

"Did doo dum, dee dum, doo dum Di doo dum, doo dum dee."So sang Mr.Keeler.Then he broke off his solo as the little mare turned in between a pair of high wooden posts bordering a drive, jogged along that drive for perhaps fifty feet, and stopped beside the stone step of a white front door.Through the arched window above that door shone lamplight warm and yellow.

"Whoa!" commanded Mr.Keeler, most unnecessarily.Then, as if himself a bit uncertain as to his exact whereabouts, he peered out at the door and the house of which it was a part, afterward settling back to announce triumphantly: "And here we be! Yes, sir, here we be!"Then the door opened.A flood of lamplight poured upon the buggy and its occupants.And the boy saw two people standing in the doorway, a man and a woman.

It was the woman who spoke first.It was she who had opened the door.The man was standing behind her looking over her shoulder--over her head really, for he was tall and broad and she short and slender.

"Is it--?" she faltered.

Mr.Keeler answered."Yes, ma'am," he declared emphatically, "that's who 'tis.Here we be--er--er--what's-your-name--Edward.

Jump right out."

His passenger alighted from the buggy.The woman bent forward to look at him, her hands clasped.

"It--it's Albert, isn't it?" she asked.

The boy nodded."Yes," he said.

The hands unclasped and she held them out toward him."Oh, Albert," she cried, "I'm your grandmother.I--"The man interrupted."Wait till we get him inside, Olive," he said."Come in, son." Then, addressing the driver, he ordered:

"Labe, take the horse and team out to the barn and unharness for me, will you?""Ye-es, yes, yes," replied Mr.Keeler."Yes indeed, Cap'n.Take her right along--right off.Yes indeedy.Git dap!"He drove off toward the end of the yard, where a large building, presumably a barn, loomed black against the dark sky.He sang as he drove and the big man on the step looked after him and sniffed suspiciously.

Meanwhile the boy had followed the little woman into the house through a small front hall, from which a narrow flight of stairs shot aloft with almost unbelievable steepness, and into a large room.Albert had a swift impression of big windows full of plants, of pictures of ships and schooners on the walls, of a table set for four.

"Take your things right off," cried his grandmother."Here, I'll take 'em.There! now turn 'round and let me look at you.Don't move till I get a good look."He stood perfectly still while she inspected him from head to foot.

"You've got her mouth," she said slowly."Yes, you've got her mouth.Her hair and eyes were brown and yours are black, but--but I THINK you look like her.Oh, I did so want you to! May I kiss you, Albert? I'm your grandmother, you know."With embarrassed shyness he leaned forward while she put her arms about his neck and kissed him on the cheek.As he straightened again he became aware that the big man had entered the room and was regarding him intently beneath a pair of shaggy gray eyebrows.

Mrs.Snow turned.

"Oh, Zelotes," she cried, "he's got Janie's mouth, don't you think so? And he DOES look like her, doesn't he?"Her husband shook his head."Maybe so, Mother," he said, with a half smile."I ain't a great hand for locatin' who folks look like.How are you, boy? Glad to see you.I'm your grandfather, you know."They shook hands, while each inspected and made a mental estimate of the other.Albert saw a square, bearded jaw, a firm mouth, gray eyes with many wrinkles at the corners, and a shock of thick gray hair.The eyes had a way of looking straight at you, through you, as if reading your thoughts, divining your motives and making a general appraisal of you and them.

Captain Zelotes Snow, for his part, saw a tall young fellow, slim and straight, with black curly hair, large black eyes and regular features.A good-looking boy, a handsome boy--almost too handsome, perhaps, or with just a touch of the effeminate in the good looks.

The captain's glance took in the well-fitting suit of clothes, the expensive tie, the gold watch chain.

"Humph!" grunted Captain Zelotes."Well, your grandma and I are glad to have you with us.Let me see, Albert--that's your right name, ain't it--Albert?"Something in his grandfather's looks or tone aroused a curious feeling in the youth.It was not a feeling of antagonism, exactly, but more of defiance, of obstinacy.He felt as if this big man, regarding him so keenly from under the heavy brows, was looking for faults, was expecting to find something wrong, might almost be disappointed if he did not find it.He met the gaze for a moment, the color rising to his cheeks.

"My name," he said deliberately, "is Alberto Miguel Carlos Speranza."Mrs.Snow uttered a little exclamation."Oh!" she ejaculated.And then added: "Why--why, I thought--we--we understood 'twas 'Albert.' We didn't know there was--we didn't know there was any more to it.What did you say it was?"Her grandson squared his shoulders."Alberto Miguel Carlos Speranza," he repeated."My father"--there was pride in his voice now--"my father's name was Miguel Carlos.Of course you knew that."He spoke as if all creation must have known it.Mrs.Snow looked helplessly at her husband.Captain Zelotes rubbed his chin.

"We--ll," he drawled dryly, "I guess likely we'll get along with 'Albert' for a spell.I cal'late 'twill come more handy to us Cape folks.We're kind of plain and everyday 'round here.Sapper's ready, ain't it, Mother? Al must be hungry.I'm plaguey sure _I_am."

"But, Zelotes, maybe he'd like to go up to his bedroom first.He's been ridin' a long ways in the cars and maybe he'd like to wash up or change his clothes?""Change his clothes! Lord sakes, Olive, what would he want to change his clothes this time of night for? You don't want to change your clothes, do you, boy?""No, sir, I guess not."

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