

He's fearfully restless; he's very much out of health.Mother and Isaid to him that if he was restless in Paris he needn't hope for peace anywhere.We don't mean to leave him alone till he takes us back." There was an air of keen resolution in Miss Ruck's pretty face, of lucid apprehension of desirable ends, which made me, as she pronounced these words, direct a glance of covert compassion toward her poor recalcitrant father.He had walked away a little with his wife, and I saw only his back and his stooping, patient-looking shoulders, whose air of acute resignation was thrown into relief by the voluminous tranquillity of Mrs.Ruck."He will have to take us back in September, any way," the young girl pursued; "he will have to take us back to get some things we have ordered.""Have you ordered a great many things?" I asked jocosely.

"Well, I guess we have ordered SOME.Of course we wanted to take advantage of being in Paris--ladies always do.We have left the principal things till we go back.Of course that is the principal interest, for ladies.Mother said she should feel so shabby if she just passed through.We have promised all the people to be back in September, and I never broke a promise yet.So Mr.Ruck has got to make his plans accordingly.""And what are his plans?"

"I don't know; he doesn't seem able to make any.His great idea was to get to Geneva; but now that he has got here he doesn't seem to care.It's the effect of ill health.He used to be so bright; but now he is quite subdued.It's about time he should improve, any way.

We went out last night to look at the jewellers' windows--in that street behind the hotel.I had always heard of those jewellers'

windows.We saw some lovely things, but it didn't seem to rouse father.He'll get tired of Geneva sooner than he did of Paris.""Ah," said I, "there are finer things here than the jewellers'

windows.We are very near some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe.""I suppose you mean the mountains.Well, we have seen plenty of mountains at home.We used to go to the mountains every summer.We are familiar enough with the mountains.Aren't we, mother?" the young lady demanded, appealing to Mrs.Ruck, who, with her husband, had drawn near again.

"Aren't we what?" inquired the elder lady.

"Aren't we familiar with the mountains?"

"Well, I hope so," said Mrs.Ruck.

Mr.Ruck, with his hands in his pockets, gave me a sociable wink.--"There's nothing much you can tell them!" he said.

The two ladies stood face to face a few moments, surveying each other's garments."Don't you want to go out?" the young girl at last inquired of her mother.

"Well, I think we had better; we have got to go up to that place.""To what place?" asked Mr.Ruck.

"To that jeweller's--to that big one."

"They all seemed big enough; they were too big!" And Mr.Ruck gave me another wink.

"That one where we saw the blue cross," said his daughter.

"Oh, come, what do you want of that blue cross?" poor Mr.Ruck demanded.

"She wants to hang it on a black velvet ribbon and tie it round her neck," said his wife.

"A black velvet ribbon? No, I thank you!" cried the young lady."Do you suppose I would wear that cross on a black velvet ribbon? On a nice little gold chain, if you please--a little narrow gold chain, like an old-fashioned watch-chain.That's the proper thing for that blue cross.I know the sort of chain I mean; I'm going to look for one.When I want a thing," said Miss Ruck, with decision, "I can generally find it.""Look here, Sophy," her father urged, "you don't want that blue cross.""I do want it--I happen to want it." And Sophy glanced at me with a little laugh.

Her laugh, which in itself was pretty, suggested that there were various relations in which one might stand to Miss Ruck; but I think I was conscious of a certain satisfaction in not occupying the paternal one."Don't worry the poor child," said her mother.

"Come on, mother," said Miss Ruck.

"We are going to look about a little," explained the elder lady to me, by way of taking leave.

"I know what that means," remarked Mr.Ruck, as his companions moved away.He stood looking at them a moment, while he raised his hand to his head, behind, and stood rubbing it a little, with a movement that displaced his hat.(I may remark in parenthesis that I never saw a hat more easily displaced than Mr.Ruck's.) I supposed he was going to say something querulous, but I was mistaken.Mr.Ruck was unhappy, but he was very good-natured."Well, they want to pick up something," he said."That's the principal interest, for ladies."

  • 台湾海防档


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  • 早秋送台院杨侍御归


  • 太上慈悲道场灭罪水忏


  • 得无垢女经


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  • 希利尔讲世界地理


    这是一本绝佳的地理启蒙读物,在书中,“地理”已经不再是个干巴巴、硬邦邦的字眼儿,而是听上去跟“历险”更沾边儿些。 希利尔以地理知识与旅行见闻为素材,精心绘制了一张生动的“地图”,让这本书变成了孩子环游世界旅行的指南——从北美洲到南美洲,从欧洲到亚洲,最后是非洲、大洋洲。 希利尔将精彩的世界藏在每张书页中,所以当孩子们翻开这本书时,他们并不是简单地阅读,而是在探索一个未知的世界。
  • 觉醒


  • 快穿之凉了那颗渣心


  • 1团的东方远征


  • 大漠鹏程


  • 终极圣灵


  • 龙江船厂志


  • 沉默的子弹


    那里有我无悔的青春,激情的岁月,铁血的锻炼……我在那里掉过眼泪,流过汗,受过伤……还有太多,太多,我无法遗忘的东西,心爱的狙击枪,缴获的望远镜,偷偷留下的手雷拉环,还有一封改变我一生的书信 ……这,我都能忘记吗?不,这一切,我无法忘怀,或许有一天,我还会回到那里,不为别的,只是因为我曾经在那里生活过,战斗过。
  • 忍破乾坤

