

In the street all was still bright.Some petty shops, those permanent clubs of servants and all sorts of folk, were open.Others were shut, but, nevertheless, showed a streak of light the whole length of the door-crack, indicating that they were not yet free of company, and that probably some domestics, male and female, were finishing their stories and conversations whilst leaving their masters in complete ignorance as to their whereabouts.Akakiy Akakievitch went on in a happy frame of mind: he even started to run, without knowing why, after some lady, who flew past like a flash of lightning.But he stopped short, and went on very quietly as before, wondering why he had quickened his pace.Soon there spread before him those deserted streets, which are not cheerful in the daytime, to say nothing of the evening.Now they were even more dim and lonely: the lanterns began to grow rarer, oil, evidently, had been less liberally supplied.Then came wooden houses and fences: not a soul anywhere; only the snow sparkled in the streets, and mournfully veiled the low-roofed cabins with their closed shutters.He approached the spot where the street crossed a vast square with houses barely visible on its farther side, a square which seemed a fearful desert.

Afar, a tiny spark glimmered from some watchman's box, which seemed to stand on the edge of the world.Akakiy Akakievitch's cheerfulness diminished at this point in a marked degree.He entered the square, not without an involuntary sensation of fear, as though his heart warned him of some evil.He glanced back and on both sides, it was like a sea about him."No, it is better not to look," he thought, and went on, closing his eyes.When he opened them, to see whether he was near the end of the square, he suddenly beheld, standing just before his very nose, some bearded individuals of precisely what sort he could not make out.All grew dark before his eyes, and his heart throbbed.

"But, of course, the cloak is mine!" said one of them in a loud voice, seizing hold of his collar.Akakiy Akakievitch was about to shout "watch," when the second man thrust a fist, about the size of a man's head, into his mouth, muttering, "Now scream!"Akakiy Akakievitch felt them strip off his cloak and give him a push with a knee: he fell headlong upon the snow, and felt no more.In a few minutes he recovered consciousness and rose to his feet; but no one was there.He felt that it was cold in the square, and that his cloak was gone; he began to shout, but his voice did not appear to reach to the outskirts of the square.In despair, but without ceasing to shout, he started at a run across the square, straight towards the watchbox, beside which stood the watchman, leaning on his halberd, and apparently curious to know what kind of a customer was running towards him and shouting.Akakiy Akakievitch ran up to him, and began in a sobbing voice to shout that he was asleep, and attended to nothing, and did not see when a man was robbed.The watchman replied that he had seen two men stop him in the middle of the square, but supposed that they were friends of his; and that, instead of scolding vainly, he had better go to the police on the morrow, so that they might make a search for whoever had stolen the cloak.

Akakiy Akakievitch ran home in complete disorder; his hair, which grew very thinly upon his temples and the back of his head, wholly disordered; his body, arms, and legs covered with snow.The old woman, who was mistress of his lodgings, on hearing a terrible knocking, sprang hastily from her bed, and, with only one shoe on, ran to open the door, pressing the sleeve of her chemise to her bosom out of modesty; but when she had opened it, she fell back on beholding Akakiy Akakievitch in such a state.When he told her about the affair, she clasped her hands, and said that he must go straight to the district chief of police, for his subordinate would turn up his nose, promise well, and drop the matter there.The very best thing to do, therefore, would be to go to the district chief, whom she knew, because Finnish Anna, her former cook, was now nurse at his house.She often saw him passing the house; and he was at church every Sunday, praying, but at the same time gazing cheerfully at everybody; so that he must be a good man, judging from all appearances.Having listened to this opinion, Akakiy Akakievitch betook himself sadly to his room; and how he spent the night there any one who can put himself in another's place may readily imagine.

Early in the morning, he presented himself at the district chief's;but was told that this official was asleep.He went again at ten and was again informed that he was asleep; at eleven, and they said: "The superintendent is not at home;" at dinner time, and the clerks in the ante-room would not admit him on any terms, and insisted upon knowing his business.So that at last, for once in his life, Akakiy Akakievitch felt an inclination to show some spirit, and said curtly that he must see the chief in person; that they ought not to presume to refuse him entrance; that he came from the department of justice, and that when he complained of them, they would see.

The clerks dared make no reply to this, and one of them went to call the chief, who listened to the strange story of the theft of the coat.

Instead of directing his attention to the principal points of the matter, he began to question Akakiy Akakievitch: Why was he going home so late? Was he in the habit of doing so, or had he been to some disorderly house? So that Akakiy Akakievitch got thoroughly confused, and left him without knowing whether the affair of his cloak was in proper train or not.

  • 行在阳秋


  • 大比丘三千威仪


  • 琴堂谕俗编


  • 禅法要解经


  • 七真年谱


  • 漫画人生  幽默大师——方成传

    漫画人生 幽默大师——方成传

    他是享誉海内外的漫画泰斗,也是新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人,其代表作《武大郎开店》已成为漫画史上的里程碑。他潜心钻研幽默三十年,成为中国系统研究幽默的第一人,其研究幽默的深度与广度,全世界至今无人企及。 他一生经历丰富,历经苦难,但他却把坎坷的一生变成了幽默的、艺术的一生。他就是幽默大师方成。本书主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。方成,中国当代最具代表性的漫画家之一,与漫画家华君武、丁聪被并称为中国“漫画界三老”。这位享誉海内外的中国新闻漫画的泰斗,一生创作了大量优秀漫画作品,于1980年在北京美术馆举办漫画展,成为新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人。他在水墨漫画的创作上做出了有力的探索,他的作品如一面时代的镜子,亦如一把社会的解剖刀,直指社会弊端。其代表作《武大郎开店》在全国引起了强烈反响。 这位老人的一生,活得很精彩,诚如凤凰卫视《名人面对面》栏目采访方成时的开场解说词所言:“一位九旬老人,用画笔影射世间百态,用幽默抚慰春夏秋冬,而他曲折的一生更是20世纪整个中国社会变迁的缩影。精神矍铄、谈笑风生,一面时代的多棱镜,一把社会的解剖刀,见证、欢笑与淡定。”《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。
  • 语增篇


  • 魅杀


  • 青城Ⅱ


  • 这里曾经是汉朝2


  • 打造新世界:费城会议与《美国宪法》


  • 走出自己


  • 重生之莽夫英雄


    我捡到了一件破碎的复活甲,我败了,如果有来世我要做个莽夫,那一颗子弹,我替你挡了! 梦醒重生回到少年时代,竟发现这世界的另外一面,英雄降临,再和兄弟们玩一次不一样的英雄联盟!
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  • You Never Can Tell

    You Never Can Tell
