Without making any answer to this reproach, the little father riveted his one eye upon Rodin with an expression of enthusiasm, and exclaimed, whilst he accompanied his words with petulant gestures, "At lazt I zee te zuperb light of our zacred Company, and can zalute him from my heart--
vonse more, vonse more."
As the little father had already recovered his breath, and was about to rush once again into Rodin's arms, the latter stepped back hastily, and held out his arm to keep him off, saying, in allusion to the illogical metaphor employed by Father Caboccini, "First of all, father, one does not embrace a light--and then I am not a light--I am a humble and obscure laborer in the Lord's vineyard."
The Roman replied with enthusiasm (we shall henceforth translate his gibberish), "You are right, father, we cannot embrace a light, but we can prostrate ourselves before it, and admire its dazzling brightness."
So saying, Caboccini was about to suit the action to the word, and to prostrate himself before Rodin, had not the latter prevented this mode of adulation by seizing the Roman by the arm and exclaiming, "This is mere idolatry, father.Pass over my qualities, and tell me what is the object of your journey."
"The object, my dear father, fills me with joy and happiness.I have endeavored to show you my affection by my caresses, for my heart is overflowing.I have hardly been able to restrain myself during my journey hither, for my heart rushed to meet you.The object transports, delights, enchants me--"
"But what enchants you?" cried Rodin, exasperated by these Italian exaggerations."What is the object?"
"This rescript of our very reverend and excellent General will inform you, my clear father."
Caboccini drew from his pocket-book a folded paper, with three seals, which he kissed respectfully, and delivered to Rodin, who himself kissed it in his turn, and opened it with visible anxiety.While he read it the countenance of the Jesuit remained impassible, but the pulsation of the arteries on his temples announced his internal agitation.Yet he put the letter coolly into his pocket, and looking at the Roman, said to him, "Be it as our excellent General has commanded!"
"Then, father," cried Caboccini, with a new effusion of tenderness and admiration, "I shall be the shadow of your light, and, in fact, your second self.I shall have the happiness of being always with you, day and night, and of acting as your socius, since, after having allowed you to be without one for some time, according to your wish, and for the interest of our blessed Company, our excellent General now thinks fit to send me from Rome, to fill that post about your person--an unexpected, an immense favor, which fills me with gratitude to our General, and with love to you, my dear, my excellent father!"
"It is well played," thought Rodin; "but I am not so soft, and 'tis only among the blind that your Cyclops are kings!"
The evening of the day in which this scene took place between the Jesuit and his new socius, Ninny Moulin, after receiving in presence of Caboccini the instructions of Rodin, went straight to Madame de la Sainte-Colombe's.
This woman had made her fortune, at the time of the allies taking Paris, by keeping one of those "pretty milliner's shops," whose "pink bonnets"
have run into a proverb not extinct in these days when bonnets are not known.Ninny Moulin had no better well to draw inspiration from when, as now, he had to find out, as per Rodin's order, a girl of an age and appearance which, singularly enough, were closely resembling those of Mdlle.de Cardoville.
No doubt of Ninny Moulin's success in this mission, for the next morning Rodin, whose countenance wore a triumphant expression, put with his own hand a letter into the post.
This letter was addressed:
"To M.Agricola Baudoin, "No.2, Rue Brise-Miche, "Paris."