

I have reached the last page of my diary.I shall lock it, and leave it in charge of my bankers, on my way to the Portsmouth train.Shall I ever w ant a new diary? Superstitious people might associate this coming to the end of the book with coming to an end of another kind.I have no imagination, and I take my leap in the dark hopefully--with Byron's glorious lines in my mind:

"Here's a sigh to those who love me, And a smile to those that bate;And whatever sky's above met Here's heart for every fated ----(An inclosure is inserted here, marking a lapse of seven months, before the entries in the diary are resumed.It consists of two telegrams, dispatched respectively on the 1st and 2d of May, 1864.)1."From Bernard Winterfield, Portsmouth, England.To Mrs.

Romayne care of M.Villeray, St.Germain, near Paris.--Penrose is safe on board my yacht.His unfortunate companion has died of exhaustion, and he is himself in a feeble state of health.I at once take him with me to London for medical advice.We are eager for news of you.Telegraph to Derwent's Hotel."2."From Mrs.Eyrecourt, St.Germain.To Bernard Winterfield, Derwent's Hotel, London.--Your telegram received with joy, and sent on to Stella in Paris.All well.But strange events have happened.If you cannot come here at once, go to Lord Loring.He will tell you everything."Tenth Extract.

London, 2d May, 1864.--Mrs.Eyrecourt's telegram reached me just after Doctor Wybrow had paid his first professional visit to Penrose, at the hotel.I had hardly time to feel relieved by the opinion of the case which he expressed, before my mind was upset by Mrs.Eyrecourt.Leaving Penrose under the charge of our excellent landlady, I hurried away to Lord Loring.

It was still early in the day: his lordship was at home.He maddened me with impatience by apologizing at full length for "the inexcusable manner in which he had misinterpreted my conduct on the deplorable occasion of the marriage ceremony at Brussels."I stopped his flow of words (very earnestly spoken, it is only right to add), and entreated him to tell me, in the first place, what Stella was doing in Paris.

"Stella is with her husband," Lord Loring replied.

My head turned giddy, my heart beat furiously.Lord Loring looked at me--ran to the luncheon table in the next room--and returned with a glass of wine.I really don't know whether I drank the wine or not.I know I stammered out another inquiry in one word.

"Reconciled?" I said.

"Yes, Mr.Winterfield--reconciled, before he dies."We were both silent for a while.

What was he thinking of? I don't know.What was I thinking of? Idaren't write it down.

Lord Loring resumed by expressing some anxiety on the subject of my health.I made the best excuse for myself that I could, and told him of the rescue of Penrose.He had heard of my object in leaving England, and heartily congratulated me."This will be welcome news indeed," he said, "to Father Benwell."Even the name of Father Benwell now excites my distrust."Is _he_in Paris too?" I inquired.

"He left Paris last night," Lord Loring answered; "and he is now in London, on important business (as I understand) connected with Romayne's affairs."I instantly thought of the boy.

"Is Romayne in possession of his faculties?" I asked.

"In complete possession."

"While justice is in his power, has he done justice to his son?"Lord Loring looked a little confused."I have not heard," was all he said in reply.

I was far from satisfied."You are one of Romayne's oldest friends," I persisted."Have you not seen him yourself?""I have seen him more than once.But he has never referred to his affairs." Having said this he hastily changed the subject."Is there any other information that I can give you?" he suggested.

I had still to learn under what circumstances Romayne had left Italy for France, and how the event of his illness in Paris had been communicated to his wife.Lord Loring had only to draw on his own recollections to enlighten me.

"Lady Loring and I passed the last winter in Rome," he said.

"And, there, we saw Romayne.You look surprised.Perhaps you are aware that we had offended him, by advice which we thought it our duty to offer to Stella before her marriage?"I was certainly thinking of what Stella had said of the Lorings on the memorable day when she visited me at the hotel.

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