

The gloomy aspect of the forest, only half-lighted with a reddish glare, was so effective--the howlings of the panther were so furious--the gestures, attitude, and countenance of Morok were so expressive of terror, that the audience, attentive and trembling, now maintained a profound silence.Every one held his breath, and a kind of shudder came over the spectators, as though they expected some horrible event.What gave such a fearful air of truth to the pantomime of Morok, was that, as he approached the cavern step by step, he approached also the Englishman's box.In spite of himself, the lion-tamer, fascinated by terror, could not take his eyes from the large green eyes of this man, and it seemed as if every one of the abrupt movements which he made in crawling along, was produced by a species of magnetic attraction, caused by the fixed gaze of the fatal wagerer.Therefore, the nearer Morok approached, the more ghastly and livid he became.At sight of this pantomime, which was no longer acting, but the real expression of intense fear, the deep and trembling silence which had reigned in the theatre was once more interrupted by acclamations, with which were mingled the roarings of the panther, and the distant growls of the lion and tiger.

The Englishman leaned almost out of his box, with a frightful sardonic smile on his lip, and with his large eyes still fixed, panted for breath.

The perspiration ran down his bald red forehead, as if he had really expended an incredible amount of magnetic power in attracting Morok, whom he now saw close to the cavern entrance.The moment was decisive.

Crouching down with his dagger in his hand, following with eye and gesture Death's every movement, who, roaring furiously, and opening wide her enormous jaws, seemed determined to guard the entrance of her den, Morok waited for the moment to rush upon her.There is such fascination in danger, that Adrienne shared, in spite of herself, the feeling of painful curiosity, mixed with terror, that thrilled through all the spectators.Leaning forward like the marchioness, and gazing upon this scene of fearful interest, the lady still held mechanically in her hand the Indian bouquet preserved since the morning.Suddenly, Morok raised a wild shout, as he rushed towards Death, who answered this exclamation by a dreadful roar, and threw herself upon her master with so much fury, that Adrienne, in alarm, believing the man lost, drew herself back, and covered her fact with her hands.Her flowers slipped from her grasp, and, falling upon the stage, rolled into the cavern in which Morok was struggling with the panther.

Quick as lightning, supple and agile as a tiger, yielding to the intoxication of his love, and to the wild ardor excited in him by the roaring of the panther, Djalma sprang at one bound upon the stage, drew his dagger, and rushed into the cavern to recover Adrienne's nosegay.At that instant, Morok, being wounded, uttered a dreadful cry for help; the panther, rendered still more furious at sight of Djalma, make the most desperate efforts to break her chain.Unable to succeed in doing so, she rose upon her hind legs, in order to seize Djalma, then within reach of her sharp claws.It was only by bending down his head, throwing himself on his knees, and twice plunging his dagger into her belly with the rapidity of lightning, that Djalma escaped certain death.The panther gave a howl, and fell with her whole weight upon the prince.For a second, during which lasted her terrible agony, nothing was seen but a confused and convulsive mass of black limbs, and white garments stained with blood--and then Djalma rose, pale, bleeding, for he was wounded--and standing erect, his eye flashing with savage pride, his foot on the body of the panther, he held in his hand Adrienne's bouquet, and cast towards her a glance which told the intensity of his love.Then only did Adrienne feel her strength fail her--for only superhuman courage had enabled her to watch all the terrible incidents of the struggle.

End The Wandering Jew, Volume 9

  • 瞎堂慧远禅师广录


  • 高峰原妙禅师禅要


  • 慧觉衣禅师语录


  • 酒经


  • 太上洞玄灵宝宣戒首悔众罪保护经


  • 法的门前


  • 情深不予朝暮


  • 天才世子妃太猖狂


  • 西征日录


  • 心态决定命运的24堂课


  • 挂科不挂爱


  • 仲夏夜之梦


  • 田园美娇娘


  • 傲古帝尊


  • 仙界赢家

