

"The only thing is, then, that the person be in herself to your taste?""She is going to offer you an unappreciated governess!" Tristram groaned.

"Assuredly.I won't deny that, other things being equal, I should prefer one of my own countrywomen.We should speak the same language, and that would be a comfort.

But I am not afraid of a foreigner.Besides, I rather like the idea of taking in Europe, too.It enlarges the field of selection.

When you choose from a greater number, you can bring your choice to a finer point!""You talk like Sardanapalus!" exclaimed Tristram.

"You say all this to the right person," said Newman's hostess.

"I happen to number among my friends the loveliest woman in the world.

Neither more nor less.I don't say a very charming person or a very estimable woman or a very great beauty; I say simply the loveliest woman in the world.""The deuce!" cried Tristram, "you have kept very quiet about her.

Were you afraid of me?"

"You have seen her," said his wife, "but you have no perception of such merit as Claire's.""Ah, her name is Claire? I give it up."

"Does your friend wish to marry?" asked Newman.

"Not in the least.It is for you to make her change her mind.

It will not be easy; she has had one husband, and he gave her a low opinion of the species.""Oh, she is a widow, then?" said Newman.

"Are you already afraid? She was married at eighteen, by her parents, in the French fashion, to a disagreeable old man.

But he had the good taste to die a couple of years afterward, and she is now twenty-five.""So she is French?"

"French by her father, English by her mother.She is really more English than French, and she speaks English as well as you or I--or rather much better.She belongs to the very top of the basket, as they say here.Her family, on each side, is of fabulous antiquity;her mother is the daughter of an English Catholic earl.Her father is dead, and since her widowhood she has lived with her mother and a married brother.

There is another brother, younger, who I believe is wild.

They have an old hotel in the Rue de l'Universite, but their fortune is small, and they make a common household, for economy's sake.

When I was a girl I was put into a convent here for my education, while my father made the tour of Europe.It was a silly thing to do with me, but it had the advantage that it made me acquainted with Claire de Bellegarde.She was younger than I but we became fast friends.

I took a tremendous fancy to her, and she returned my passion as far as she could.They kept such a tight rein on her that she could do very little, and when I left the convent she had to give me up.

I was not of her monde; I am not now, either, but we sometimes meet.

They are terrible people--her monde; all mounted upon stilts a mile high, and with pedigrees long in proportion.It is the skim of the milk of the old noblesse.Do you know what a Legitimist is, or an Ultramontane?

Go into Madame de Cintre's drawing-room some afternoon, at five o'clock, and you will see the best preserved specimens.I say go, but no one is admitted who can't show his fifty quarterings.""And this is the lady you propose to me to marry?" asked Newman.

"A lady I can't even approach?"

"But you said just now that you recognized no obstacles."Newman looked at Mrs.Tristram a while, stroking his mustache.

"Is she a beauty?" he demanded.


"Oh, then it's no use--"

"She is not a beauty, but she is beautiful, two very different things.

A beauty has no faults in her face, the face of a beautiful woman may have faults that only deepen its charm.""I remember Madame de Cintre, now," said Tristram.

"She is as plain as a pike-staff.A man wouldn't look at her twice.""In saying that HE would not look at her twice, my husband sufficiently describes her," Mrs.Tristram rejoined.

"Is she good; is she clever?" Newman asked.

"She is perfect! I won't say more than that.

When you are praising a person to another who is to know her, it is bad policy to go into details.I won't exaggerate.

I simply recommend her.Among all women I have known she stands alone; she is of a different clay.""I should like to see her," said Newman, simply.

"I will try to manage it.The only way will be to invite her to dinner.

I have never invited her before, and I don't know that she will come.

Her old feudal countess of a mother rules the family with an iron hand, and allows her to have no friends but of her own choosing, and to visit only in a certain sacred circle.But I can at least ask her."At this moment Mrs.Tristram was interrupted; a servant stepped out upon the balcony and announced that there were visitors in the drawing-room.

When Newman's hostess had gone in to receive her friends, Tom Tristram approached his guest.

"Don't put your foot into THIS, my boy," he said, puffing the last whiffs of his cigar."There's nothing in it!"Newman looked askance at him, inquisitive."You tell another story, eh?""I say simply that Madame de Cintre is a great white doll of a woman, who cultivates quiet haughtiness.""Ah, she's haughty, eh?"

"She looks at you as if you were so much thin air, and cares for you about as much.""She is very proud, eh?"

"Proud? As proud as I'm humble."

"And not good-looking?"

Tristram shrugged his shoulders: "It's a kind of beauty you must be INTELLECTUAL to understand.But I must go in and amuse the company."Some time elapsed before Newman followed his friends into the drawing-room.When he at last made his appearance there he remained but a short time, and during this period sat perfectly silent, listening to a lady to whom Mrs.Tristram had straightway introduced him and who chattered, without a pause, with the full force of an extraordinarily high-pitched voice.

Newman gazed and attended.Presently he came to bid good-night to Mrs.Tristram.

"Who is that lady?" he asked.

"Miss Dora Finch.How do you like her?"

"She's too noisy."

"She is thought so bright! Certainly, you are fastidious,"said Mrs.Tristram.

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