

There was nothing for it but, at whatever risk, to abandon Philadelphia and march the army across New Jersey.It would be possible to take by sea the stores and the three thousand Loyalists from Philadelphia, some of whom would probably be hanged if they should be taken.Lord Howe, the naval commander, did his part in a masterly manner.On the 18th of June the British army marched out of Philadelphia and before the day was over it was across the Delaware on the New Jersey side.That same day Washington's army, free from its long exile at Valley Forge, occupied the capital.Clinton set out on his long march by land and Howe worked his laden ships down the difficult river to its mouth and, after delay by winds, put to sea on the 28th of June.

By a stroke of good fortune he sailed the two hundred miles to New York in two days and missed the great fleet of d'Estaing, carrying an army of four thousand men.On the 8th of July d'Estaing anchored at the mouth of the Delaware.Had not his passage been unusually delayed and Howe's unusually quick, as Washington noted, the British fleet and the transports in the Delaware would probably have been taken and Clinton and his army would have shared the fate of Burgoyne.

As it was, though Howe's fleet was clear away, Clinton's army had a bad time in the march across New Jersey.Its baggage train was no less than twelve miles long and, winding along roads leading sometimes through forests, was peculiarly vulnerable to flank attack.In this type of warfare Washington excelled.He had fought over this country and he knew it well.The tragedy of Valley Forge was past.His army was now well trained and well supplied.He had about the same number of men as the British--perhaps sixteen thousand--and he was not encumbered by a long baggage train.Thus it happened that Washington was across the Delaware almost as soon as the British.He marched parallel with them on a line some five miles to the north and was able to forge towards the head of their column.He could attack their flank almost when he liked.Clinton marched with great difficulty.He found bridges down.Not only was Washington behind him and on his flank but General Gates was in front marching from the north to attack him when he should try to cross the Raritan River.The long British column turned southeastward toward Sandy Hook, so as to lessen the menace from Gates.Between the half of the army in the van and the other half in the rear was the baggage train.

The crisis came on Sunday the 28th of June, a day of sweltering heat.By this time General Charles Lee, Washington's second in command, was in a good position to attack the British rear guard from the north, while Washington, marching three miles behind Lee, was to come up in the hope of overwhelming it from the rear.

Clinton's position was difficult but he was saved by Lee's ineptitude.He had positive instructions to attack with his five thousand men and hold the British engaged until Washington should come up in overwhelming force.The young La Fayette was with Lee.

He knew what Washington had ordered, but Lee said to him: "You don't know the British soldiers; we cannot stand against them."Lee's conduct looks like deliberate treachery.Instead of attacking the British he allowed them to attack him.La Fayette managed to send a message to Washington in the rear; Washington dashed to the front and, as he came up, met soldiers flying from before the British.He rode straight to Lee, called him in flaming anger a "damned poltroon," and himself at once took command.There was a sharp fight near Monmouth Court House.The British were driven back and only the coming of night ended the struggle.Washington was preparing to renew it in the morning, but Clinton had marched away in the darkness.He reached the coast on the 30th of June, having lost on the way fifty-nine men from sunstroke, over three hundred in battle, and a great many more by desertion.The deserters were chiefly Germans, enticed by skillful offers of land.Washington called for a reckoning from Lee.He was placed under arrest, tried by court-martial, found guilty, and suspended from rank for twelve months.Ultimately he was dismissed from the American army, less it appears for his conduct at Monmouth than for his impudent demeanor toward Congress afterwards.

These events on land were quickly followed by stirring events on the sea.The delays of the British Admiralty of this time seem almost incredible.Two hundred ships waited at Spithead for three months for convoy to the West Indies, while all the time the people of the West Indies, cut off from their usual sources of supply in America, were in distress for food.Seven weeks passed after d'Estaing had sailed for America, before the Admiralty knew that he was really gone and sent Admiral Byron, with fourteen ships, to the aid of Lord Howe.When d'Estaing was already before New York Byron was still battling with storms in mid-Atlantic, storms so severe that his fleet was entirely dispersed and his flagship was alone when it reached Long Island on the 18th of August.

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