

As I had foreseen, the bells had scarce begun before Mrs.McRankine presented herself to be our escort, upon which I sprang up with readiness and offered her my arm.Rowley followed behind.I was beginning to grow accustomed to the risks of my stay in Edinburgh, and it even amused me to confront a new churchful.I confess the amusement did not last until the end; for if Dr.Gray were long, Mr.McCraw was not only longer, but more incoherent, and the matter of his sermon (which was a direct attack, apparently, on all the Churches of the world, my own among the number), where it had not the tonic quality of personal insult, rather inclined me to slumber.But I braced myself for my life, kept up Rowley with the end of a pin, and came through it awake, but no more.

Bethiah was quite conquered by this 'mark of grace,' though, I am afraid, she was also moved by more worldly considerations.The first is, the lady had not the least objection to go to church on the arm of an elegantly dressed young gentleman, and be followed by a spruce servant with a cockade in his hat.I could see it by the way she took possession of us, found us the places in the Bible, whispered to me the name of the minister, passed us lozenges, which I (for my part) handed on to Rowley, and at each fresh attention stole a little glance about the church to make sure she was observed.Rowley was a pretty boy; you will pardon me if I also remembered that I was a favourable-looking young man.When we grow elderly, how the room brightens, and begins to look as it ought to look, on the entrance of youth, grace, health, and comeliness! You do not want them for yourself, perhaps not even for your son, but you look on smiling; and when you recall their images - again, it is with a smile.I defy you to see or think of them and not smile with an infinite and intimate, but quite impersonal, pleasure.

Well, either I know nothing of women, or that was the case with Bethiah McRankine.She had been to church with a cockade behind her, on the one hand; on the other, her house was brightened by the presence of a pair of good-looking young fellows of the other sex, who were always pleased and deferential in her society and accepted her views as final.

These were sentiments to be encouraged; and, on the way home from church - if church it could be called - I adopted a most insidious device to magnify her interest.I took her into the confidence, that is, of my love affair, and I had no sooner mentioned a young lady with whom my affections were engaged than she turned upon me a face of awful gravity.

'Is she bonny?' she inquired.

I gave her full assurances upon that.

'To what denoamination does she beloang?' came next, and was so unexpected as almost to deprive me of breath.

'Upon my word, ma'am, I have never inquired,' cried I; 'I only know that she is a heartfelt Christian, and that is enough.'

'Ay!' she sighed, 'if she has the root of the maitter! There's a remnant practically in most of the denoaminations.There's some in the McGlashanites, and some in the Glassites, and mony in the McMillanites, and there's a leeven even in the Estayblishment.'

'I have known some very good Papists even, if you go to that,' said I.

'Mr.Ducie, think shame to yoursel'!' she cried.

'Why, my dear madam! I only - ' I began.

'You shouldnae jest in sairious maitters,' she interrupted.

On the whole, she entered into what I chose to tell her of our idyll with avidity, like a cat licking her whiskers over a dish of cream; and, strange to say - and so expansive a passion is that of love! - that I derived a perhaps equal satisfaction from confiding in that breast of iron.It made an immediate bond: from that hour we seemed to be welded into a family-party; and I had little difficulty in persuading her to join us and to preside over our tea-table.Surely there was never so ill-matched a trio as Rowley, Mrs.McRankine, and the Viscount Anne! But I am of the Apostle's way, with a difference: all things to all women! When I cannot please a woman, hang me in my cravat!

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