

After dining with Kadour ben Saden as his guest, he went to his former hotel by a roundabout way, and, coming in by a rear entrance, sought the proprietor, who seemed much surprised to see him alive.

Yes, there was mail for monsieur; he would fetch it.

No, he would mention monsieur's return to no one.

Presently he returned with a packet of letters.One was an order from his superior to lay off on his present work, and hasten to Cape Town by the first steamer he could get.

His further instructions would be awaiting him there in the hands of another agent whose name and address were given.

That was all--brief but explicit.Tarzan arranged to leave Bou Saada early the next morning.Then he started for the garrison to see Captain Gerard, whom the hotel man had told him had returned with his detachment the previous day.

He found the officer in his quarters.He was filled with surprise and pleasure at seeing Tarzan alive and well.

"When Lieutenant Gernois returned and reported that he had not found you at the spot that you had chosen to remain while the detachment was scouting, I was filled with alarm.

We searched the mountain for days.Then came word that you had been killed and eaten by a lion.As proof your gun was brought to us.Your horse had returned to camp the second day after your disappearance.We could not doubt.

Lieutenant Gernois was grief-stricken--he took all the blame upon himself.It was he who insisted on carrying on the search himself.It was he who found the Arab with your gun.

He will be delighted to know that you are safe.""Doubtless," said Tarzan, with a grim smile.

"He is down in the town now, or I should send for him,"continued Captain Gerard."I shall tell him as soon as he returns."Tarzan let the officer think that he had been lost, wandering finally into the DOUAR of Kadour ben Saden, who had escorted him back to Bou Saada.As soon as possible he bade the good officer adieu, and hastened back into the town.

At the native inn he had learned through Kadour ben Saden a piece of interesting information.It told of a black-bearded white man who went always disguised as an Arab.For a time he had nursed a broken wrist.More recently he had been away from Bou Saada, but now he was back, and Tarzan knew his place of concealment.It was for there he headed.

Through narrow, stinking alleys, black as Erebus, he groped, and then up a rickety stairway, at the end of which was a closed door and a tiny, unglazed window.The window was high under the low eaves of the mud building.Tarzan could just reach the sill.He raised himself slowly until his eyes topped it.The room within was lighted, and at a table sat Rokoff and Gernois.Gernois was speaking.

"Rokoff, you are a devil!" he was saying."You have hounded me until I have lost the last shred of my honor.You have driven me to murder, for the blood of that man Tarzan is on my hands.If it were not that that other devil's spawn, Paulvitch, still knew my secret, I should kill you here tonight with my bare hands."Rokoff laughed."You would not do that, my dear lieutenant,"he said."The moment I am reported dead by assassination that dear Alexis will forward to the minister of war full proof of the affair you so ardently long to conceal; and, further, will charge you with my murder.Come, be sensible.

I am your best friend.Have I not protected your honor as though it were my own?"Gernois sneered, and spat out an oath.

"Just one more little payment," continued Rokoff, "and the papers I wish, and you have my word of honor that I shall never ask another cent from you, or further information.""And a good reason why," growled Gernois."What you ask will take my last cent, and the only valuable military secret I hold.You ought to be paying me for the information, instead of taking both it and money, too.""I am paying you by keeping a still tongue in my head,"retorted Rokoff."But let's have done.Will you, or will you not?

I give you three minutes to decide.If you are not agreeable I shall send a note to your commandant tonight that will end in the degradation that Dreyfus suffered--the only difference being that he did not deserve it."For a moment Gernois sat with bowed head.At length he arose.

He drew two pieces of paper from his blouse.

"Here," he said hopelessly."I had them ready, for I knew that there could be but one outcome." He held them toward the Russian.

Rokoff's cruel face lighted in malignant gloating.He seized the bits of paper.

"You have done well, Gernois," he said."I shall not trouble you again--unless you happen to accumulate some more money or information," and he grinned.

"You never shall again, you dog!" hissed Gernois."The next time I shall kill you.I came near doing it tonight.

For an hour I sat with these two pieces of paper on my table before me ere I came here--beside them lay my loaded revolver.

I was trying to decide which I should bring.Next time the choice shall be easier, for I already have decided.You had a close call tonight, Rokoff; do not tempt fate a second time."Then Gernois rose to leave.Tarzan barely had time to drop to the landing and shrink back into the shadows on the far side of the door.Even then he scarcely hoped to elude detection.The landing was very small, and though he flattened himself against the wall at its far edge he was scarcely more than a foot from the doorway.Almost immediately it opened, and Gernois stepped out.Rokoff was behind him.

Neither spoke.Gernois had taken perhaps three steps down the stairway when he halted and half turned, as though to retrace his steps.

Tarzan knew that discovery would be inevitable.Rokoff still stood on the threshold a foot from him, but he was looking in the opposite direction, toward Gernois.Then the officer evidently reconsidered his decision, and resumed his downward course.

Tarzan could hear Rokoff's sigh of relief.A moment later the Russian went back into the room and closed the door.

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