

Agafya Fedosyevna wore a cap on her head, and a coffee-coloured cloak with yellow flowers and had three warts on her nose.Her figure was like a cask, and it would have been as hard to tell where to look for her waist as for her to see her nose without a mirror.Her feet were small and shaped like two cushions.She talked scandal, ate boiled beet-soup in the morning, and swore extremely; and amidst all these various occupations her countenance never for one instant changed its expression, which phenomenon, as a rule, women alone are capable of displaying.

As soon as she arrived, everything went wrong.

"Ivan Nikiforovitch, don't you make peace with him, nor ask his forgiveness; he wants to ruin you; that's the kind of man he is! you don't know him yet!" That cursed woman whispered and whispered, and managed so that Ivan Nikiforovitch would not even hear Ivan Ivanovitch mentioned.

Everything assumed another aspect.If his neighbour's dog ran into the yard, it was beaten within an inch of its life; the children, who climbed over the fence, were sent back with howls, their little shirts stripped up, and marks of a switch behind.Even the old woman, when Ivan Ivanovitch ventured to ask her about something, did something so insulting that Ivan Ivanovitch, being an extremely delicate man, only spit, and muttered, "What a nasty woman! even worse than her master!"Finally, as a climax to all the insults, his hated neighbour built a goose-shed right against his fence at the spot where they usually climbed over, as if with the express intention of redoubling the insult.This shed, so hateful to Ivan Ivanovitch, was constructed with diabolical swiftness--in one day.

This aroused wrath and a desire for revenge in Ivan Ivanovitch.He showed no signs of bitterness, in spite of the fact that the shed encroached on his land; but his heart beat so violently that it was extremely difficult for him to preserve his calm appearance.

He passed the day in this manner.Night came-- Oh, if I were a painter, how magnificently I would depict the night's charms! I would describe how all Mirgorod sleeps; how steadily the myriads of stars gaze down upon it; how the apparent quiet is filled far and near with the barking of dogs; how the love-sick sacristan steals past them, and scales the fence with knightly fearlessness; how the white walls of the houses, bathed in the moonlight, grow whiter still, the overhanging trees darker; how the shadows of the trees fall blacker, the flowers and the silent grass become more fragrant, and the crickets, unharmonious cavaliers of the night, strike up their rattling song in friendly fashion on all sides.I would describe how, in one of the little, low-roofed, clay houses, the black-browed village maid, tossing on her lonely couch, dreams with heaving bosom of some hussar's spurs and moustache, and how the moonlight smiles upon her cheeks.I would describe how the black shadows of the bats flit along the white road before they alight upon the white chimneys of the cottages.

But it would hardly be within my power to depict Ivan Ivanovitch as he crept out that night, saw in hand; or the various emotions written on his countenance! Quietly, most quietly, he crawled along and climbed upon the goose-shed.Ivan Nikiforovitch's dogs knew nothing, as yet, of the quarrel between them; and so they permitted him, as an old friend, to enter the shed, which rested upon four oaken posts.

Creeping up to the nearest post he applied his saw and began to cut.

The noise produced by the saw caused him to glance about him every moment, but the recollection of the insult restored his courage.The first post was sawed through.Ivan Ivanovitch began upon the next.His eyes burned and he saw nothing for terror.

All at once he uttered an exclamation and became petrified with fear.

A ghost appeared to him; but he speedily recovered himself on perceiving that it was a goose, thrusting its neck out at him.Ivan Ivanovitch spit with vexation and proceeded with his work.The second post was sawed through; the building trembled.His heart beat so violently when he began on the third, that he had to stop several times.The post was more than half sawed through when the frail building quivered violently.

Ivan Ivanovitch had barely time to spring back when it came down with a crash.Seizing his saw, he ran home in the greatest terror and flung himself upon his bed, without having sufficient courage to peep from the window at the consequences of his terrible deed.It seemed to him as though Ivan Nikiforovitch's entire household--the old woman, Ivan Nikiforovitch, the boy in the endless coat, all with sticks, and led by Agafya Fedosyevna--were coming to tear down and destroy his house.

Ivan Ivanovitch passed the whole of the following day in a perfect fever.It seemed to him that his detested neighbour would set fire to his house at least in revenge for this; and so he gave orders to Gapka to keep a constant lookout, everywhere, and see whether dry straw were laid against it anywhere.Finally, in order to forestall Ivan Nikiforovitch, he determined to enter a complaint against him before the district judge of Mirgorod.In what it consisted can be learned from the following chapter.

  • 水经注疏


  • The Make-Believe Man

    The Make-Believe Man

  • The Land of the Changing Sun

    The Land of the Changing Sun

  • 海角续编


  • 琅嬛记


  • 神豪阔少


  • 奔火


    魏南风几乎一夜没睡,天亮透前,大脑才终于累得昏沉,迷迷糊糊坠入一团纠缠的网中,弹了几下腿,合上眼。她安慰自己:好了好了,终于睡着了,呼噜扯得轰响了。面色极差,双眼通红无神,一缺觉,脸上的几根三八纹就出来作怪,把平时还算平滑的脸分割成凸凹不平的几大块,用手按按扯扯,它们横眉冷眼,各守封地严阵以待。不想见任何人,最好有个黑箱子,把她关在里面,好好补一觉。客厅闹钟提示已经上午十点,南风皱皱眉,强打起精神,涂脸、穿衣、化妆。吴熏准时等在常去的那家餐馆,见她进来,掐灭了手中的烟。“又没睡好?” 他瞟瞟她。
  • 佛说当来变经


  • 竞岗


  • 广大宝楼阁善住秘密陀罗尼经


  • 跟曹瞒混在汉末


    东汉末年至三国时期,天下那可真叫混乱······在那个年月,一般人混个温饱都不容易;但是,就有这么一个人物却混出了好大一片自己说了算的天地——恩,统一了中国北方,建立了魏国,自己当上了什么魏武帝。他可是白手起家,赤手空拳打的天下。 这家伙是谁呢?大家当然知道。 至于他的人生经历细节嘛,本书从他下生介绍到逝世。 有兴趣不妨过来看看,或许能看出点对自己有用的东西来······呵呵,就这样吧。
  • 初恋星光馆XG第一部


    〔全场甜文甜到爆,傲娇男神vs冷血女王,独宠到宇宙银河系,1∨1〕“我爱各种各样的她,刁蛮任性那是我宠的;脾气大那是我惯的;连激动的时候爆粗口,那也是我教的!”某傻缺傲娇大少把话告诉了女孩和全世界。“呵,脑子进水了?谁稀罕!现在立刻马上,给我有多远滚多远!”“最远的地方是你的心,不知道什么时候才能滚到你心里,教我吧!”“……”“不回答就当你默认了。”女孩刚想爆粗口否认,却被吻到腿软。“乖~你是我的。”将女孩拥入怀里,柔情似水的说“谁特么是你的!!!”“女孩子不要随随便便爆粗口,以后没人要,是因为我已经要了!谁敢动你,让他死无全尸。”“有一句mmp不知当讲不当讲!”男人宠溺的将怀里的她搂紧 “乖~我们不讲。”
  • 午夜想你,半悲半喜


  • 淑女瓶


  • 佛说明度五十校计经

