
第13章 ACT III(5)

Where but by chance a silver drop hath fallen,Even to that drop ten thousand wiry friends Do glue themselves in sociable grief,Like true,inseparable,faithful loves,Sticking together in calamity.CONSTANCE To England,if you will.KING PHILIP Bind up your hairs.CONSTANCE Yes,that I will;and wherefore will Ido it?

I tore them from their bonds and cried aloud 'O that these hands could so redeem my son,As they have given these hairs their liberty!'

But now I envy at their liberty,And will again commit them to their bonds,Because my poor child is a prisoner.

And,father cardinal,I have heard you say That we shall see and know our friends in heaven:

If that be true,I shall see my boy again;

For since the birth of Cain,the first male child,To him that did but yesterday suspire,There was not such a gracious creature born.

But now will canker-sorrow eat my bud And chase the native beauty from his cheek And he will look as hollow as a ghost,As dim and meagre as an ague's fit,And so he'll die;and,rising so again,When I shall meet him in the court of heaven I shall not know him:therefore never,never Must I behold my pretty Arthur more.CARDINAL PANDULPH You hold too heinous a respect of grief.CONSTANCE He talks to me that never had a son.KING PHILIP You are as fond of grief as of your child.CONSTANCE Grief fills the room up of my absent child,Lies in his bed,walks up and down with me,Puts on his pretty looks,repeats his words,Remembers me of all his gracious parts,Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form;Then,have I reason to be fond of grief?

Fare you well:had you such a loss as I,I could give better comfort than you do.

I will not keep this form upon my head,When there is such disorder in my wit.

O Lord!my boy,my Arthur,my fair son!

My life,my joy,my food,my all the world!

My widow-comfort,and my sorrows'cure!

Exit KING PHILIP I fear some outrage,and I'll follow her.

Exit LEWIS There's nothing in this world can make me joy:

Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man;And bitter shame hath spoil'd the sweet world's taste That it yields nought but shame and bitterness.CARDINAL PANDULPH Before the curing of a strong disease,Even in the instant of repair and health,The fit is strongest;evils that take leave,On their departure most of all show evil:

What have you lost by losing of this day?LEWIS All days of glory,joy and happiness.CARDINAL PANDULPH If you had won it,certainly you had.

No,no;when Fortune means to men most good,She looks upon them with a threatening eye.

'Tis strange to think how much King John hath lost In this which he accounts so clearly won:

Are not you grieved that Arthur is his prisoner?LEWIS As heartily as he is glad he hath him.CARDINAL PANDULPH Your mind is all as youthful as your blood.

Now hear me speak with a prophetic spirit;

For even the breath of what I mean to speak Shall blow each dust,each straw,each little rub,Out of the path which shall directly lead Thy foot to England's throne;and therefore mark.

John hath seized Arthur;and it cannot be That,whiles warm life plays in that infant's veins,The misplaced John should entertain an hour,One minute,nay,one quiet breath of rest.

A sceptre snatch'd with an unruly hand Must be as boisterously maintain'd as gain'd;And he that stands upon a slippery place Makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up:

That John may stand,then Arthur needs must fall;So be it,for it cannot be but so.LEWIS But what shall I gain by young Arthur's fall?CARDINAL PANDULPH You,in the right of Lady Blanch your wife,May then make all the claim that Arthur did.LEWIS And lose it,life and all,as Arthur did.CARDINAL PANDULPH How green you are and fresh in this old world!

John lays you plots;the times conspire with you;For he that steeps his safety in true blood Shall find but bloody safety and untrue.

This act so evilly born shall cool the hearts Of all his people and freeze up their zeal,That none so small advantage shall step forth To cheque his reign,but they will cherish it;No natural exhalation in the sky,No scope of nature,no distemper'd day,No common wind,no customed event,But they will pluck away his natural cause And call them meteors,prodigies and signs,Abortives,presages and tongues of heaven,Plainly denouncing vengeance upon John.LEWIS May be he will not touch young Arthur's life,But hold himself safe in his prisonment.CARDINAL PANDULPH O,sir,when he shall hear of your approach,If that young Arthur be not gone already,Even at that news he dies;and then the hearts Of all his people shall revolt from him And kiss the lips of unacquainted change And pick strong matter of revolt and wrath Out of the bloody fingers'ends of John.

Methinks I see this hurly all on foot:

And,O,what better matter breeds for you Than I have named!The bastard Faulconbridge Is now in England,ransacking the church,Offending charity:if but a dozen French Were there in arms,they would be as a call To train ten thousand English to their side,Or as a little snow,tumbled about,Anon becomes a mountain.O noble Dauphin,Go with me to the king:'tis wonderful What may be wrought out of their discontent,Now that their souls are topful of offence.

For England go:I will whet on the king.LEWIS Strong reasons make strong actions:let us go:

If you say ay,the king will not say no.Exeunt

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