

4.About this very time Antiochus, who was called Grypus, died (35) His death was caused by Heracleon's treachery, when he had lived forty-five years, and had reigned twenty-nine.(36) His son Seleucus succeeded him in the kingdom, and made war with Antiochus, his father's brother, who was called Antiochus Cyzicenus, and beat him, and took him prisoner, and slew him.But after a while Antiochus, the son of Cyzicenus, who was called Pius, came to Aradus, and put the diadem on his own head, and made war with Seleucus, and beat him, and drove him out of all Syria.But when he fled out of Syria, he came to Mopsuestia again, and levied money upon them; but the people of Mopsuestin had indignation at what he did, and burnt down his palace, and slew him, together with his friends.But when Antiochus, the son of Cyzicenus, was king of Syria, Antiochus, (37) the brother of Seleucus, made war upon him, and was overcome, and destroyed, he and his army.After him, his brother Philip put on the diadem, and reigned over some part of Syria; but Ptolemy Lathyrus sent for his fourth brother Demetrius, who was called Eucerus, from Cnidus, and made him king of Damascus.Both these brothers did Antiochus vehemently oppose, but presently died; for when he was come as an auxiliary to Laodice, queen of the Gileadites, (38)when she was making war against the Parthians, and he was fighting courageously, he fell, while Demetrius and Philip governed Syria, as hath been elsewhere related.

5.As to Alexander, his own people were seditious against him;for at a festival which was then celebrated, when he stood upon the altar, and was going to sacrifice, the nation rose upon him, and pelted him with citrons [which they then had in their hands, because] the law of the Jews required that at the feast of tabernacles every one should have branches of the palm tree and citron tree; which thing we have elsewhere related.They also reviled him, as derived from a captive, and so unworthy of his dignity and of sacrificing.At this he was in a rage, and slew of them about six thousand.He also built a partition-wall of wood round the altar and the temple, as far as that partition within which it was only lawful for the priests to enter; and by this means he obstructed the multitude from coming at him.He also maintained foreigners of Pisidie and Cilicia; for as to the Syrians, he was at war with them, and so made no use of them.He also overcame the Arabians, such as the Moabites and Gileadites, and made them bring tribute.Moreover, he demolished Amathus, while Theodorus (39) durst not fight with him; but as he had joined battle with Obedas, king of the Arabians, and fell into an ambush in the places that were rugged and difficult to be traveled over, he was thrown down into a deep valley, by the multitude of the camels at Gadurn, a village of Gilead, and hardly escaped with his life.From thence he fled to Jerusalem, where, besides his other ill success, the nation insulted him, and he fought against them for six years, and slew no fewer than fifty thousand of them.And when he desired that they would desist from their ill-will to him, they hated him so much the more, on account of what had already happened; and when he had asked them what he ought to do, they all cried out, that he ought to kill himself.They also sent to Demetrius Eucerus, and desired him to make a league of mutual defense with them.


How Demetrius Eucerus Overcame Alexander And Yet In A Little Time Retired Out Of The Country For Fear; As Also How Alexander Slew Many Of The Jews And Thereby Got Clear Of His Troubles.

Concerning The Death Of Demetrius.

1.So Demetrius came with an army, and took those that invited him, and pitched his camp near the city Shechem; upon which Alexander, with his six thousand two hundred mercenaries, and about twenty thousand Jews, who were of his party, went against Demetrius, who had three thousand horsemen, and forty thousand footmen.Now there were great endeavors used on both sides, -Demetrius trying to bring off the mercenaries that were with Alexander, because they were Greeks, and Alexander trying to bring off the Jews that were with Demetrius.However, when neither of them could persuade them so to do, they came to a battle, and Demetrius was the conqueror; in which all Alexander's mercenaries were killed, when they had given demonstration of their fidelity and courage.A great number of Demetrius's soldiers were slain also.

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  • 云仙杂记


  • 佛说息除贼难陀罗尼经


  • 送崔员外入秦因访故


  • 高力士外传


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  • 走向绚丽的人生(人生篇)


  • 田园记事:枝头梦


  • 李劼人说成都


    懒散近乎“随时随地找舒服”。以坐茶馆为喻罢,成才人坐茶馆,虽与重庆人的理由一样,然而他喜爱的则是矮矮的桌子,矮矮的竹椅——虽不一定是竹椅,总多关是竹椅变化出来,矮而有靠背,可以半躺半坐的坐具—— 地面不必十分干净,而桌面总可以邋遢点而不嫌打脏衣服,如此一下坐下来,身心泰然,所差者,只是长长一声感叹。本书从李劼人小说中分门别类,节录出有关成都文明发展的大量文字,如清末的叽咕车(鸡公车)到抗战时的木炭汽车,足以见出成都交通的一个侧面。所有这些变迁的实录,后人完全可以视为一代信史。 其中收入本书的《成都是一个古城》和《旧帐》,都是一九四九年后没有公开发表过的。
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  • 胜军不动明王四十八使者秘密成就仪轨


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