

In length and greatness by reason,

Without(e) blain(e), scab or roigne.

From Jerusalem unto Burgoyne, There nys a fairer neck, iwis,

To feel how smooth and soft it is.

Her throat also white of hew As snow on branch(e) snowed new.

Of body full well wrought was she;

Men needed not in no country A fairer body for to seek, And of fine orphreys had she eek A chap(e)let; so seemly one, Ne I werede never maid upon, And fair above that chap(e)let A rose garland had she set.

She had a gay mirror, And with a rich(e) gold treasure Her head was tressed quaint(e)ly;Her sleeves sewed fetisely,

And for to keep her hand(e)s fair Of gloves white she had a pair.

And she had on a coat of green, Of cloth of Gaunt; without(e) ween

Well seemed by her apparel She was not wont to great travail, For when she kempto was fetisely

And well arrayed and rich(e)ly Then had she done all her journey;For merry and well begun was she.

She had a lusty life in May, She had no thought by night nor day, Of no thing but if it were only To graith her well and uncouthly.

When that this door had opened me This May, seemly for to see, I thanked her as I best might, And asked her how that she hight

And what she was' I asked eek.

And she to me was nought unmeek

Ne of her answer dangerous

But fair answered and said(e) thus:

"Lo, sir, my name is Idleness;

So clepe men me, more and less."

Full mighty and full rich am I, And that of one thing, namely,"For I entend(e) to no thing But to my joy, and my playing, And for to kemb and tress(e) me.

Acquainted am I and privy With Mirth(e), lord of this garden, That from the land of Alexander Made the trees hither be fet

That in this garden be i-set.

And when the trees were waxen on height

This wall, that stands here in thy sight, Did Mirth enclose(n) all about;And these images all without He did 'em both entail and paint.

That neither be joly, nor quaint,

But they be full of sorrow and woe As thou hast seen a while ago.

"And oft(e) time him to solace, Sir Mirth(e) cometh into this place And eek with him cometh his meiny

That live in lust and jollity, And now is Mirth therein to hear The bird(e)s, how they sing(en) clear The mavis and the nightingale, And other jolly bird(e)s small, And thus he walketh to solace Him and his folk; for sweeter place To play(en) in he may not find, Although he sought one in till Inde.

The alther fairest folk to see That in this world may found(e) be Hath Mirth(e) with him in his rout, That follow him always about.


And forth without(e) word(e)s mo,

In at that wicket went I tho,

That idleness had opened me, Into that garden fair to see.


Pimple.Is not.Certainly.Fringe of gold.Not.

Wore.Plaited.Neatly.Doubt.Combed, ironed.Day's work.In fine form.Pleasant.

Dress.Unusually, elegantly.Was called.Bold.

Sparing.Name.Great and small.Chiefly.

Attend.Comb.Plait.Fetched.Were grown to a height.The pictures on the outside of the wall.

Scarve.Joyful, pleasant.Unusual, queer.Retinue.

Pleasure.To.India.Fairest of all.


After wandering about the garden hearing the birds and getting acquainted with the inhabitants, he saw Among a thousand thing(e)s mo

A roser charged full of roses, That with an hedge about enclosed is.

Tho had I such lust and envy, That for Paris nor for Pavie, NoldeI have left to go at see There greatest heap of roses be.

When I was with this rage hent

That caught hath many a man and shent

Toward the roser I gan go.

And when I was not far therefro,

The savor of the roses sweet Me smote right to the heart(e) root As I had all embalmed be.

And if I had ne endoubted me To have been hated or assailed, Me thank(e)s would I not been failed To pull a rose of all that rout,

To bear(en) in my hand about And smell(en) to it where I went;But ever I dreaded me to repent, And lest it grieved or forthought

The lord that thilke garden wrought, Of roses there were great(e) wone,

So fair(e) waxe never in Rone.

Of knop(e)s close, some saw I there And some well better waxen were, And some there be of other moison

That drew(e) nigh to their season, And sped 'em fast(e) for to spread;I love well such roses red;

For broad roses, and open also, Be passed in a day or two;But knop(e)s will(e) fresh(e) be Two day(e)s at the least, or three, The knop(e)s greatly likedme, For fairer may there no man see Whoso might have one of all It aught him be full liefwithall.

Might I one garland of 'em get For no riches I would it let.

Among the knop(e)s I chose one So fair, that of the remnant none Ne prize I half so well as it, When I avise it is my wit.

In it so well was enlumined With color red, as well y-fined

As nature coutheit make fair.

And it had leaves well four pair, That Kynde hath set through his knowing About the red roses springing.

The stalk(e) was as rush(e) right And thereon stood the knop upright, That it ne bowed upon no side, The sweet(e) smell(e) sprang so wide That it did all the place about.

When I had smelled the savor sweet No will had I from thence yet go But somedeal nearer it went I tho

To take it: but mine hand for dread Ne durst I to the rose bede

For thistles sharp of many manners, Nettles, thornes, and hooked briers;For mickle they disturbed me, For sore I dreaded to harmed be.

More.Rose-bush.Then.Desire.Would not.

Seized.Ruined.There from.Not.Feared.

Willingly.Company.Caused to repent.That.

Quantity.Waxed, grew.Provence.Buds.

Closed.Much better grown.Harvest.Blown.

Pleased.Pleasing.Let go.Consider.Polished.

Knew how.Nature.Filled.Somewhat.


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    "Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons).ROGUE, PRISONER, PRINCESS is book #2 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1).
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