

While Harley had been in no way responsible for Pelton's murderous attack upon Yesler, public opinion held him to account.The Pinkertons who had, up till this time, been employed at the mines, were now moved to the hotel to be ready for an emergency.A special train was held in readiness to take the New Yorker out of the State in the event that the stockman should die.Meanwhile, the harassing attacks of Ridgway continued.Through another judge than Purcell, the absurd injunction against working the Diamond King, the Mary K, and the Marcus Daly had been dissolved, but even this advantage had been neutralized by the necessity of giving back to the enemy the Taurus and the New York, of which he had just possessed himself.All his life he had kept a wheather- eye upon the impulsive and fickle public.There were times when its feeling could be abused with impunity, and other times when this must be respected.Reluctantly, Harley gave the word for the withdrawal of his men from the territory gained.Ridgway pushed his advantage home and secured an injunction, not only against the working, but against the inspection of the Copper King and the Jim Hill.The result of the Consolidated move had been in effect to turn over, temporarily, its two rich mines to be looted by the pirate, and to make him very much stronger than before with his allies, the unions.By his own imprudence, Harley had made a bad situation worse, and delivered himself, with his hands tied, into the power of the enemy.

In the days of turmoil that followed, Waring Ridgway's telling blows scored once and again.The morning after the explosion, he started a relief fund in his paper, the Sun, for the families of the dead miners, contributing two thousand dollars himself.He also insisted that the Consolidated pay damages to the bereaved families to the extent of twenty thousand dollars for each man killed.The town rang with his praises.Mesa had always been proud of his success; had liked the democratic spirit of him that led him to mix on apparently equal terms with his working men, and hadbacked him in his opposition to the trust because his plucky and unscrupulous fight had been, in a measure, its fight.But now it idolized him.He was the buffer between it and the trust, fighting the battles of labor against the great octopus of Broadway, and beating it to a standstill.He was the Moses destined to lead the working man out of the Egypt of his discontent.Had he not maintained the standard of wages and forced the Consolidated to do the same? Had he not declared an eight-hour day, and was not the trust almost ready to do this also, forced by the impetus his example had given the unions? So Ridgway's agents whispered, and the union leaders, whom he had bought, took up the burden of their tale and preached it both in private talk and in their speeches.

In an attempt to stem the rising tide of denunciation that was spreading from Mesa to the country at large, Harley announced an eight hour day and an immense banquet to all the Consolidated employees in celebration of the occasion.Ten thousand men sat down to the long tables, but when one of the speakers injudiciously mentioned the name of Ridgway, there was steady cheering for ten minutes.It was quite plain that the miners gave him the credit for having forced the Consolidated to the eight-hour day.

The verdict of the coroner's jury was that Vance Edwards and the other deceased miners had come to their death at the hands of the foreman, Michael Donleavy, at the instigation of Simon Harley.True bills were at once drawn up by the prosecuting attorney of Mesa County, an official elected by Ridgway, charging Harley and Donleavy with conspiracy, resulting in the murder of Vance Edwards.The billionaire furnished bail for himself and foreman, treating the indictments merely as part of the attacks of the enemy.

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