

'Noo, think o' that!' returned the landlady, laughing.'You great fowk wad hae the verra coorse o' natur' turned upside doon to shuit yersels.Wha ever heard o' caure (calves) at this time o' the year?'

'Well, anything you like.Who was it came by the mail, did you say?'

'I said naebody partic'lar, my lord.'

'Well, I'll just go and have a look at Black Geordie.'

'Verra weel, my lord.--Letty, rin an' luik efter him; and as sune 's he's roon' the neuk, tell Lizzie no to say a word aboot the leddy.

As sure 's deith he's efter her.Whaur cud he hae heard tell o'


Lord Rothie came, a moment after, sauntering into the bar-parlour, where Lizzie, the third Miss Napier, a red-haired, round-eyed, white-toothed woman of forty, was making entries in a book.

'She's a bonnie lassie that, that came in the coach to-night, they say, Miss Lizzie.'

'As ugly 's sin, my lord,' answered Lizzie.

'I hae seen some sin 'at was nane sae ugly, Miss Lizzie.'

'She wad hae clean scunnert (disgusted) ye, my lord.It's a mercy ye didna see her.'

'If she be as ugly as all that, I would just like to see her.'

Miss Lizzie saw she had gone too far.

'Ow, deed! gin yer lordship wants to see her, ye may see her at yer wull.I s' gang and tell her.'

And she rose as if to go.

'No, no.Nothing of the sort, Miss Lizzie.Only I heard that she was bonnie, and I wanted to see her.You know I like to look at a pretty girl.'

'That's ower weel kent, my lord.'

'Well, there's no harm in that, Miss Lizzie.'

'There's no harm in that, my lord, though yer lordship says 't.'

The facts were that his lordship had been to the county-town, some forty miles off, and Black Geordie had been sent to Hillknow to meet him; for in any weather that would let him sit, he preferred horseback to every other mode of travelling, though he seldom would be followed by a groom.He had posted to Hillknow, and had dined with a friend at the inn.The coach stopping to change horses, he had caught a glimpse of a pretty face, as he thought, from its window, and had hoped to overtake the coach before it reached Rothieden.But stopping to drink another bottle, he had failed; and it was on the merest chance of seeing that pretty face that he stopped at The Boar's Head.In all probability, had the Marquis seen the lady, he would not have thought her at all such a beauty as she appeared in the eyes of Dooble Sanny; nor, I venture to think, had he thought as the shoemaker did, would he yet have dared to address her in other than the words of such respect as he could still feel in the presence of that which was more noble than himself.

Whether or not on his visit to the stable he found anything amiss with Black Geordie, I cannot tell, but he now begged Miss Lizzie to have a bedroom prepared for him.

It happened to be the evening of Friday, one devoted by some of the townspeople to a symposium.To this, knowing that the talk will throw a glimmer on several matters, I will now introduce my reader, as a spectator through the reversed telescope of my history.

A few of the more influential of the inhabitants had grown, rather than formed themselves, into a kind of club, which met weekly at The Boar's Head.Although they had no exclusive right to the room in which they sat, they generally managed to retain exclusive possession of it; for if any supposed objectionable person entered, they always got rid of him, sometimes without his being aware of how they had contrived to make him so uncomfortable.They began to gather about seven o'clock, when it was expected that boiling water would be in readiness for the compound generally called toddy, sometimes punch.As soon as six were assembled, one was always voted into the chair.

On the present occasion, Mr.Innes, the school-master, was unanimously elected to that honour.He was a hard-featured, sententious, snuffy individual, of some learning, and great respectability.

I omit the political talk with which their intercommunications began; for however interesting at the time is the scaffolding by which existing institutions arise, the poles and beams when gathered again in the builder's yard are scarcely a subject for the artist.

The first to lead the way towards matters of nearer personality was William MacGregor, the linen manufacturer, a man who possessed a score of hand-looms or so--half of which, from the advance of cotton and the decline of linen-wear, now stood idle--but who had already a sufficient deposit in the hands of Mr.Thomson the banker--agent, that is, for the county-bank--to secure him against any necessity for taking to cotton shirts himself, which were an abomination and offence unpardonable in his eyes.

'Can ye tell me, Mr.Cocker,' he said, 'what mak's Sandy, Lord Rothie, or Wrathy, or what suld he be ca'd?--tak' to The Bothie at a time like this, whan there's neither huntin', nor fishin', nor shutin', nor onything o' the kin' aboot han' to be playacks till him, the bonnie bairn--'cep' it be otters an' sic like?'

William was a shrunken old man, with white whiskers and a black wig, a keen black eye, always in search of the ludicrous in other people, and a mouth ever on the move, as if masticating something comical.

'You know just as well as I do,' answered Mr.Cocker, the Marquis of Boarshead's factor for the surrounding estate.'He never was in the way of giving a reason for anything, least of all for his own movements.'

'Somebody was sayin' to me,' resumed MacGregor, who, in all probability, invented the story at the moment, 'that the prince took him kissin' ane o' his servan' lasses, and kickit him oot o' Carlton Hoose into the street, and he canna win' ower the disgrace o' 't.'

''Deed for the kissin',' said Mr.Thomson, a portly, comfortable-looking man, 'that's neither here nor there, though it micht hae been a duchess or twa; but for the kickin', my word! but Lord Sandy was mair likly to kick oot the prince.Do ye min' hoo he did whan the Markis taxed him wi'--?'

'Haud a quaiet sough,' interposed Mr.Cruickshank, the solicitor;'there's a drap i' the hoose.'

  • 黄檗山寺志


  • 察舌辨症新法


  • 陕州河亭陪韦五大夫




  • 芬陀利室词话


  • 燧灵记


  • 其实我们一直活在春秋战国1


    公元前770年到公元前221年,在这段被后人称之为春秋战国的550年间,那些空前绝后的伟大人物和传世经典井喷似的涌现: 孔子述《论语》、孟子写《孟子》、老子写《道德经》、墨子写《墨子》、孙子写《孙子兵法》、鬼谷子写《鬼谷子》、韩非写《韩非子》……百家争鸣奠定了中华文明的基石,四书五经铸造了后世中国人的价值观,春秋五霸开创了谋略计策的典范,战国七雄构建了现今中国版图的框架。
  • 凤御凰权


  • 满级牧师的异界生活


  • 青少年应该知道的沧州武术(阅读中华国粹)


  • 丞相不敢当


  • 摸金传人1:明陵疑冢


    陶城朱家是延续了三百年的摸金世家,却因父母早亡在朱笑东这里断了传承,直到朱笑东被骗进明陵疑冢,被推下白骨累累的万人坑。 暗无天日的万人尸坑鬼影幢幢,大战人面蜘蛛九死一生,机关重重的百年皇陵、惊险刺激的古墓穴探险有效激活了流淌在朱笑东骨子里摸金传人的血脉传承,开启了他传奇的一生。大漠探险九死一生,揭开尘封千年谜团,寻得楼兰古城,揭晓香妃谜案。千里奔赴大清祖穴长白山,苦战守墓部族历尽艰辛获取龙珠,破解流传了三百年的秘辛。
  • 人类群星闪耀时


  • 茅山志


  • 抢来的新郎:庄主大人很腹黑

