

La vieillesse est impitoyable.'

The blood leaped darkly into Alain's face.He turned to Romaine and me, and his eyes flashed.

'It is your turn now,' he said.'At least it shall be prison for prison with the two viscounts.'

'Not so, Mr.Alain, by your leave,' said Romaine.'There are a few formalities to be considered first.'

But Alain was already striding towards the door.

'Stop a moment, stop a moment!' cried Romaine.'Remember your own counsel not to despise an adversary.'

Alain turned.

'If I do not despise I hate you!' he cried, giving a loose to his passion.'Be warned of that, both of you.'

'I understand you to threaten Monsieur le Vicomte Anne,' said the lawyer.'Do you know, I would not do that.I am afraid, I am very much afraid, if you were to do as you propose, you might drive me into extremes.'

'You have made me a beggar and a bankrupt,' said Alain.What extreme is left?'

'I scarce like to put a name upon it in this company,' replied Romaine.'But there are worse things than even bankruptcy, and worse places than a debtors' jail.'

The words were so significantly said that there went a visible thrill through Alain; sudden as a sword-stroke, he fell pale again.

'I do not understand you,' said he.

'O yes, you do,' returned Romaine.'I believe you understand me very well.You must not suppose that all this time, while you were so very busy, others were entirely idle.You must not fancy, because I am an Englishman, that I have not the intelligence to pursue an inquiry.Great as is my regard for the honour of your house, M.Alain de St.-Yves, if I hear of you moving directly or indirectly in this matter, I shall do my duty, let it cost what it will: that is, I shall communicate the real name of the Buonapartist spy who signs his letters RUE GREGOIRE DE TOURS.'

I confess my heart was already almost altogether on the side of my insulted and unhappy cousin; and if it had not been before, it must have been so now, so horrid was the shock with which he heard his infamy exposed.Speech was denied him; he carried his hand to his neckcloth; he staggered; I thought he must have fallen.I ran to help him, and at that he revived, recoiled before me, and stood there with arms stretched forth as if to preserve himself from the outrage of my touch.

'Hands off!' he somehow managed to articulate.

'You will now, I hope,' pursued the lawyer, without any change of voice, 'understand the position in which you are placed, and how delicately it behoves you to conduct yourself.Your arrest hangs, if I may so express myself, by a hair; and as you will be under the perpetual vigilance of myself and my agents, you must look to it narrowly that you walk straight.Upon the least dubiety, I will take action.' He snuffed, looking critically at the tortured man.

'And now let me remind you that your chaise is at the door.This interview is agitating to his lordship - it cannot be agreeable for you - and I suggest that it need not be further drawn out.It does not enter into the views of your uncle, the Count, that you should again sleep under this roof.'

As Alain turned and passed without a word or a sign from the apartment, I instantly followed.I suppose I must be at bottom possessed of some humanity; at least, this accumulated torture, this slow butchery of a man as by quarters of rock, had wholly changed my sympathies.At that moment I loathed both my uncle and the lawyer for their coldblooded cruelty.

Leaning over the banisters, I was but in time to hear his hasty footsteps in that hall that had been crowded with servants to honour his coming, and was now left empty against his friendless departure.A moment later, and the echoes rang, and the air whistled in my ears, as he slammed the door on his departing footsteps.The fury of the concussion gave me (had one been still wanted) a measure of the turmoil of his passions.In a sense, I felt with him; I felt how he would have gloried to slam that door on my uncle, the lawyer, myself, and the whole crowd of those who had been witnesses to his humiliation.

  • 发史


  • 注大乘入楞伽经并序


  • A Century of Roundels

    A Century of Roundels

  • The Little Lame Prince

    The Little Lame Prince

  • 许真君玉匣记


  • 誓不做小三


  • 重生之我是你女王


  • 六角街灯


  • 莲子居词话


  • 门神


    绿茵场上有这样一类人,在某些时刻能够左右比赛的胜负。 人们把这类人敬称为——门神。 陆豪,一个喜爱实况足球游戏的伪球迷。 2001年秋天,在得到一张《实况足球8》的游戏光盘后,他成为了一位守门员。 最终,他在佛罗伦萨重新崛起的道路上谱写出一段门神传说。 我佛慈悲,我佛V5!!!
  • 别笑,这是大清正史


  • 左右你一生的心态


  • 许你灿烂晴天


  • 万界天卡


    我从来不和人比底牌,因为没有人能比过我的牌。这是一个万界穿梭的休闲,这是一个万界抽卡的游戏。这是一个得到了上一任系统本源的家伙,自己当系统搞事情的故事。欢迎吐槽……欢迎加入无尘居,群主官方????群聊号码:450050958 ―――――――――――― 本书算是一个小故事吧……按字数的话……不过还是完结了,有完整的开头和结尾。 新书,失格者世界,希望大家喜欢吧!
  • 误惹豪门:总裁轻点宠

