

Is it, however, necessary that I should inform Raoul?""Spare yourself the trouble and annoyance.Tell the vicomte that at my levee to-morrow morning I will speak to him.Ishall expect you this evening, comte, to join my card-table.""I am in traveling-costume, sire."

"A day will come, I hope, when you will leave me no more.

Before long, comte, the monarchy will be established in such a manner as to enable me to offer a worthy hospitality to men of your merit.""Provided, sire, a monarch reigns grandly in the hearts of his subjects, the palace he inhabits matters little, since he is worshipped in a temple." With these words Athos left the cabinet, and found De Bragelonne, who was awaiting him anxiously.

"Well, monsieur?" said the young man.

"The king, Raoul, is well intentioned towards us both; not, perhaps, in the sense you suppose, but he is kind, and generously disposed to our house.""You have bad news to communicate to me, monsieur," said the young man, turning very pale.

"The king himself will inform you tomorrow morning that it is not bad news.""The king has not signed, however?"

"The king wishes himself to settle the terms of the contract, and he desires to make it so grand that he requires time for consideration.Throw the blame rather on your own impatience, than on the king's good feeling towards you."Raoul, in utter consternation, on account of his knowledge of the count's frankness as well as his diplomacy, remained plunged in dull and gloomy stupor.

"Will you not go with me to my lodgings?" said Athos.

"I beg your pardon, monsieur; I will follow you," he stammered out, following Athos down the staircase.

"Since I am here," said Athos, suddenly, "cannot I see M.


"Shall I show you his apartments?" said De Bragelonne.

"Do so."

"They are on the opposite staircase."

They altered their course, but on reaching the landing of the grand staircase, Raoul perceived a servant in the Comte de Guiche's livery, who ran towards him as soon as he heard his voice.

"What is it?" said Raoul.

"This note, monsieur.My master heard of your return and wrote to you without delay; I have been looking for you for the last half-hour."Raoul approached Athos as he unsealed the letter.saying, "With your permission, monsieur.""Certainly."

"Dear Raoul," wrote the Comte de Guiche, "I have an affair in hand which requires immediate attention; I know you have returned, come to me as soon as possible."Hardly had he finished reading it, when a servant in the livery of the Duke of Buckingham, turning out of the gallery, recognized Raoul, and approached him respectfully, saying, "From his Grace, monsieur.""Well, Raoul, as I see you are already as busy as a general of an army, I shall leave you, and will find M.d'Artagnan myself.""You will excuse me, I trust," said Raoul.

"Yes, yes, I excuse you; adieu, Raoul; you will find me at my apartments until to-morrow; during the day I may set out for Blois, unless I have orders to the contrary.""I shall present my respects to you to-morrow, monsieur."As soon as Athos had left, Raoul opened Buckingham's letter.

"Monsieur de Bragelonne," it ran, "You are, of all the Frenchmen I have known, the one with whom I am most pleased;I am about to put your friendship to the proof.I have received a certain message, written in very good French.As I am an Englishman, I am afraid of not comprehending it very clearly.The letter has a good name attached to it, and that is all I can tell you.Will you be good enough to come and see me? for I am told you have arrived from Blois.

"Your devoted"Villiers, Duke of Buckingham.""I am going now to see your master," said Raoul to De Guiche's servant, as he dismissed him; "and I shall be with the Duke of Buckingham in an hour," he added, dismissing with these words the duke's messenger.

  • 武道之风卷残云


  • 魔君师父别靠近


  • 在人间(语文新课标课外必读第三辑)


  • 掌舵山河


  • 茶女明香


  • 心理平衡术:让你的人生不偏不倚不失衡


  • 景岳全书


  • 但愿梦中来爱你


  • 棋道军神


    他是一个百年不遇的棋坛鬼手,却因国破家亡走了抗日的道路。从此后,哈尔滨又多了一个让鬼子闻风丧胆的名字——陈抗日!他神奇地将棋道与兵法融合在一起,以棋为战,以战为棋,摆出了一盘盘惊世骇俗的绝世棋局,更导演了一场场惊心动魄的战争奇迹。“绝唱双台子”、“智取老爷岭”、“扬威太阳岛”、“运筹松峰山”、“勇夺平山镇”、“火烧黄天荡”、“棋炸观音堂”……战争在他的棋盘上已经演绎成为一门艺术。日本人惊呼,国民党瞠目,土匪咋舌,但殊不知,这一切的精妙决杀都不过是他提子落子之间的谈笑之举。 战争在他的棋盘上没有固定的法则,正如他的人生总是让人出乎意料一样。
  • 厉青歌

