
第88章 Part the Second (46)

I had by this time so completely gained the ear and confidence of America, and my own independence was become so visible, as to give me a range in political writing beyond, perhaps, what any man ever possessed in any country, and, what is more extraordinary, I held it undiminished to the end of the war, and enjoy it in the same manner to the present moment.As my object was not myself, I set out with the determination, and happily with the disposition, of not being moved by praise or censure, friendship or calumny, nor of being drawn from my purpose by any personal altercation, and the man who cannot do this is not fit for a public character.

When the war ended I went from Philadelphia to Borden-Town, on the east bank of the Delaware, where I have a small place.

Congress was at this time at Prince-Town, fifteen miles distant, and General Washington had taken his headquarters at Rocky Hill, within the neighbourhood of Congress, for the purpose of resigning up his commission (the object for which he accepted it being accomplished), and of retiring to private life.While he was on this business he wrote me the letter which I here subjoin:

"Rocky-Hill, Sept.10, 1783.

"I have learned since I have been at this place that you are at Borden-Town.

Whether for the sake of retirement or economy Iknow not.Be it for either, for both, or whatever it may, if you will come to this place, and partake with me, I shall be exceedingly happy to see you at it.

"Your presence may remind Congress of your past services to this country, and if it is in my power to impress them, command my best exertions with freedom, as they will be rendered cheerfully by one who entertains a lively sense of the importance of your works, and who, with much pleasure, subscribes himself, Your sincere friend, G.WASHINGTON."During the war, in the latter end of the year 1780, I formed to myself a design of coming over to England, and communicated it to General Greene, who was then in Philadelphia on his route to the southward, General Washington being then at too great a distance to communicate with immediately.I was strongly impressed with the idea that if I could get over to England without being known, and only remain in safety till I could get out a publication, that I could open the eyes of the country with respect to the madness and stupidity of its Government.I saw that the parties in Parliament had pitted themselves as far as they could go, and could make no new impressions on each other.General Greene entered fully into my views, but the affair of Arnold and Andre happening just after, he changed his mind, under strong apprehensions for my safety, wrote very pressingly to me from Annapolis, in Maryland, to give up the design, which, with some reluctance, I did.Soon after this I accompanied Colonel Lawrens, son of Mr.Lawrens, who was then in the Tower, to France on business from Congress.We landed at L'Orient, and while I remained there, he being gone forward, a circumstance occurred that renewed my former design.An English packet from Falmouth to New York, with the Government dispatches on board, was brought into L'Orient.That a packet should be taken is no extraordinary thing, but that the dispatches should be taken with it will scarcely be credited, as they are always slung at the cabin window in a bag loaded with cannon-ball, and ready to be sunk at a moment.The fact, however, is as I have stated it, for the dispatches came into my hands, and I read them.

The capture, as I was informed, succeeded by the following stratagem:- The captain of the "Madame" privateer, who spoke English, on coming up with the packet, passed himself for the captain of an English frigate, and invited the captain of the packet on board, which, when done, he sent some of his own hands back, and he secured the mail.But be the circumstance of the capture what it may, I speak with certainty as to the Government dispatches.They were sent up to Paris to Count Vergennes, and when Colonel Lawrens and myself returned to America we took the originals to Congress.

By these dispatches I saw into the stupidity of the English Cabinet far more than I otherwise could have done, and I renewed my former design.But Colonel Lawrens was so unwilling to return alone, more especially as, among other matters, we had a charge of upwards of two hundred thousand pounds sterling in money, that I gave in to his wishes, and finally gave up my plan.

But I am now certain that if I could have executed it that it would not have been altogether unsuccessful.

29.It is difficult to account for the origin of charter and corporation towns, unless we suppose them to have arisen out of, or been connected with, some species of garrison service.The times in which they began justify this idea.The generality of those towns have been garrisons, and the corporations were charged with the care of the gates of the towns, when no military garrison was present.Their refusing or granting admission to strangers, which has produced the custom of giving, selling, and buying freedom, has more of the nature of garrison authority than civil government.Soldiers are free of all corporations throughout the nation, by the same propriety that every soldier is free of every garrison, and no other persons are.He can follow any employment, with the permission of his officers, in any corporation towns throughout the nation.

30.See Sir John Sinclair's History of the Revenue.The land-tax in 1646 was L2,473,499.

31.Several of the court newspapers have of late made frequent mention of Wat Tyler.That his memory should be traduced by court sycophants and an those who live on the spoil of a public is not to be wondered at.He was, however, the means of checking the rage and injustice of taxation in his time, and the nation owed much to his valour.The history is concisely this:- In the time of Richard II.a poll tax was levied of one shilling per head upon every person in the nation of whatever estate or condition, on poor as well as rich, above the age of fifteen years.

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