

"He pursued the female monster, whose tail undulated over the dead leaves like a silver brook, into the forest, and came to a plain where women with dragon-croups were round a great fire, standing erect on the points of their tails.The blood-coloured moon was shining within a pale circle, and their scarlet tongues, cloven like the harpoons of fishermen, reached curling forth to the very edge of the flame."Then Salammbo, without pausing, related how Melkarth, after vanquishing Masisabal, placed her severed head on the prow of his ship."At each throb of the waves it sank beneath the foam, but the sun embalmed it; it became harder than gold; nevertheless the eyes ceased not to weep, and the tears fell into the water continually."She sang all this in an old Chanaanite idiom, which the Barbarians did not understand.They asked one another what she could be saying to them with those frightful gestures which accompanied her speech, and mounted round about her on the tables, beds, and sycamore boughs, they strove with open mouths and craned necks to grasp the vague stories hovering before their imaginations, through the dimness of the theogonies, like phantoms wrapped in cloud.

Only the beardless priests understood Salammbo; their wrinkled hands, which hung over the strings of their lyres, quivered, and from time to time they would draw forth a mournful chord; for, feebler than old women, they trembled at once with mystic emotion, and with the fear inspired by men.The Barbarians heeded them not, but listened continually to the maiden's song.

None gazed at her like a young Numidian chief, who was placed at the captains' tables among soldiers of his own nation.His girdle so bristled with darts that it formed a swelling in his ample cloak, which was fastened on his temples with a leather lace.The cloth parted asunder as it fell upon his shoulders, and enveloped his countenance in shadow, so that only the fires of his two fixed eyes could be seen.It was by chance that he was at the feast, his father having domiciled him with the Barca family, according to the custom by which kings used to send their children into the households of the great in order to pave the way for alliances; but Narr' Havas had lodged there fox six months without having hitherto seen Salammbo, and now, seated on his heels, with his head brushing the handles of his javelins, he was watching her with dilated nostrils, like a leopard crouching among the bamboos.

On the other side of the tables was a Libyan of colossal stature, and with short black curly hair.He had retained only his military jacket, the brass plates of which were tearing the purple of the couch.Anecklace of silver moons was tangled in his hairy breast.His face was stained with splashes of blood; he was leaning on his left elbow with a smile on his large, open mouth.

Salammbo had abandoned the sacred rhythm.With a woman's subtlety she was simultaneously employing all the dialects of the Barbarians in order to appease their anger.To the Greeks she spoke Greek; then she turned to the Ligurians, the Campanians, the Negroes, and listening to her each one found again in her voice the sweetness of his native land.She now, carried away by the memories of Carthage, sang of the ancient battles against Rome; they applauded.She kindled at the gleaming of the naked swords, and cried aloud with outstretched arms.

Her lyre fell, she was silent; and, pressing both hands upon her heart, she remained for some minutes with closed eyelids enjoying the agitation of all these men.

Matho, the Libyan, leaned over towards her.Involuntarily she approached him, and impelled by grateful pride, poured him a long stream of wine into a golden cup in order to conciliate the army.

"Drink!" she said.

He took the cup, and was carrying it to his lips when a Gaul, the same that had been hurt by Gisco, struck him on the shoulder, while in a jovial manner he gave utterance to pleasantries in his native tongue.

Spendius was not far off, and he volunteered to interpret them.

"Speak!" said Matho.

"The gods protect you; you are going to become rich.When will the nuptials be?""What nuptials?"

"Yours! for with us," said the Gaul, "when a woman gives drink to a soldier, it means that she offers him her couch."He had not finished when Narr' Havas, with a bound, drew a javelin from his girdle, and, leaning his right foot upon the edge of the table, hurled it against Matho.

The javelin whistled among the cups, and piercing the Lybian's arm, pinned it so firmly to the cloth, that the shaft quivered in the air.

Matho quickly plucked it out; but he was weaponless and naked; at last he lifted the over-laden table with both arms, and flung it against Narr' Havas into the very centre of the crowd that rushed between them.The soldiers and Numidians pressed together so closely that they were unable to draw their swords.Matho advanced dealing great blows with his head.When he raised it, Narr' Havas had disappeared.He sought for him with his eyes.Salammbo also was gone.

Then directing his looks to the palace he perceived the red door with the black cross closing far above, and he darted away.

They saw him run between the prows of the galleys, and then reappear along the three staircases until he reached the red door against which he dashed his whole body.Panting, he leaned against the wall to keep himself from falling.

But a man had followed him, and through the darkness, for the lights of the feast were hidden by the corner of the palace, he recognised Spendius.

"Begone!" said he.

The slave without replying began to tear his tunic with his teeth;then kneeling beside Matho he tenderly took his arm, and felt it in the shadow to discover the wound.

By a ray of the moon which was then gliding between the clouds, Spendius perceived a gaping wound in the middle of the arm.He rolled the piece of stuff about it, but the other said irritably, "Leave me!

leave me!"

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    PS:兮兮新文【穿书后我成了傲娇王爷的心尖宠】已经上传希望亲们能继续支持兮兮 陶夭夭死后魂穿到了远古,可她看到的远古与曾经所了解得一点也不一样。见过一个普通人单手就能将五六十斤的大石头扔出去还屁事没有的到处闲逛吗?见过普通人一跃就是十几米高,从二十多米的树上跳下来还能稳稳站住吗?反正上辈子她没有见过,这辈子每天都能见到。最让她接受无能的是这里的兽动不动就会喷火、喷水、喷冰雹,树木任性到一不高兴就撒欢到处跑,这真的是远古?怎么看都不科学,这是不是那里有些不对?陶夭夭看着围绕着她撒欢争着抢着要与她做朋友的果树,叹了一口气,连她自己也变得不正常了起来,她竟然能听懂树语了,算了,还是先填饱肚子吧!书友交流群:677342385,大家快到碗里来吧
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