


MERCY was alone.

She had secured one half hour of retirement in her own room, designing to devote that interval to the writing of her confession, in the form of a letter addressed to Julian Gray.

No recent change in her position had, as yet, mitigated her horror of acknowledging to Horace and to Lady Janet that she had won her way to their hearts in disguise.Through Julian only could she say the words which were to establish Grace Roseberry in her right position in the house.

How was her confession to be addressed to him? In writing? or by word of mouth?

After all that had happened, from the time when Lady Janet's appearance had interrupted them, she would have felt relief rather than embarrassment in personally opening her heart to the man who had so delicately understood her, who had so faithfully befriended her in her sorest need.But the repeated betrayals of Horace's jealous suspicion of Julian warned her that she would only be surrounding herself with new difficulties, and be placing Julian in a position of painful embarrassment, if she admitted him to a private interview while Horace was in the house.

The one course left to take was the course that she had adopted.Determining to address the narrative of the Fraud to Julian in the form of a letter, she arranged to add, at the close, certain instructions, pointing out to him the line of conduct which she wished him to pursue, These instructions contemplated the communication of her letter to Lady Janet and to Horace in the library, while Mercy--self-confessed as the missing woman whom she had pledged herself to produce--awaited in the adjoining room whatever sentence it pleased them to pronounce on her.Her resolution not to screen herself behind Julian from any consequences which might follow the confession had taken root in her mind from the moment when Horace had harshly asked her (and when Lady Janet had joined him in asking) why she delayed her explanation, and what she was keeping them waiting for.Out of the very pain which those questions inflicted, the idea of waiting her sentence in her own person in one room, while her letter to Julian was speaking for her in another, had sprung to life."Let them break my heart if they like," she had thought to herself, in the self-abasement of that bitter moment; "it will be no more than I have deserved."She locked her door and opened her writing-desk.Knowing what she had to do, she tried to collect herself and do it.

The effort was in vain.Those persons who study writing as an art are probably the only persons who can measure the vast distance which separates a conception as it exists in the mind from the reduction of that conception to form and shape in words.The heavy stress of agitation that had been laid on Mercy for hours together had utterly unfitted her for the delicate and difficult process of arranging the events of a narrative in their due sequence and their due proportion toward each other.Again and again she tried to begin her letter, and again and again she was baffled by the same hopeless confusion of ideas.She gave up the struggle in despair.

A sense of sinking at her heart, a weight of hysterical oppression on her bosom, warned her not to leave herself unoccupied, a prey to morbid self-investigation and imaginary alarms.

She turned instinctively, for a temporary employment of some kind, to the consideration of her own future.Here there were no intricacies or entanglements.The prospect began and ended with her return to the Refuge, if the matron would receive her.She did no injustice to Julian Gray; that great heart would feel for her, that kind hand would be held out to her, she knew.But what would happen if she thoughtlessly accepted all that his sympathy might offer? Scandal would point to her beauty and to his youth, and would place its own vile interpretation on the purest friendship that could exist between them.And he would be the sufferer, for he had a character--a clergyman's character--to lose.No.For his sake, out of gratitude to him , the farewell to Mablethorpe House must be also the farewell to Julian Gray.

The precious minutes were passing.She resolved to write to the matron and ask if she might hope to be forgiven and employed at the Refuge again.Occupation over the letter that was easy to write might have its fortifying effect on her mind, and might pave the way for resuming the letter that was hard to write.She waited a moment at the window, thinking of the past life to which she was soon to return, before she took up the pen again.

Her window looked eastward.The dusky glare of lighted London met her as her eyes rested on the sky.It seemed to beckon her back to the horror of the cruel streets--to point her way mockingly to the bridges over the black river--to lure her to the top of the parapet, and the dreadful leap into God's arms, or into annihilation--who knew which?

She turned, shuddering, from the window."Will it end in that way," she asked herself, "if the matron says No?"She began her letter.

"DEAR MADAM--So long a time has passed since you heard from me that I almost shrink from writing to you.I am afraid you have already given me up in your own mind as a hard-hearted, ungrateful woman.

"I have been leading a false life; I have not been fit to write to you before to-day.Now, when I am doing what I can to atone to those whom I have injured--now, when I repent with my whole heart--may I ask leave to return to the friend who has borne with me and helped me through many miserable years? Oh, madam, do not cast me off! I have no one to turn to but you.

"Will you let me own everything to you? Will you forgive me when you know what I have done? Will you take me back into the Refuge, if you have any employment for me by which I may earn my shelter and my bread?

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  • 帷幕上的青春


    这是一个漂浮于现实和虚幻边缘的青春故事,林蔓是E城首富苏振文的私生女,在初见的字里行间里,她表现泼辣而洒脱。霹雳起自平地,在经历了一系列突兀的生活变故后,她也慢慢丧失了麻辣的本性,而掺杂了更多的触景伤情,但她始终不变的是理性和勇敢。林蔓这个人物的性格塑造取材于八零与九零之间几个现实人物的杂合。 林蔓最好的两个姐妹,陶莱和赵小焰,陶莱是个颇有姿色的女生,高三的时候在爱情里受过伤,渴望却不相信爱情,她很反感林蔓喜欢的人季秋晨,总认为他并不适合她。而林蔓高中时的朋友岑南洋,更是一个近乎疯狂的存在。 另一个游窜在林蔓精神世界里的人物,Riddle,实则他们有过几次现实交错,但她并不知道。 这段故事的所有真相,只在结局暴露。文中穿插很多幽默而精辟的语言,有对于现实社会深刻的剖析。在现实和理想的放映中,总有一段文字,是为了你那落寞张扬的青春而来。