
第12章 Part The First (12)

In this state matters passed till the break of day, when a fresh disturbance arose from the censurable conduct of some of both parties, for such characters there will be in all such scenes.One of the Garde du Corps appeared at one of the windows of the palace, and the people who had remained during the night in the streets accosted him with reviling and provocative language.

Instead of retiring, as in such a case prudence would have dictated, he presented his musket, fired, and killed one of the Paris militia.The peace being thus broken, the people rushed into the palace in quest of the offender.

They attacked the quarters of the Garde du Corps within the palace, and pursued them throughout the avenues of it, and to the apartments of the King.On this tumult, not the Queen only, as Mr.Burke has represented it, but every person in the palace, was awakened and alarmed; and M.de la Fayette had a second time to interpose between the parties, the event of which was that the Garde du Corps put on the national cockade, and the matter ended as by oblivion, after the loss of two or three lives.

During the latter part of the time in which this confusion was acting, the King and Queen were in public at the balcony, and neither of them concealed for safety's sake, as Mr.Burke insinuates.Matters being thus appeased, and tranquility restored, a general acclamation broke forth of Le Roi a Paris- Le Roi a Paris- The King to Paris.It was the shout of peace, and immediately accepted on the part of the King.By this measure all future projects of trapanning the King to Metz, and setting up the standard of opposition to the constitution, were prevented, and the suspicions extinguished.

The King and his family reached Paris in the evening, and were congratulated on their arrival by M.Bailly, the Mayor of Paris, in the name of the citizens.

Mr.Burke, who throughout his book confounds things, persons, and principles, as in his remarks on M.Bailly's address, confounded time also.He censures M.Bailly for calling it "un bon jour," a good day.Mr.Burke should have informed himself that this scene took up the space of two days, the day on which it began with every appearance of danger and mischief, and the day on which it terminated without the mischiefs that threatened; and that it is to this peaceful termination that M.Bailly alludes, and to the arrival of the King at Paris.Not less than three hundred thousand persons arranged themselves in the procession from Versailles to Paris, and not an act of molestation was committed during the whole march.

Mr.Burke on the authority of M.Lally Tollendal, a deserter from the National Assembly, says that on entering Paris, the people shouted "Tous les eveques a la lanterne." All Bishops to be hanged at the lanthorn or lamp-posts.It is surprising that nobody could hear this but Lally Tollendal, and that nobody should believe it but Mr.Burke.It has not the least connection with any part of the transaction, and is totally foreign to every circumstance of it.The Bishops had never been introduced before into any scene of Mr.

Burke's drama: why then are they, all at once, and altogether, tout a coup, et tous ensemble, introduced now? Mr.Burke brings forward his Bishops and his lanthorn-like figures in a magic lanthorn, and raises his scenes by contrast instead of connection.But it serves to show, with the rest of his book what little credit ought to be given where even probability is set at defiance, for the purpose of defaming; and with this reflection, instead of a soliloquy in praise of chivalry, as Mr.Burke has done, Iclose the account of the expedition to Versailles.*[4]

I have now to follow Mr.Burke through a pathless wilderness of rhapsodies, and a sort of descant upon governments, in which he asserts whatever he pleases, on the presumption of its being believed, without offering either evidence or reasons for so doing.

Before anything can be reasoned upon to a conclusion, certain facts, principles, or data, to reason from, must be established, admitted, or denied.Mr.Burke with his usual outrage, abused the Declaration of the Rights of Man, published by the National Assembly of France, as the basis on which the constitution of France is built.This he calls "paltry and blurred sheets of paper about the rights of man." Does Mr.Burke mean to deny that man has any rights? If he does, then he must mean that there are no such things as rights anywhere, and that he has none himself; for who is there in the world but man? But if Mr.Burke means to admit that man has rights, the question then will be: What are those rights, and how man came by them originally?

The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is that they do not go far enough into antiquity.They do not go the whole way.They stop in some of the intermediate stages of an hundred or a thousand years, and produce what was then done, as a rule for the present day.This is no authority at all.If we travel still farther into antiquity, we shall find a direct contrary opinion and practice prevailing;and if antiquity is to be authority, a thousand such authorities may be produced, successively contradicting each other; but if we proceed on, we shall at last come out right; we shall come to the time when man came from the hand of his Maker.What was he then? Man.Man was his high and only title, and a higher cannot be given him.But of titles I shall speak hereafter.

We are now got at the origin of man, and at the origin of his rights.

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    《本文已完结》 新书《魔帝的狂妄毒妃》已经发布,大家多多支持! 一朝穿越,家穷人丑,一米五九,破屋三间,良田半亩,没有文化,农村户口,上有老母,下无米油,长得骨瘦如柴,却要养家糊口,蓝七月仰头望天,在心里画了无数个圈圈,上辈子到底造了什么孽?老天才派她到这个地方受折磨!可屋漏偏逢连夜雨,挑个水还能被美男缠上,从此家里多了一个干体力的,蓝七月笑的合不拢嘴,每天当着指挥官,可谁知有一天美男翻身把歌唱,摇身一变成了一人之下万人之上的王爷殿下!我滴个乖乖!这下可不好玩了!(甜宠文,大家多多支持!)
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