


The heavens, which had been till now of transparent blue, became gradually of a greenish tint, and the sun was veiled in red, lurid vapor.

This strange light gave to every object a weird appearance, of which one might form an idea, by looking at a landscape through a piece of copper-

colored glass.In those climates, this phenomenon, when united with an increase of burning heat, always announces the approach of a storm.

From time to time there was a passing odor of sulphur; then the leaves, slightly shaken by electric currents, would tremble upon their stalks;

till again all would return to the former motionless silence.The weight of the burning atmosphere, saturated with sharp perfumes, became almost intolerable.Large drops of sweat stood in pearls on the forehead of Djalma, still plunged in enervating sleep--for it no longer resembled rest, but a painful stupor.

The Strangler glided like a reptile along the sides of the ajoupa, and, crawling on his belly, arrived at the sleeping-mat of Djalma, beside which he squatted himself, so as to occupy as little space as possible.

Then began a fearful scene, by reason of the mystery and silence which surrounded it.

Djalma's life was at the mercy of the Strangler.The latter, resting upon his hands and knees, with his neck stretched forward, his eye fixed and dilated, continued motionless as a wild beast about to spring.Only a slight nervous trembling of the jaws agitated that mask of bronze.

But soon his hideous features revealed a violent struggle that was passing within him--a struggle between the thirst, the craving for the enjoyment of murder, which the recent assassination of the slave had made still more active, and the orders he had received not to attempt the life of Djalma, though the design, which brought him to the ajoupa, might perhaps be as fatal to the young Indian as death itself.Twice did the Strangler, with look of flame, resting only on his left hand, seize with his right the rope's end; and twice his hand fell--the instinct of murder yielding to a powerful will, of which the Malay acknowledged the irresistible empire.

In him, the homicidal craving must have amounted to madness, for, in these hesitations, he lost much precious time: at any moment, Djalma, whose vigor, skill, and courage were known and feared, might awake from his sleep, and, though unarmed, he would prove a terrible adversary.At length the Thug made up his mind; with a suppressed sigh of regret, he set about accomplishing his task.

This task would have appeared impossible to any one else.The reader may judge.

Djalma, with his face turned towards the left, leaned his head upon his curved arm.It was first necessary, without waking him, to oblige him to turn his face towards the right (that is, towards the door), so that, in case of his being half-roused, his first glance might not fall upon the Strangler.The latter, to accomplish his projects, would have to remain many minutes in the cabin.

The heavens became darker; the heat arrived at its last degree of intensity; everything combined to increase the torpor of the sleeper, and so favor the Strangler's designs.Kneeling down close to Djalma, he began, with the tips of his supple, well-oiled fingers, to stroke the brow, temples, and eyelids of the young Indian, but with such extreme lightness, that the contact of the two skins was hardly sensible.When this kind of magnetic incantation had lasted for some seconds, the sweat, which bathed the forehead of Djalma, became more abundant: he heaved a smothered sigh, and the muscles of his face gave several twitches, for the strokings, although too light to rouse him, yet caused in him a feeling of indefinable uneasiness.

Watching him with his restless and burning eye, the Strangler continued his maneuvers with so much patience, that Djalma, still sleeping, but no longer able to bear this vague, annoying sensation, raised his right hand mechanically to his face, as if he would have brushed away an importunate insect.But he had not strength to do it; almost immediately after, his hand, inert and heavy, fell back upon his chest.The Strangler saw, by this symptom, that he was attaining his object, and continued to stroke, with the same address, the eyelids, brow, and temples.

Whereupon Djalma, more and more oppressed by heavy sleep, and having neither strength nor will to raise his hand to his face, mechanically turned round his head, which fell languidly upon his right shoulder, seeking by this change of attitude, to escape from the disagreeable sensation which pursued him.The first point gained, the Strangler could act more freely.

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    新书《从拍情景喜剧开始》,望君赏阅 杂家,九流之一,博采各家之说见长!现代小编剧马晋重生到大乾王朝,一个替代了明清两朝的朝代!成为京城一个小酒楼的东家,为了酒楼的生意,马晋在酒楼当起了说书先生,《隋唐演义》《说岳全传》让他声名大震!出书小说《三国演义》《水浒传》更是火爆天下!说书,写小说,编戏,办报纸,开戏班,让马晋赚的盆满钵溢!走遍天下州府,编著医书,农书,奇物志,地理志,风土人情志,美食志,名垂青史,是为一代杂家宗师!