

The easy smile faded from Jack's face, and was succeeded by a look of concern and then of resignation.He had no choice now; he MUSTgo! There was a woman there, and that settled it.Yet he had arrived at this conclusion from no sense of gallantry, nor, indeed, of chivalrous transport, but as a matter of simple duty to the sex.

He was giving up his sleep, was going down six hundred feet of steep trail to offer his services during the rest of the night as much as a matter of course as an Eastern man would have offered his seat in an omnibus to a woman, and with as little expectation of return for his courtesy.

Having resumed his coat, with a bottle of whiskey thrust into its pocket, he put on a pair of india-rubber boots reaching to his thighs, and, catching the blanket from his bunk, started with an axe and shovel on his shoulder on his downward journey.When the distance was half completed he shouted to the travelers below; the cry was joyously answered by the three men; he saw the fourth figure, now unmistakably that of a slender youthful woman, in a cloak, helped back into the wagon, as if deliverance was now sure and immediate.But Jack on arriving speedily dissipated that illusive hope; they could only get through the gorge by taking off the wheels of the wagon, placing the axle on rude sledge-runners of split saplings, which, with their assistance, he would fashion in a couple of hours at his cabin and bring down to the gorge.The only other alternative would be for them to come to his cabin and remain there while he went for assistance to the nearest station, but that would take several hours and necessitate a double journey for the sledge if he was lucky enough to find one.The party quickly acquiesced in Jack's first suggestion.

"Very well," said Jack, "then there's no time to be lost; unhitch your horses and we'll dig a hole in that bank for them to stand in out of the snow." This was speedily done."Now," continued Jack, "you'll just follow me up to my cabin; it's a pretty tough climb, but I'll want your help to bring down the runners."Here the man who seemed to be the head of the party--of middle age and a superior, professional type--for the first time hesitated.

"I forgot to say that there is a lady with us,--my daughter," he began, glancing towards the wagon.

"I reckoned as much," interrupted Jack simply, "and I allowed to carry her up myself the roughest part of the way.She kin make herself warm and comf'ble in the cabin until we've got the runners ready.""You hear what our friend says, Amy?" suggested the gentleman, appealingly, to the closed leather curtains of the wagon.

There was a pause.The curtain was suddenly drawn aside, and a charming little head and shoulders, furred to the throat and topped with a bewitching velvet cap, were thrust out.In the obscurity little could be seen of the girl's features, but there was a certain willfulness and impatience in her attitude.Being in the shadow, she had the advantage of the others, particularly of Jack, as his figure was fully revealed in the moonlight against the snowbank.Her eyes rested for a moment on his high boots, his heavy mustache, so long as to mingle with the unkempt locks which fell over his broad shoulders, on his huge red hands streaked with black grease from the wagon wheels, and some blood, stanched with snow, drawn from bruises in cutting out brambles in the brush; on--more awful than all--a monstrous, shiny "specimen" gold ring encircling one of his fingers,--on the whiskey bottle that shamelessly bulged from his side pocket, and then--slowly dropped her dissatisfied eyelids.

"Why can't I stay HERE?" she said languidly."It's quite nice and comfortable.""Because we can't leave you alone, and we must go with this gentleman to help him."Miss Amy let the tail of her eye again creep shudderingly over this impossible Jack."I thought the--the gentleman was going to help US," she said dryly.

"Nonsense, Amy, you don't understand," said her father impatiently.

"This gentleman is kind enough to offer to make some sledge-runners for us at his cabin, and we must help him.""But I can stay here while you go.I'm not afraid.""Yes, but you're ALONE here, and something might happen.""Nothing could happen," interrupted Jack, quickly and cheerfully.

He had flushed at first, but he was now considering that the carrying of a lady as expensively attired and apparently as delicate and particular as this one might be somewhat difficult.

"There's nothin' that would hurt ye here," he continued, addressing the velvet cap and furred throat in the darkness, "and if there was it couldn't get at ye, bein', so to speak, in the same sort o' fix as you.So you're all right," he added positively.

Inconsistently enough, the young lady did not accept this as gratefully as might have been imagined, but Jack did not see the slight flash of her eye as, ignoring him, she replied markedly to her father, "I'd much rather stop here, papa.""And," continued Jack, turning also to her father, "you can keep the wagon and the whole gorge in sight from the trail all the way up.So you can see that everything's all right.Why, I saw YOUfrom the first." He stopped awkwardly, and added, "Come along; the sooner we're off the quicker the job's over.""Pray don't delay the gentleman and--the job," said Miss Amy sweetly.

  • 三天内解经


  • 雕虫诗话


  • 周易浅述


  • 剡录


  • 佛说布施经


  • 婚姻欠你一个男朋友


  • 全球化时代的文化认同:西方普遍主义话语的历史批判


    《全球化时代的文化认同:西方普遍主义话语的历史批判》是一部比较系统、经得起研读的观念史和当代文化理论批判专著。这是一次把国外教学和研究同国内语境下的思考结合起来的尝试,更具体地说,是一次打通中西学术规范、话语界限和思路的努力。内容取自2002年春季和夏季的两门研究生课程。一门是在纽约大学比较文学系开设的专题研讨班,Modernity and Identity: Universalism and Its Discontent (现代性与认同:普世主义及其不满)阅读材料和授课语言是英文,对象是比较文学系和其他文科系的博士研究生,目的是帮助学生系统了解当代理论背后的观念史、社会史和政治哲学基础。
  • 温炖的小时光


  • 失落的植物园


  • 销售圣经


  • 立志勤学(下)


  • 傲世天骄:邪帝霸爱小懒妃


  • 惊世医妃


  • 爸爸去哪,孩子就会去哪


    父教缺失是中国家庭教育中较为普遍的现实问题,父亲在家庭教育中的淡出,导致了“亲情关系向母性群体倾斜”的现象,这在一定程度上影 响了对孩子自理能力、自信心理、坚强品质和骁勇精神的培养,影响了孩子自信、独立、坚韧、勇敢、果断、豪爽等性格品质的养成。实践证明,“父教”是孩子健康成长不可缺失的重要组成部分。本书是一部难得的家庭教育原创之作,也是一部纪实随笔集,是东子第一次全面分析孩子的成长经历与读者分享。本书在详细记述作者引领孩子快乐成长的同时,感受着 做父亲(家长)的幸福,淳朴的情感、质朴的文字让人动容。?
  • 穿越之远古生存记事


    PS:兮兮新文【穿书后我成了傲娇王爷的心尖宠】已经上传希望亲们能继续支持兮兮 陶夭夭死后魂穿到了远古,可她看到的远古与曾经所了解得一点也不一样。见过一个普通人单手就能将五六十斤的大石头扔出去还屁事没有的到处闲逛吗?见过普通人一跃就是十几米高,从二十多米的树上跳下来还能稳稳站住吗?反正上辈子她没有见过,这辈子每天都能见到。最让她接受无能的是这里的兽动不动就会喷火、喷水、喷冰雹,树木任性到一不高兴就撒欢到处跑,这真的是远古?怎么看都不科学,这是不是那里有些不对?陶夭夭看着围绕着她撒欢争着抢着要与她做朋友的果树,叹了一口气,连她自己也变得不正常了起来,她竟然能听懂树语了,算了,还是先填饱肚子吧!书友交流群:677342385,大家快到碗里来吧