Closely connected with the political illegitimacy of the dynasties of the fifteenth century was the public indifference to legitimate birth, which to foreigners -- for example, to Commines -- appeared so remarkable.The two things went naturally together.In northern countries, as in Burgundy, the illegitimate offspring were provided for by a distinct class of appanages, such as bishoprics and the like: in Portugal an illegitimate line maintained itself on the throne only by constant effort; in Italy.on the contrary, there no longer existed a princely house where even in the direct line of descent, bastards were not patiently tolerated.The Aragonese monarchs of Naples belonged to the illegitimate line, Aragon itself falling to the lot of the brother of Alfonso I.The great Federigo of Urbino was, perhaps, no Montefeltro at all.When Pius II was on his way to the Congress of Mantua (1459), eight bastards of the house of Este rode to meet him at Ferrara, among them the reigning duke Borso himself and two illegitimate sons of his illegitimate brother and predecessor Lionello.The latter had also had a lawful wife, herself an illegitimate daughter of Alfonso I of Naples by an African woman.The bastards were often admitted to the succession where the lawful children were minors and the dangers of the situation were pressing; and a rule of seniority became recognized, which took no account of pure or impure birth.The fitness of the individual, his worth and capacity, were of more weight than all the laws and usages which prevailed elsewhere in the West.It was the age, indeed, in which the sons of the Popes were founding dynasties.In the sixteenth century, through the influence of foreign ideas and of the counter-reformation which then began, the whole question was judged more strictly: Varchi discovers that the succession of the legitimate children 'is ordered by reason, and is the will of heaven from eternity.' Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici founded his claim to the lordship of Florence on the fact that he was perhaps the fruit of a lawful marriage, and at all events son of a gentlewoman, and not, like Duke Alessandro, of a servant girl.At this time began those morganatic marriages of affection which in the fifteenth century, on grounds either of policy or morality, would have had no meaning at all.
But the highest and the most admired form of illegitimacy in the fifteenth century was presented by the Condottiere, who whatever may have been his origin, raised himself to the position of an independent ruler.At bottom, the occupation of Lower Italy by the Normans in the eleventh century was of this character.Such attempts now began to keep the peninsula in a constant ferment.