, and sang them to me, before all, of nights under the stars as we lay on our mats at the feasting; and I on the Makaloa mat of Lilolilo.

"And it was on to Kilauea--the dream so near its ending; and of course we tossed into the pit of sea-surging lava our offerings to the Fire-Goddess of maile leis and of fish and hard poi wrapped moist in the ti leaves.And we continued down through old Puna, and feasted and danced and sang at Kohoualea and Kamaili and Opihikao, and swam in the clear, sweet-water pools of Kalapana.And in the end came to Hilo by the sea.

"It was the end.We had never spoken.It was the end recognized and unmentioned.The yacht waited.We were days late.Honolulu called, and the news was that the King had gone particularly pupule" (insane), "that there were Catholic and Protestant missionary plottings, and that trouble with France was brewing.As they had landed at Kawaihae two weeks before with laughter and flowers and song, so they departed from Hilo.It was a merry parting, full of fun and frolic and a thousand last messages and reminders and jokes.The anchor was broken out to a song of farewell from Lilolilo's singing boys on the quarterdeck, while we, in the big canoes and whaleboats, saw the first breeze fill the vessel's sails and the distance begin to widen.

  • 大唐青龙寺三朝供奉大德行状


  • Renascence and Other Poems

    Renascence and Other Poems

  • 采石瓜洲毙亮记


  • 碧鸡漫志


  • 心意拳拳谱


  • 素质修仙


  • 太上洞真贤门经


  • 孩子不自立父母怎么办:有效解决孩子问题的50个对策


  • 穿越100分我要前程似锦


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  • 神仙也脆弱


  • 魅之患


  • 名人传记丛书:利文斯敦


  • 重活在未来


    光的对面是暗。 时空的对面是我和你。 当时空的阻隔被打破,失忆男子莫飞逸面对的,是超科技的未来。 渡过平静的校园生活,莫飞逸终于看到这和平世界的另一面。 一场追逐,一场战争,一次信念之间的碰撞。 无关对与错,一切都在改变。(书友群:245434308)
  • 快穿之腹黑男神万千宠

